Personlig profil

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Jens Ladefoged Mortensen teach International Relations and International Political Economy, and does research on the WTO and the external relations of the EU with special focus on the EU as the trade power, including EU’s institutional set-up of the trade policy process and diplomacy; its legal activities in relation to the WTO’s Dispute Settlement System; EU’s use of competitiveness-driven and other trade-protecting policies. In addition he does research on Europe’s bilateral relations and geopolitical strategies in particular to the US, China and many developing countries (including the TTIP negotiations). He has recently been associated to University of Warwick in connection with the EU Framework 7 project Global Re-ordering: Evolution through European Networks (GR:EEN), responsible of the trade component in the sub-work package on Trade and Finance. This project focuses on the political and institutional consequences of the Global Europe trade agreements.  He has furthermore taken a research interest in the new IPE, bridging mainstream constructivism with IPE, such as linking the financial crisis to the politics of the housing bubble or the misclassification of trade finance in the Basel process.  

Primære forskningsområder


Key words: International Political Eocnomy, International trade, EU external relations.

His latest research revolves around the application of new IPE approaches to the study of EU trade politics and related areas such as the geopolitics and competitiveness of the EU, the new EU bilateral trade agreements (TTIP), understandings of power in economic globalization, and the relationship between global trade, development  and environmental governance (EGA negotiations).

Citations according to  

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Undergraduate teaching:

  • Introduction to International Relations (IP), Political Science, University of Copenhagen: Neoliberalism, Institutionalism, International Political Economy, Development theories

  • Introduction to Political Science (PG), Political Science, University of Copenhagen

  • BA supervision    

Postgraduate teaching:

  • Global Environmental Governance, LIFE/MSc in Climate, University of Copenhagen: International Relations theories, Global Economic Governance, Sustainable trade (teacher and examiner)

  • Political Risk Analysis, Political Science, University of Copenhagen (guest lecturer)  

  • The politics and governance of the WTO, Political Science, University of Copenhagen (course organiser, teacher and examiner)

  • The EU as a global actor, Political Science, University of Copenhagen (course organiser, teacher and examiner)

Administrative responsibilities: 

Section coordinator of International Relations, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen


Academic qualifications

1995 – 2002                        Ph. D., European University Institute, Firenze

1993 – 1994                        M.A. (Econ.), University of Manchester, UK

1989 – 1995                        Cand. Scient. Pol., Aarhus, Denmark



Administrative responsibilities

2010 -                                

Section coordinator for International Relations, Organizer of the IPE Group, member of Ph. D. Committee, member of CEP steering committee, Department of Political Science.


Research funding  


EU framework 7 project:Global Re-ordering: Evolution through European Networks (GR:EEN) sub-work package on Trade and Finance (University of Warwick/CBS)


Danish Social Science Council research grant, project “EU Leadership in the Governance of Globalization: The impact of EU norms and visions in EU external commercial policies”

2001 – 2004                       

Danish Social Science Research Council post-doc fellowship, Project:  “WTO in the Governance of Trade and the Environment”

1999 – 2000                       

Danish Social Science Council research grant: “Uneven Globalization Statehood and World Order”



Recent teaching experiences

BA level:                          

“International Relations” (2005-10, 2012-), “Introduction to Political Science” (Politologisk Grundkursus) (2011-12), BA thesis course (2009, 2011), master dissertation course (2012)


Postgraduate level:         

WTO governance and politics (2009, 2012), EU global relations (2009-10), Global Environmental Governance (LIFE/KU) (2009 -), Political Risk Analysis (2014-)   



Public speaker, guest lecturer and public debate participation at various universities and think thanks, including Copenhagen Business School, University of Aarhus, Roskilde University, University of Aalborg, Folkeuniversitet, DIIS, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, DEO, Foreign Ministry of Denmark, amongst others.

External reviewer for various IPE-related international journals, including Review of International Political Economy.

Commissioned external examiner in business studies and political science (Erhvervsøkonomisk Censorkorps).   





Articles (peer reviewed)

Mortensen, J. L. (2012): “Seeing like the WTO: Numbers, Frames and Trade Law”, New Political Economy, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 77-95. 

