Jakob Johan Demant


  • Øster Farimagsgade 5

    1353 København K

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Office hours: Monday 11-12 in room 16.0.87 

Demant researches online/digital deviance from the perspective of microsociology, criminology, and digital sociology. In recent years, he has developed considerable expertise in the field of digital methods and has within his publications been part of describing how digital practices are both embedded, embodied and everyday live. He has also developed innovative new mixed methods methodological protocols for exploring digital deviance and encrypted crimes and was among the first scholars to make use of scraped platform data to understand Dark Net Drug dealing (Published 2018 in trends in Organized Crime). Recently he has addressed the social problem of imaged based abuse in publications that explain the logics of markets (2020, accepted in First Monday). Earlier works includes much-cited qualitative analysis of Young people’s alcohol use. Importantly he has a strong record of accomplishment in supervising young scholars leading them to PhD stipendiums in Denmark, Europe and beyond. Demant is part of the Culture and Civil Society researcher group at the Department. 

Demant runs the Microsociology of Online Deviance lab, where we runs two research projects. We invite master students to work on our data and with our ethical protocols, data structure etc. See mere here  


Personal Information

Jakob Demant, PhD
Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen

Øster Farimagsgade 5, Bld. 16, DK-1014 Copenhagen K

[email protected], MOB +45 81742074

ORCID         0000-0003-3333-224X


Citations (based on google scholar): 2374

H-Index: 25



University of Copenhagen, Department of Sociology, PhD 2008.

University of Copenhagen, Department of Sociology, Cand. Scient. Soc. 2003.

University of Copenhagen, Department of Sociology, BA 1997.

University of Copenhagen, Department of Economics, 1th & 2th year. 1993                           

Research Management Course - Uddannelse for forskningsledere, CBS (2011)

Leading Research – University of Copenhagen internal research training, (2022)


Employment (research):

Associate Professor (2014-). University of Copenhagen, Department of Sociology

Associate Professor (2011-2014). Aarhus University, Department of Psychology, CRF

Assistant Professor (2009-2011), Aarhus University, CRF

Research assistant (2006-2009), Aarhus University, CRF

Research assistant (2003-2006), University of Copenhagen, Department of Sociology,


Positions at University of Copenhagen:

Head of Studies (2021-2023)

Chair of Innovation and Entrepreneurship teachernetwork at UCPH (2020-2021)

Vice head of Department (2020-2020 ultimo)

Leader of the researcher group Culture and civil society at Department of Sociology (2015-2020)

Member of study board, at Department of Sociology (2016-2023)

Member of department-industry advisory board (2017-2022)

Head of PhD Assessment and employment committee (2015; 2017; 2020; 2021)

Head of the specialization on Culture in the Master study program

Representative for Online and Blended learning at Department of Sociology (2016-2018)


Areas of Scientific expertise:

Demant researches online/digital deviance from the perspective of criminology, microsociology, and digital sociology. In recent years he has developed considerable expertise in the field of digital methods, including techniques such as web scraping, machine learning on various types of digital material, and topic modelling on public forums, social media and the darknet. He has also developed innovative new methodological protocols for exploring digital deviance and encrypted crimes. He is the author of more than 50 journal articles on the subject of crime, alcohol, drugs and cryptomarkets.

Demant teaches within Culture, Lifestyle and Everyday life, mixed methods, digital methods and crime and delinquency. His ability to work with novel methods and move between symbolic and interpretative perspectives, cognitive perspectives and personality perspectives can be found in his publication, teaching, and PhD supervision.


Research projects:

Hateful online youth sociality. A digital study of how extreme textual and visual online content is produced and shared. (PI: Demant) (2022fall-) (DFF, €804.000).




EMCDDA (The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction) fast grant for special research on SnapChat Drug dealing. €15000 (2022)

The Digital Economy at Work Integration and Segmentation in Hybrid Labour Markets (PI: A. Ilsøe). Velux Foundation. 2020-2023. €780.000

EC Marie-Skodlowska-Curie. Postdoc-stipendium for Noa Millman. Project on ‘DiverseJust’. €210.000. (PI: Demant) 2019-2022

Youth digital crime and risk (UKAN). (PI: Demant). Funded by Crime Prevention Council (DKR). €67.000 (2017-2018)

Drug dealing on social media within the Nordic countries: The intermixing of technology mediated and local drug dealing practices (NDDSM). (PI: Demant). Funded by NSfK. €150.000 (2017-2018)

Cryptomarkets for Illicit Drugs. (PI: Demant). Understanding the scope of the markets and how the cryptomarkets transforms crimes both online and offline. Funded by The Ministry of Justice Research fund (€100.000) (2016-2017)

