Intet billede af Johanna Mariegaard Schandorff

Johanna Mariegaard Schandorff

  • Øster Farimagsgade 2A

    1350 København K

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Træffetid: Tirsdage kl. 10:00-11:00

In the ALTIBRAIN study, we investigate a possible link between altitude-like hypoxia, neuroplasticity, and cognition. The main purpose of the study is to determine whether upregulation of endogenous brain erythropoietin (EPO) by altitude-like hypoxia cognition training is a fundamental mechanism of enduring neuroplasticity and cognitive improvement. The results will influence how we understand neuroplasticity and regenerative processes in the brain, with the ultimate goal of unlocking novel treatment strategies targeting cognitive decline across neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders. The project is supervised by professor Kamilla Miskowiak.


  • Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Kunstig højdetræning
  • neuroplasticitet
  • kognition
  • kognitiv træning
  • kognitiv neuropsykiatri
  • hjerneskanningsmetoder
  • affektive lidelser
  • interventionsstudier

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