Mortensen, J. L (2010):” WTO og "det hegemoniske spørgsmål" om stabilitet og vækst i verdensøkonomien”, IP monopolet: tidssskrift for international politik vol. 3, no. 8, pp. 26-29.

Mortensen, J. L. (2009): ”Made in COPenhagen: Design af et holdbart klimaregime i en krisetid”, Tidsskriftet Politik. 12, 1, pp. 63-75

Mortensen, J. L. & Seabrooke, L. (2008): “Housing as Social Right or Means to Wealth? The Politics of Property Booms in Australia and Denmark”, Comparative European Politics (2008) 6, 305–324

Mortensen, J. L. (2000): "The Imperfections of Multilateral Trade Governance: The Institutional Requirements of the WTO in an Era of Globalisation”, European Law Journal, vol. 6, no.2, 2000, pp. 176-204


Book chapters (peer reviewed)

Mortensen. J. L. (2014):  WTO oversight over bilateral agreements: from a notification to an examination process? In The TTIP in a multipolar world - Global impact of an evolving transatlantic relationship, Ed. By J-F Morin, T. Novotna F. Ponjaert, & M. Telò (eds.), Ashgate

Mortensen, J. L.: (2013): Soft Power: Danmarks attraktionsmagt i en globaliseret tidsalder, Kosiara-Pedersen, Nedergaard & Suenson (eds.), Statskundskab i praksis - Klassiske teorier og moderne problemer, Karnov, pp. 211-230

Mortensen, J. L. (2012): ”Effektiv klimaregulering uden sanktioner? Neoliberal institutionalisme, spilteori og klimaregimets konstruktionsfejl”, Friese et al. (eds.), IP i Praksis - Et værktøj til studiet af international politik, Djøf /Jurist- og Økonomforbundet,  pp. 47-61

Mortensen, J. L. (2010): ”Det dobbelte klimadiplomati”, Klimapolitik, Nedergaard, P. & Fristrup, P. (eds.). Kbh. : Djøf / Jurist- og Økonomforbundet pp. 109-133.

Mortensen, J. L. & Seabrooke, L. (2009): “Housing as Social Right or Means to Wealth?: The Fallout of Property Booms in Australia and Denmark”, The Politics of Housing Booms and Busts. Schwartz, H. M. & Seabrooke, L. (eds.). New York : Palgrave Macmillan

Mortensen, J. L. (2009): ”Trade: The WTO, security and globalization”, Globalization and security. Munck, R. & Fagan, H. (red.). Santa Barabra, CA. : Praeger s. 390-409. (Praeger Security International).

Mortensen, J. L. (2009): ”Idealer, interesser og paradigmeskift over et halvt århundrede”, EU's udviklingspolitik i perspektiv. Valeur Rasmussen, R. (red.). Kbh. : Den Danske Europabevægelse, pp. 11-18.

Mortensen, J. L. (2006): ‘WTO and the Governance of globalization: Dismantling the Compromise of Embedded Liberalism?’, Richard Stubbs & Geoffrey Underhill (eds.): Political Economy and the Changing Global Order. 3rd edition. Oxford University Press, 2006

Mortensen, J. L. (2003) “Recasting the World Trade Organization” Richard Sandbrook (ed.) Civilizing Globalization – A Survival Guide, SUNY, 2003

Mortensen, J. L. (1998): “The institutional challenges and paradoxes of EU governance in external trade: Coping with the post-hegemonic trading system and the global economy” in Alan Carfuny & Patrick Peters (eds.), The Union and the World, Kluwer Academic Publishers



Mortensen, J. L (2002): Multilateral Trade Governance in an Era of Globalization: WTO Legalism and its Limitations, Ph.D. dissertation, Florence: European University Institute, , 2002

Non-refereed publications  

Mortensen, J. L (2014): “Responding to new powers: The EU and global trade policy”, European Policy Brief,  co-authored with Megan Dee, GR:EEN/EUF7 Project, University of Warwick,

Mortensen, J. L (2011): ”Turbulens og troværdighed i europæisk udenrigspolitik”, 29. march 2011,

Mortensen, J. L (2010): ”Kan WTO følge med?”, Raeson. 1, pp. 62-63

Mortensen, J.L. (2009), ”Danmark som overlevelsesstat: Anmeldelse af Lars Bo Kaspersen: Danmark i Verden. Hans Reitzel, 2008”, Økonomi & Politik, vol. 82, nr. 2, s. 72-74..