The Societal Meanings of the Intoxicated Body: A Qualitative Sociological Study of Alcohol Intoxication, Gender, and Young Adults. (PI:Dr. Hunt, Aarhus University, Co-applicant: Demant) Funded by DFF. (€620.000) (2014-2017)

Handling of Stolen goods within the general Danish Population (PI: Demant.  Funded by the Crime prevention Council (€41.000) (2015 -2016)


Funding application rejected (selected):

Digitale sexkrænkelser fra offerets perspektiv  [Image based sexual abuse – victim perspective] (Offerfonden, €251.000)

CRIMtEch. Center for the study of Crime and Technological Culture (2021, DNRF. Co-applicant)

Seksuelle krænkelser på den digitale arena. Undersøgelse af sociale virkemidler til forebyggelse af digitale overgreb (2020, VELUX, PI.)

Mobile Intervention for Drinking among Danish Youth - A Test across Multiple Digital Platforms (2018, Tryg foundation, PI.)

An immature brain in mature drinking rituals: Dissecting the interplay of personality and situational factors in adolescent alcohol consumption (2017, DFF, PI)


Member of boards and networks:

Arbejdsgruppe om digital adfærd – Ungeprofilundersøgelsen (2023-)

Qualitative Criminology, member of editorial board (2020-)

Addiction Research and Theory (ART), member of editorial board (2017-)

ESA, Qualitative Research network (RN20) (2021-)

American Society of Criminology (2014-)

Youth Profile Survey, member of scientific committee. General survey covering youth from age 12 to 25 on topics on crime, health and drug and alcohol use. 46 municipalities across Denmark participates (2014-)

Working group on Prevention of High alcohol use among youth w/Dr.Tolstrup, Dr.Grønbæk, and Vidensråd for forebyggelse (2017-2019)

TrygFondens Unge+ network. A cross disciplinary research network with the aim at building potential international top research in the arear of youth research. (2016-2021)

ESSD. European Society for Social Drug Research (2015-).

International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research (IDJR), member of editorial board (2014-2019)

Kettil Bruun Society for Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol (KBS) (2006-2019)

Optimization: The self as a laboratory, Advisory group member on Prof. Brogaard (SDU)

Virtual Reality resistance training, Advisory group member on Prof. Stock (SDU)



Nominated for Teacher of the Year at University of Copenhagen (2022)

Crown Princess Mary Center startup funds. [Online miljøers betydning for udvikling og normalisering af en problematisk økonomisk kultur blandt unge] (2023)


Invited talks and keynotes

Keynote speaker at the 61nd Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology, Researcher Conference, 2019. Title: Digital transgressions and technology facilitated crimes. Towards a understanding of logics and consequences of platform based crimes


Invited speaker at Culture, Crime and Control (CCC) at the Department of Sociology, Lund University. Cryptomarkets, Darknet and beyond. The logics and consequences of platform based crimes. 28/9-2022.


Management experience:

As head of studies and vice head of department, Demant has gained substantial experinces with development and dailey operation of the relation between scientific and program based potentials and strains. He has made two substantial changes to the study ordninaces at the BA and MSc programs as has taken part in restructuring how faculty is involved in the program.  Demant has considerable experience leading projects that involve different disciplines and

Methods as well as documented success within his work with study mangement. His former employment in the cross‐disciplinary field of alcohol and drug research has involved working with psychologist, anthropologist and political scientists. He has a strong track record in supervising young scholars, e.g. by facilitating data sprints at the Social Science Lab, Royal Library.


Supervision of post-docs and PhD students.


Dr. Alessandro Moretti, University of Copenhagen, Department of Sociology. 2 year postdoc (from 2023) at Hateful online youth sociality. A digital study of how extreme textual and visual online content is produced and shared.

Dr.Martin Davoren, University of Cork, to obtain a post-soc fellowship based on the project “Alcohol Consumption among University Students: Developing a typology to tailor effective research, policy and interventions”.

  1. Noa Milman, Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology University of Massachusetts, Amherst (USA), ERC Marie Curie post-doc fellowship.


PhD students:

Jonatan Mizrahi-Werner. MSc in Sociology. Project title: Picturing Transgression – Developing Microsociological Explanations of Transgressive Meme-Sharing (2022nov-)

Former PhD students:

Silje Ankerdal Bakken, MSc in Criminology. Project title: Risk and trust building in open online drug markets.

Sidsel Kirstine Harder, MSc in Sociology. Project title: The sociology of shared sexual stories - a study of young people using, producing and abusing everyday pornography. Received an EliteForsk travel stipendium 2019.

