Personlig profil


Born January 11, 1969, in Elsinore, Denmark. Married, two children.

Education and university degrees

1987: ’Studentereksamen’, Holte Gymnasium, Denmark.

1997: MD, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

2005: DMSc, University of Copenhagen (ISBN 87-990801-0-9).

2008: Medical Specialist in clinical biochemistry.

2012: Adjunct professor in cardiovascular endocrinology, University of Aarhus, Denmark.

2016: Visiting Scientist at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA.

2017: Professor at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Copenhagen University, Denmark.


1993 - 1995:   Scholarship, the Danish Cancer Society.

1997 - 1998:   Internship, Hvidovre Hospital, Denmark.

1998 - 1999:   Introductory position, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Rigshospitalet, Denmark.

1999 - 2000:   Introductory position, Department of Medicine, Rigshospitalet, Denmark.

2000 - 2003:   Research assistant, Rigshospitalet, Denmark.

2003 - 2005:   Teaching position, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Rigshospitalet, Denmark.

2005 - 2006:   Senior resident, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Rigshospitalet, Denmark.

2006 - 2007:   Senior resident, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Skåne University Hospital, Malmø, Sweden.

2007 - 2007:   Senior resident, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Rigshospitalet, Denmark.

2007 - 2008:   Senior resident, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Bispebjerg Hospital, Denmark.

2008 - 2009:   Staff physician/fellow, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Rigshospitalet, Denmark.

2007 - 2014:   External associate professor, Department of Health Sciences, Copenhagen University, Denmark.

2013 - 2017:   Consultant in charge of research, Metropolitan University College, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2009 -:           Chief physician, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Rigshospitalet, Denmark.

2015 -:           Chief physician in charge of education and training of junior doctors, Department of                              Clinical Biochemistry, Rigshospitalet, Denmark.

2017 -:           Editor for “Ugeskrift for Læger”, the weekly Danish medical journal.

Scientific publications

April 2018: 269 publications, including 173 original articles, 41 review articles and letters, 15 editorials, 9 book chapters, and 31 other publications. Of these, 56 publications as first author, 56 as last author, and 17 as single author. Citations 3600; average 13,4; H-index (Web of Science) = 29.

Management and administration

As of 2009 chief physician in charge of the coagulation section, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Rigshospitalet, Denmark. The lab provides its services to the eastern part of Denmark with highly specialized analyses for hemophilia disorders, and for thrombosis disorders on a regional scale, including genetic testing for rare thrombotic disorders. This activity presupposes a close cooperation with the clinical unit in charge of these disorders at Rigshospitalet. As of 2011 financial responsibility for the department’s section for peptide research, currently consisting of three professors, one chief physician, postdocs, PhD students, MSc students, and laboratory technicians. Management training (management of employees, 1 year) via The Capital Region of Denmark, and research management training (0.5 years). Nominated for The Capital Region of Denmark Management Award in 2013.

Teaching and education theory

  • Teacher of gross anatomy to medical students and students of dentistry at the University of Copenhagen (1994-1996).
  • Teacher of anatomy at the rehabilitation center, Karlslunde, Denmark (1999-).
  • Teacher of clinical biochemistry to medical students (1999-) and A-course participants (2006-).
  • Pre-graduate teaching of medical students at the University of Copenhagen for professors at Department of Clinical Biochemistry (2009-) in subjects covering clinical endocrinology and thrombosis and hemostasis.
  • Teacher at PhD courses in cardiology and clinical biochemistry at Aarhus and Copenhagen Universities, respectively (2009-).
  • Course in teaching of adults (1 week).
  • Teacher at seminar on research mediation, the Capital Region of Denmark (2015-).
  • Main responsibility for annual PhD course in science presentation at the University of Copenhagen (2012-).


  • Member of the board of directors of the Øfeldt Center (2010-).
  • Member of the board of directors of Warwara Larsens Fond (2016-).