Mortensen, J. L (2003) “The GMO War: A Fundamental Blunder", Jean Monet Newsletter, 2003, No. 14, pp. 25-37

Mortensen, J. L (2003): “Book review:  Steward Patrick & Shepard Forman (eds.) Multilateralism and US Foreign Policy – Ambivalent Engagement’, Conflict and Coorperation, vol. 38, no. 1, 2003, pp. 76-77. 

Mortensen, J. L (1999) The WTO and the Governance of Globalisation: Towards a Global Polity?, Research paper, Institute of Political Science, University of Aarhus, December 1999.

Mortensen, J. L (1997): Institutional Changes in the Governance of International Trade Relations: Neo-institutionalism and Governance Approaches in International Trade, Occasional paper No. 28, Human Capital and Mobility Network, Brussels, 1997


Recent activities: media appearances


  • EU og USA's frihandelsplaner gør ondt på udviklingslandene, EuropaMagasinet, 11 Nov 2013
  • G8 topmødet og starten på TTIP forhandlingerne, DR2, 17.6.2013
  • TTIP forhandlinger og dansk eksport, Tv2NEWS, 22. 5. 13
  • Stor vilje for at få frihandelsaftale på plads, DR2 Deadline, 10 Mar 2014
  • DK's og EU's energi og klimapolitik, TV2 News, 17 Apr 2012


  • EU sanktioner mod Iran, P1 Morgen, 4 Jan 2012
  • EU’s handelspolitik, P1, 2 Jul 2013,
  • Vi oplever flere handelskrige, P1, 23 Aug 2013
  • Forslag fra unge ignoreret på topmøde, P1, Europa Lige Nu, 17 Nov 2013
  • Frihandelsaftale imellem USA og EU, Orientering P1, 2 Dec 2013
  • Krigen i Ukraine kan ændre den globale handelsorden, P1 Orientering, 19 Aug 2014
  • Kritik: Ny frihandelsaftale skader demokratiet, P1 Orientering, 8 Aug 2014
  • TTIP, Radio Update, 8 Dec 2014
  • Handelskrige og økonomiske magtforskydninger, P1, 23 Aug 2013.
  • TTIP forhandlinger efter spionskandalen, P1 Morgen, 2. Jun 2013
  • Interne uenigheder om handelspolitisk strategi, P1 Morgen, 21 Feb 2013

Printed media

Recent activities: Policy impact and public dissemination

Responding to Crises: Perspectives on the European Union, GR:EEN Policy Workshop, participant, 28 Oct 2014, House of Lords, London

TTIP study trip, participant and speaker, sponsored by U.S. State Department,. Selected by the Embassy to the United States in Denmark, Washington DC, April-May 2014

FEPS roundtable on TTIP, participant, Washington DC. 20-22. October, 2014.    

EU: stormagt eller museum, public talk, Folkeuniversitet, SDU/Kolding, 22. okt. 2014

SPILLET OM VERDENSHANDLEN, DEO Debatmøde, panellist and speaker, 11. Sep 2014,

Fair Handel og Frihandel? Lancering af Danmarks handlingsplan for sammenhængende politikker for global udvikling "En fælles dagsorden"”, Udenrigsministeriet, panellist and speaker, 16. juni 2014

Det europæiske perspektiv på den transatlantiske frihandelsaftale (TTIP) mellem EU og USA”. panellist and speaker, 19. februar 2014. Seminar organiseret af Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier (DIIS).

MS-debat med Nick Hækkerup (S) om WTO ministerrådsmøde”, panellist and speaker, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, 28 Nov 2013,


Refereed proceedings


  • TTIP, an economic NATO? Threat perceptions, security framings and strategic reorientations in the revitalized transatlantic trading alliance. Paper to be presented at the 56th ISA Annual Convention in, New Orleans, USA, February 18th-21st 2015.
  • The game changer: The TTIP as a contested, strategic ‘necessity’, paper to be presented at 2015 Biennial Conference of the European Union Studies Association (EUSA), Boston, March 5-7 2015


