Billede af Jakob Magid
  • Kilde: Scopus
1992 …2024

Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation


Jeg er lektor på Institut for Jordbrugsvidenskab, Det Biovidenskabelige Fakultet, Københavns Universitet og har i de sidste 15 år været ansat på Den Kgl. Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole i forskellige funktioner med relation til jord – og plante videnskab med særlig henblik på miljømæssige konsekvenser af landbrugets praksis.

Grundlæggende handler mit videnskabelige arbejde om næringsstof cykluser og balance, biologisk fertilitet og forskellige tilhørende processer i et bredt spektre fra molekylær skala til systemisk niveau, fra mikro- og meso kosmos i laboratoriet til mark studier helt op til regionale skala.

Gennem årene har jeg bygget et stort interdisciplinært netværk op af samarbejdspartnere, nationale som internationale, fra biologer og jordbrugsforsker til teknikere, antropologer og samfundsvidenskabelige eksperter.




Jakob Magid


Plant and Soil Science Section, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen (KU), Thorvaldsensvej 40,

DK-1871 Frederiksberg C, Copenhagen, Telephone: (+45) 35283491;

Telefax: (+45) 35283460, E-mail: [email protected]

Before 1/1-2007: The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL)



1986: M.Sc. from The Royal Vet. and Agric. Univ., Copenhagen 1991: Ph.D. in Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition


Managing Director for the Danish University Consortium (KVL / KU / RUC) on

Sustainable Land Use and Natural Resource Management (SLUSE) since 1998.

Associate professor in Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition at KVL since 1995, and assistant professor at the same place since 1991. Research fellow at DLO-Institute for Agrobiology and Soil Fertility, Wageningen, 1993-1994. Researcher at the National Environmental Research Institute 1986-1991


Experience with fund raising, research management and coordination based on receipt of 72 million DK kr. [29 mill. DK kr. (3.9 mill. €) in research funding and

43 mill. DK kr. (5.7 mill. €) for educational capacity building] from sources outside the University. See table below.


Nutrient and waste management in land based production systems, with an emphasis on Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus. In recent years emphasis has been placed on detailed studies of decomposition processes, and on a larger scale the possibilities and barriers for increased nutrient and organic matter recycling from urban to peri-urban areas.


During the past 10 years responsible for the University Consortium on Sustainable Land Use and Natural Resource Management. This project has led to the development of educational activities (Masters and Honours programmes) and research (staff development and PhD programmes) in Denmark, Malaysia, Thailand and Southern Africa. The activities are still ongoing, and this year the 1000th Honours/Masters student will be taken into the programme as revealed by the 'Global SLUSE Tracer Study'.


Teaching and course development experience from undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate courses and currently responsible for supervision of 3 PhD students, 3 MSc. Thesis students, 1 Post Doc. and 1 scientific assistant. (see appendix)


Deputy Chairman of KVL's Board for Developing Countries (2000-2005), Member from 1997-1999. Academic representative in KVL's internationalisation board (2002-2005) Deputy Chairman of DAKOFA's working group for organic waste since 2004


Member of the board for Danida's Research Network for Environment and Development Member of the board for Danish Network for Land System Science Member of the Scientific Committee on ORBIT's 5th international Conference 'Biological Waste Management - From Local to Global'


Manuscript reviewer for 10 international scientific journals Proposal reviewer for Scandinavian and European granting agencies


1 Monograph. 53 full-length papers in anonymously refereed journals. 11 invited chapters in refereed books. The publications have been cited >575 times (as per August 25th 2006 according to ISI - Web of Sciences).

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