Laura Marie Schierff (co-supervisor), MSc in Sociology (Scolarship at KU, faculity of law). Project title: Animating crime: An online qualitative inquiry into the economy of child sex dolls and animated child sexual abuse material.

Jacob Stradell MSc Sociology, Title thesis “Culture-Cognition Interaction: Bridging Cultural Sociology and Cognitive Science” (2014-2017)

Merete Poulsen, MSc in Psychology (2012-2015). Thesis title: “Beruselsesfænomener, subjecter og kroppe. Rusmiddelbrug blandt kvinder I forhold til kvinder”, AU. It is a qualitative study infomed primaily with post-structural and posthumanistisk theory

Ditte Andersen, MSc in Sociology (2011-2014). Title: “Change work in drug treatment for young people: A micro-sociological investigation of interactions intended to transform”. The study is based on ethnographic work and qualitative interviews in drug treatment institutions with young people.

Visiting PhD-scholars: Yunran Zhang, Department of Sociology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sociology of Crime and Deviance (spring 2019); Josefin Bernhardsson, University of Stockholm, Feminist study of youth drinking (spring 2013) & Ella Dilkes-Frayne, Monash University, Melbourne (Summer 2013).

Examinations of PhD dissertations: Morten W. Jørgensen, University of Copenhagen, Dietary Change Toward Less Meat Consumption for
assessment- A qualitative investigation of dietary
change in everyday food practices. Theresa Dyrvig Henriksen, University of Copenhagen, “On The Complexities Of Sex Selling” (2020). Ola Røed Bilgrei, Oslo University, “Drugs and Community on the Internet" (2019). Casssandra J.C.C. Wright, Monash University "A mobile phone intervention for reducing alcohol consumption delivered during drinking events: development, testing and translation" (2017). Tobias Bornakke, Depatment of Sociology, University of Copenhagen “Transactional Data Experiments. On the calibration of digital traces for sociological use” (2017). Kirstin Bruvik, Oslo University, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, “Everybody is drunk Street-level alcohol policy in Oslo”; Josefine Bernhardsson, University of Stockholm, Department of Sociology, “Normalitetens gräenser. En fokusgruppestudie om alkoholkultur(er), genus- och åldersskapande”; Nicola Thomson, Curtin University, Faculty of Health Science, Australia, “Making Methamphetamine: Enacting a Drug and its Consumers in Scientific Accounts, Personal Narratives and Service Provision”; Silje Louise Dahl, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap, “Ein forskjell som gjer ein forskjell? Forteljingar om cannabisbruk”.


Disssimination: 100+ presentations for professionals in crime prevention, Youth at risk workers etc. Within the recent year for The Criminal law society (Kriminalistforeningen), Annual meeting for Crime prevention workers (SSP Sammenslutningen) and Addiction knowledge (KABS Viden). Numours national TV, Radio and newpaper attendences and few international.


Teaching (current):

SSP Modul III, Socialstyrelsen. Udvikling af sociale interventioner I kriminalitets og risiko adfærd. This course trains SSP personal with strategic functions to design interventions based on scientific methods. The aim of the course is to open and enhance the toolbox within SSP and provide possibilities to see more effective and tested interventions in arears of crime and deviance. 


Interventionsdesign: Ændring af adfærd i praksis [Interventiondesigns. Change of behaviour in practice]. In this course you develops and presents a intervention design for a case-holder. The purpose of the intervention is that it changes a specific problematic behaviour for a concrete target group. For a case: https://www.soc.ku.dk/sociologi-erhvervssamarbejde/workshop-til-rigshospitalets-servicemedarbejdere/

Advanced Culture, Lifestyle and Everyday Life. In this course we critically review a range key theoretical perspectives and empirical studies, each contributing to a sociological understanding of sociocultural problems within contemporary society. The course relates to but also seeks to move beyond existing understandings of what sociocultural phenomena are and how they can be empirically studied within a cultural sociology framework.


Avanceret kvalitativ dataanalyse. Her vil der være fokus på de specifikke aspekter af analysen. Dette knytter an til de designmæssige overvejelser i Mixed Methods kurset. Kvalitative data af alle typer er rige data. Derfor kan man som sociolog analysere de samme kvalitative data fra flere forskellige teoretiske perspektiver og ved hjælp af flere forskellige specifikke metoder og analytiske tiltag.


  • Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • ungdom
  • rusmiddler
  • kriminalitet
  • Mixed methods
  • fokusgruppeinterview
  • kultursociologi
  • Kriminalitet
  • Prevention
  • kriminalitetsforebyggelse
  • Criminology
  • Digitale metoder
  • Dark net

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