Billede af Jan Gustafsson

Jan Gustafsson


  • Emil Holms Kanal 6

    2300 København S

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Associate Professor, PhD in Latin American and Hispanic studies. Main areas: Latin American culture, literature and history



Academic degrees:

Ph.D. at CBS, 1999

MA in Spanish Philology at University of Copenhagen, 1983.

Current position:

Associate Professor, Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Centre for Latin American Studies. University of Copenhagen

Previous positions:

2005-2012 Associate Professor, Department of International Culture and Communication Studies (IKK) and Director, Center for the Study of the Americas, Copenhagen Business School.

2001-2004: Assistant Professor, Department for FIRST (French, Italian, Russian, Spanish, and German) and Center for the Study of the Americas, Copenhagen Business School.

1999-2000: Associate Professor at the University of Southern Denmark (Odense) (temporary appointment for one year), Department of History and Center for Spansk (Hispanic Studies).

1999: Post. Doc. (temporary position), Department of FIRST, Copenhagen Business School.

1995-98: Ph.D. studies, Department of Spanish/ FIRST, Copenhagen Business School

1989-1995: Part time teacher/external lecturer at the Department of Roman Languages (Spanish), University of Copenhagen.

1990-1994: External lecturer at Center for Spansk, University of Odense (later U. of Southern Denmark)

1987-1994: Part time teacher/External Lecturer at Department of Spanish, CBS.

Conference Organization:

Organizer or co-organizer of seminars or conferences:

Member of the Executive Committee for the Alexander von Humboldt Conference on Travel Literature to and from Latin America, Arcata, California 2001.

Conference on Subjectivity, CBS 2004 (part of the activities of the Danish Network for Culture and Language). (Co-organizer)

Conference:  ‘The Nation in Latin America’, CBS 2005.

Conference: Nation and Utopia in Latin America, CBS 2007.

Conference: New Thinking of Citizenship, Power and Public Space in Latin America”, University of Roskilde, DK, June 2009. (Co-organizer)

Conference: 5th NOLAN (Nordic Latin American Research Network) Conference. University of Copenhagen and CBS, Nov. 2010. (Co-organizer).

Seminar: Latin America at its Borders – Legality, Illegality and Transgression, CBS, September 2011. (Co-organizer). 

Co-organizer of the annual Festival of Hispanic Literature since 2014

Co-organizer of symposium on: Literaturas del yo en el contexto hispánico. KU/UCph. 6/12/18

Co-organizer of symposium on: Utopia in Latin America. KU/UCph. 11/12/18

Ph.D. Supervision and Assessment:

President of Ph.D. Jury (candidate: Klavs Odgaard Christensen. Theme: Language and National Identity in Canada and Switzerland) CBS 2004

Supervision of Ph.D. dissertation completed at the CBS, 2008 (Juntos pero no revueltos.

Un estudio de transnacionalismo y asimilación, by Helene Balslev Clausen.)

Secondary supervisor for Ph.D. dissertation at University of Roskilde and the CBS, completed 2011 (At the Pace of Cassiopeia: Being, Non-Being, Human Rights, and Development, by Julia Suárez Krabbe).

Supervision: Undocumented Migration, Education and Human Rights (Latin Americans in the US). Doctoral student: Elisabeth Benedict Christensen.

Member of assessment committee for the following Ph.D. dissertation at Bergen University, Norway: Representasjoner av målspråksområdet i fremmedspråksfaget. En studie av Latin-Amerika i lærebøker i spansk. Doctoral student: Liv Eide. Defence: June 25 and 26, 2012.

Administrative Functions and Other Activities:  

Director, Center for the Study of the Americas, since July 2010.

Coordinator of Research Group, “Area Studies”, at Dpt. IKK, CBS 2007-10.

Member of Jury regarding position as Assistant Professor in Spanish and Latin American Studies at the University of Aalborg, 2007.

Member of Jury, Assistant Professorship in Latin American Studies, University of Aarhus, 2009.

Member of editorial boards: Graphen (Mexico), 2002-4, Diálogos Latinoamericanos (University of Aarhus), since 2008.

Co-president of the Danish Network for Researchers on Latin America (LA-Net), 2010-11.

Member of Jury regarding a position in Latin American Area Studies at UiO (University of Oslo). Final assessment and ranking of candidates to be handed in by late June, 2012. Other members of the Jury: Steinar Sæther, UiO, and Mona Rosendahl, Stockholm University.

Frequent commentator on Latin American issues in radio, newspapers and TV, especially at DR and TV2 (around 200 media activities, mainly radio and TV interviews, since 2003. For detailed information, see Publication List.)

Main Research Areas:

  • Latin American culture, including popular culture, literature, and political culture
  • Utopian thinking and discourse in Latin America
  • Identity constructions in Latin America
  • Latino communities in the US (especially Cubans)
  • Theory on identity and culture
  • Semiotics
  • Photographi image and narrative text
  • Music and subjectivity in Latin America



Other Work Experience (Not part of University CV)

Literary Translations:

  • Angeles Mastretta: Tag mit liv (original: Arráncame la vida), 1988, Tiden, Copenhagen
  • Osvaldo Soriano: En beskidt, lille krig (original: No habrá más penas ni olvido), 1990, Tiden, Copenhagen
  • Javier Marías: Et hjerte så hvidt (original: Corazón tan blanco), 1993, Gyldendal, Copenhagen
  • Javier Marías: Følelsesmennesket (original: Un hombre sentimental), 1994, Gyldendal, Copenhagen

Literary Production:

  • Havana Moon. 1992, Cicero, Copenhagen
  • Sommerfuglens skrig. 1993, Cicero, Copenhagen
  • Memorias de la utopía - Cuba en los 80 y 90, Aurora Boreal, Copenhagen 2017. 
  • Stille flyder Havanas gader, Forlaget Apuleius Æsel, Cph. 2019. 
  • Pandemia, Apuleius' Æsel, 2022. 


Kort præsentation

Lektor, PhD, i Latinamerikastudier og hispanisme. Hovedområder: Latinamerikansk kultur, litteratur og historie. 


Primære forskningsområder

Latinamerikansk og spansk litteratur

Latinamerikansk kultur, herunder politisk kultur, musik, film og litteratur. 

Utopi som begreb og fænomen. 

Kultur- og identitetsteori 

Aktuel forskning

Fotografi i narrative tekster. Teori og empirisk studium. 

Musik, utopi og revolution i Cuba. 

Revolutionære og utopiske projekter i Latinamerika. 

Subjektivitet og musik i Latinamerika. 

Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder

Latinamerika: historie, kultur, litteratur. 

Spansksproget litteratur. 

Nation og identitet i Latinamerika. 

Generelt latinamerikanske samfundsforhold, herunder aktuelle politiske forhold, de nye venstrebevægelser, oprindelige folks bevægelser, feminisme, ideer om menneske-natur relationer. 

Træffetid: Torsdag 12-14


  • Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • Latinamerika
  • Kultur
  • Identitet
  • semiotik
  • billede og tekst
  • Utopi
  • Cuba

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