Research supervisor

Currently supervisor for five PhD students, three future PhD students, and two doctors (PhDs) working on doctoral theses. Have completed the ”SUND Seminar on Responsible Conduct of Research” for PhD supervisors (2015).

  • Supervisor – PhD student Bjarke Follin Larsen (2013-). Topic: Treatment with stem cells in clinical cardiology.
  • Supervisor – PhD student Dijana Terzic (2015-). Topic: Natriuretic peptides and hormones in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Supervisor – PhD student Christina Kjær (2015-). Topic: Molecular characterization of human epileptic tissue.
  • Supervisor – PhD student Lasse Holst Hansen (2016-). Topic: Post-translational modification of natriuretic peptides.
  • Supervisor – PhD student Rune Strandby (2016-). Topic: Natriuretic peptides as markers of fluid hemostasis during surgery.

Formerly supervisor on PhD theses and masters dissertations at Institute of Health Sciences at Copenhagen and Aarhus Universities:

  • Supervisor – Søren Junge Nielsen (PhD defense 2008). Topic: C-type natriuretic peptide, methodology development, characterization of tissue expression, and proCNP as biomarker for prostate cancer. A total of six articles have been published with supervisor as last author.
  • Supervisor – Maren Skau (PhD defense 2010). Topic: Natriuretic peptides in cerebrospinal fluid at idiopathic, elevated intra-cranial pressure. A total of one article has been published with supervisor as co-author.
  • Supervisor – Birgitte Kousholt (PhD defense 2012). Topic: Natriuretic peptides in cardioprotection. A total of two articles have been published with supervisor as last author.
  • Main supervisor – Julie Smith (PhD defense 2012). Topic: Natriuretic peptides in neonatology and congenital heart disease. A total of five articles have been published with main supervisor as last author on three articles.
  • Supervisor – Ingrid Hunter (PhD defense 2013). Topic: Natriuretic peptides in lab animals and at heart disease. A total of three articles have been published with supervisor as last author, followed by seven subsequent articles.
  • Main supervisor – Solvej Lippert (PhD defense 2014). Topic: C-type natriuretic peptide at urogenital disease, including prostate cancer. A total of three articles have been published with main supervisor as last author.
  • Main supervisor – Annette Timm (master’s thesis, defended 2013). Topic: New diagnostic possibilities at von Willebrand’s Disease. A total of five articles have been published with main supervisor as last author on four articles.
  • Main supervisor – Lasse Holst Hansen (master’s thesis, defended 2014). Topic: Glycosylation in the heart with particular emphasis on natriuretic hormones. A total of two articles have been published with main supervisor as last author (ongoing process).
  • Main supervisor – Dijana Terzic (master’s thesis, defended 2015). Topic: The relation between insulin and ANP in the heart. A total of two articles and one book chapter have been published with more articles in preparation.
  • Main supervisor – Kathrine Overgaard Foss Jensen (master’s thesis, defended 2016). Topic: Analyses re. ”novel” anticoagulants. One original article from that.
  • Supervisor – Qasam Ghulam (PhD defense 2018). Topic: The connection between thrombosis and biomarkers at aorta aneurisms. One original publication from this supervision.
  • Supervisor for postdoc Jakob Albrethsen (2014 - 2016).
  • Supervisor for postdoc Ewa Soltysinska (2014 - 2015).
  • Supervisor for postdoc Nora Zois (2012 - 2016).
  • Supervisor for postdoc Julie Smith (2014 - 2016).

 Formerly supervisor for four scholarship students:

  • Medical student Anders Hejmdal Poulsen (natriuretic peptides and cardiogenic shock).
  • Medical student Jesper Madsen (natriuretic peptides and post-translational processing).
  • Medical student Louise Honoré (purification of human N-terminal proBNP).
  • Medical student Signe Eiland (gastrin at ventricular cancer).