  • Revitalizing the WTO? Paper presented at the 4th GR:EEN - GEM PhD SUMMER SCHOOL 31 August - 5 September 2014, Institut d’Etudes Européennes Université Libre de Bruxelles 
  • Despite Doha, Despite TTIP: The constitutive powers of the WTO.  ‘Global Re-ordering and Bretton Woods: Compromise, Dissensus and Europe’s Regulatory Role’, GR:EEN Workshop, University of Warwick, 17 - 18 March 2014
  • Europe and the multipolarization of the global trade complex. University of Warwich, 21 February 2014


  • The new EU trade agreements and the multipolarization of the global trade order. DSE Conference 2013, 26-7th September, Roskilde University. 
  • The clash of the Basel and Geneva paths of global economic governance: Reconciling regulatory flexibility and financial stability in the treatment of trade finance in Basel III. 54th ISA Annual Convention in San Francisco, April 3rd - 6th, 2013.


  • The clash of the Basel and Geneva paths of global economic governance: Reconciling growth, flexibility and stability concerns in the treatment of trade finance in Basel III. IPEG conference, University of Birmingham, 10-12 October 2012. 


  • Shocks, paths and trade politics: Exploring the regime complex in the governance of trade finance. Paper resented at ECPR Research Session on ‘Opportunities and Constraints in Reshaping Global Economic Governance: Change Agents and Veto Players’, European University Institute, May 25-28, 2011
  • Constructing A Lawyers’ Paradise: On The Constitutionalisation Of The WTO and The Transformation Of The EU Trade Polity. 52nd ISA Annual Convention, Montreal, March 16th - 19th, 2011.


  • The greening of EU trade diplomacy: Towards a strategic analysis? ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Lisbon University Institute, 14 - 19 April 2009


  • Seeing Like the WTO on Legalization. 49th Annual ISA Convention San Francisco, CA. , March 26th-29th, 2008


  • The EU in the WTO: Balancing realism and activism in global trade diplomacy.48th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association Chicago, February 27th-March 3rd 2007.
  • ”Do Pocketbooks Drive Politics When Mortgage Belts Tighten? Comparing the Politics of Property Booms in Australia and Denmark”, co-authored with Leonard Seabrooke. 48th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association Chicago, February 27th-March 3rd 2007.


  • ‘The Yes Minister Effect: Delegated leadership and international bureaucrats in international institutional bargaining’. Co-authored with Derek Beach. 47th Annual ISA Convention, San Diego, 22-25 March.


  • Paper presentation at International and Comparative Political Economy panel, NOPSA, Reykavik, 11-13 August 2005.


  • ‘European Transnationals in WTO Dispute settlement: Irrational trade wars or ‘competitive’ globalisation?  Second Pan-European Conference Standing Group on EU Politics, Bologna, 24-26 June.


  • ‘EU Eco-trade Diplomacy: Lessons from the Biosafety Protocol’. 44th Annual ISA Convention, Portland, 25 February – 1 March.
  • ‘WTO - et bidrag til Global Governance?’. Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, 10 May
  • Bound to Lead? The Biosafety Protocol, the GMO war, and the evolving EU eco-trade diplomacy, DSE annual meeting. University of Aalborg, September 2003
  • Defending the EU precautionary approach: the EU diplomacy on GMO issues, Paper, CEEISA/ISA International Convention, Central European University, Budapest. June 26-28, 2003.
  • Dilemmas of democratizing the World Trade Organization. Workshop on Democracy and Globalisation, Gammel Vrå Slot, 4 -5 May, 2003


  • The EU Precautionary Approach in the Biosafety Protocol and the WTO: Towards an eco-trade policy? 1st pan European Conference of European Union Politics. Bordeaux, 26-28 sept 2002.


  • The Globalisation of the Biotechnology Industry: The impact of the World Trade Organisation on the Biosafety Protocol, ISA Convention, Hong Kong, July 2001
  • Transnational governance of biotechnology business: The WTO and the Preservation of Global Biodiversity. 5th Nordic Environmental Research Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, June 2001.
  • The EU Precautionary Principle: An adequate tool for the governance of biotechnology?, paper presented at ‘Coping with complexity and uncertainty: Self-regulation and cooperative environmental management”, Salzburg (September 2001). Co-organizer of the conference.

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Træffetid: Tirsdag 10 - 12