Formerly supervisor for “forskningsårsstuderende”, medical student Martin Frydland (chromogranin A at acute myocardial infarct). In addition supervisor on eight ‘OSVAL 2’ assignments (medical student Anders Hejmdal Poulsen, medical student Jesper Madsen, medical student Louise Honoré, medical student Casper Bang, medical student Martin Andersen, medical student Camilla Bardram Johnbeck, medical student Ida Willer, medical student Kirstine Pilgaard Lærum).

Currently supervisor for six bachelor students (Terese Bugge, Simon Larsen, Steven Nybo, Filip Davidovski, Kasper Holst Axelsen, Lukas Posthuma) and two candidate students (Ulrik Andersen, Amalie Jesting).

Scientific nominations

  • Nomination of Christina Christoffersen for ’Jakobinermedaljen’ 2013.
  • Nomination of Dijana Terzic for the ‘Lab Technician of the Year’ award 2015.
  • Nomination of ’Øfeldt Centret’ for ’Vanførefondens Forskerpris’ 2016.
  • Nomination of scientists for the Nobel Prize in medicine and physiology 2016 on invitation from the Assembly.


  • Winner of lecture competition for young cardiologists in Scandinavia (XIX Nordic Congress of Cardiology, Odense 2003; Ugeskr Laeger 2003;165:2923), and 2nd place at the Astrup competition (Nordic Congress in Clinical Chemistry, Malmø 2004; Klinisk Kemi i Norden 2004;16:8-12).
  • Awarded the Christenson-Ceson scholarship (2006).
  • Awarded ‘Jakobinermedaljen’ by ’Selskabet for Teoretisk og Anvendt Medicin’ (2008).
  • Awarded the Research Award of the Odd Fellow Order (2014). 

Scientific opponent/assessor

  • Assessor on PhD thesis at the Institute of Health Sciences at the University of Copenhagen (Bachelor of Medicine Tue Christoffersen, March 2007).
  • Opponent on health scientific doctor’s thesis at Lund University, Sweden (Cecilia Oslakovic, June 2010).
  • Assessor on lectorate at the medical research lab, Institute for Clinical Medicine, Health, Aarhus University (June 2012).
  • Assessor on research professorship at Medical School, University of Otago, Christchurch, New Zealand (August 2012).
  • Assessor on health scientific PhD thesis at University of Southern Denmark (MSc pharm Helene Skjøt-Arkil, April 2013).
  • Assessor on health scientific doctoral thesis at University of Oslo, Norway (Bachelor of Medicine Erik Tandberg Askevold, July 2013).
  • Assessor on PhD thesis at University of Otago, New Zealand (Mauthri J Siriwardena, August 2013).
  • Assessor on bachelor project at Copenhagen University (Thomas D. Madsen, June 2015).
  • Assessor on PhD thesis at University of Gent, Belgium (Nicky Van Der Vekens, Juni 2015).
  • Assessor on PhD thesis at Copenhagen University (Signe Torëng, August 2015).
  • Reviewer (n = 152) on manuscripts for international journals including The Lancet, European Heart JournalAmerican Journal of PhysiologyClinical ChemistryFASEB Journal, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Circulation, and Circulation Research.

 Editor-functions, organization of meetings

  • Organizer of seminar on natriuretic peptides (Copenhagen 2002) and of the annual meeting of the Danish Society for Clinical Biochemistry (Copenhagen 2003). Co-editor on the members’ magazine of the Danish Society for Clinical Biochemistry (2005 - 2007).
  • Initiator and organizer of the ”Båstad” seminar on cardiovascular endocrinology (2009 -).
  • Initiator and organizer of ”The Abildgaard Symposium 2010: Mammalian Cardiovascular Endocrinology”. A co-operation between Rigshospitalet and KU-LIFE, Copenhagen.
  • Chair of “The 19th International Symposium on Regulatory Peptides, Copenhagen, 2012.
  • Member of Nordic Hemophilia Council, NCG (2008 -).
  • Member of the Editorial Board:       Biomarkers in Medicine (2009 -).
  • Member of the Editorial Board:       Journal of Pediatric Biochemistry (2009 -).
  • Member of the Editorial Board:       Journal of Geriatric Cardiology (2010 -).
  • Member of the Editorial Board:       Journal of Biomarkers (2012 -).
  • Member of the Editorial Board:       Research Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism (2013 -).
  • Member of the Editorial Board:       Peptides (2014 - 2016).
  • Member of the Editorial Board:       Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine (2015 -).
  • Associate Editor:                             Cardiovascular Endocrinology (2012 -).

 Labor union activities

  • Employee representative for 2½ years for young doctors at Rigshospitalet. Completed training as employee representative (FAYL courses I+II).
  • Appointed inspector of the diagnostic areas of specialization by the Danish Society for Clinical Biochemistry and trained by the Danish Health and Medicines Authority (2010-2017).


Completed external courses on cardiologic issues and A-courses under the principal training in clinical biochemistry. Passed the FELASA C-course = independent permission for experiments on animals.

External grants during the last 10 years

2008:             200,000 DKK from the Lundbeck Foundation.

2009:             500,000 DKK from the Lundbeck Foundation.

2009:             150,000 DKK from the P.A. Messerschmidt Foundation.

2009:             125,000 DKK from ’Eva og Henry Frænkels Mindefond’.

2010:             General grant from ’Rigshospitalets forskningsråd’ (3 x 300,000 DKK).

2010:             750,000 DKK from the Lundbeck Foundation.

2012:             General grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation (5 x 1,000,000 DKK).

2013:             30,000 DKK from ’Snedkermester Sophus Jacobsen og hustru Astrid Jacobsens Fond’.

2013:             1,463,000 DKK from The Capital Region of Denmark.

2014:             100,000 DKK from the Arvid Nilsson Foundation.

2014:             200,000 DKK from the Toyota Foundation.

2015:             300,000 DKK from The Centre of Diagnostic Investigations, Rigshospitalet (Co-financing of PhD stipend).

2015:             1,250,000 DKK from the international KFJ Prize (with the Mayo Clinic, USA).

 Scientific collaborations

  • National collaborations with heads of research sections at own department and at Rigshospitalet in general (Professors Lars Køber, Jens Kastrup, and Jesper Hastrup Svendsen, and chief physician Finn Gustafsson). In addition collaborations with professor Jan Skov Jensen (Gentofte Hospital), professor Søren Møller (Hvidovre Hospital), professor Jørgen Jeppesen (Glostrup Hospital), professor Michael Hasenkam (Skejby Hospital), and professor Jan Fahrenkrug (Bispebjerg Hospital).
  • International collaborations with professor John Burnett Jr. (the Mayo Clinic, USA), and professors Fred Apple (Minnesota University, USA), Gary Baxter (Cardiff University, UK), Leo Dunkel (Oulu University, Finland), and Mark Richards (Otago University, New Zealand).

 Research vision

My vision is a consolidation of cardiovascular endocrinology as a cross-functional discipline which takes its starting point in innovative biochemical and molecular methods for relevant peptide systems. The work is based on biochemical methodology, experimental models for human heart disease, and final tests in clinical studies. The subject is per definition cross-functional and requires a close collaboration with basic scientists and clinicians. Overall, the target is to contribute to a new understanding of the endocrine connections between organs in human heart diseases, and of the possibilities for new diagnostic and therapeutic initiatives.

Kort præsentation

My vision is a consolidation of cardiovascular endocrinology as a cross-functional discipline which takes its starting point in innovative biochemical and molecular methods for relevant peptide systems. The work is based on biochemical methodology, experimental models for human heart disease, and final tests in clinical studies. The subject is per definition cross-functional and requires a close collaboration with basic scientists and clinicians. Overall, the target is to contribute to a new understanding of the endocrine connections between organs in human heart diseases, and of the possibilities for new diagnostic and therapeutic initiatives.


  • Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Kardiovaskulær endokrinologi
  • Natriuretiske peptider

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