Johanne Smith-Nielsen

Cand.psych.aut. Ph.D., ,

  • Øster Farimagsgade 2A

    1350 København K

  • Kilde: Scopus

Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Træffetid: Tirsdage kl. 12:00-12:50

Associate professor and licensed clinical psychologist with extensive experience in conducting and managing inter-disciplinary research in collaboration with the public sector as well as with international and national research partners focusing on societal outreach. Dedicated to promoting caregiver, infant, and toddler mental health. Research focuses on early detection and interventions targeting at-risk children and their (primary and professional) caregivers, and the implementation of research-based knowledge in real-life settings. Certified Danish Circle of Security Trainer and supervisor.

Primære forskningsområder

Parental and infant mental health; Early childhood socio-emotional development; Early detection, prevention, and intervention; Postnatal depression; Quality of care in center-based childcare 

Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder

Clinical psychology

Infant and toddler mental health

Perinatal mental health


Master's thesis supervision: Clinical Psychology


Born: 1977-10-03



2015:               PhD, Psychology, University of Copenhagen

2008:               MSc. in Psychology, University of Copenhagen 


Maternity leaves

2011 – 2013 (15 months)

2004 – 2005 (12 months)

2003 – 2004 (10 months)


Current position

2020: Associate professor, Department of Psychology, Center for Early intervention and Family studies

Previous positions: 

2018 - 2020: Assistant Professor, Center for Early Intervention and Family Studies (CIF), Dept. of Psychology, University of Copenhagen

2014 - 2018: Post doc, (CIF) Dept. of Psychology, University of Copenhagen

2010 - 2014: PhD student, UCHP BabyLab, Dept. of Psychology, University of Copenhagen

2009 – 2014: Part time consultant and supervisor at Plan B.

2008 - 2010: Clinical psychologist and research assistant, UCPH Babylab & The University Clinic, Dept. of Psychology, University of Copenhagen.


Clinical training and positions

2021: Danish COSP trainer

2020: Certified COSP fidelity coach

2018 – present: Ongoing supervision, COSP fidelity coaching

2017: Fidelity coaching training. Two-day seminar, Circle of Security International, Deidre Quinlan.

2017: Core sensitivity training, three-day seminar. Circle of Security International, Kent Hoffman.

2015: Reliable coder, the “Alarm Distress Baby Scale” (ADBB). Completed training and supervision with Dr. Antoine Guedeney.

2015 – 2019: Supervision (video conference) on providing the attachment based intervention Circle of Security program. Supervisor: Deidre Quinlan, Minnesota.

2015: Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis-I Disorders (SCID-I). Reliable and certified in diagnosing psychiatric disorders according to Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental disorders. Three-day seminar by Dr. Joseph Ventura.

2015: Reliable coder in “Coding Interactive Behavior”, a research method for coding parent-infant interaction (including parental sensitivity, reciprocity, infant contribution to the interaction). Three-day training by Prof. Ruth Feldman, University of Yale U.S. followed by supervision of own codings.

2014: Reflective Functioning on AAI at Centre for Attachment Research, New School for Social Research, New York, U.S. by Prof. H. Steele. Completed three-day seminar.

2011: Intervention Therapy (VIT): For Working with Human Relationships, Two-days theoretical seminar followed by 6 hours of supervision with dr. George Downing.

2011: Registered Circle of Security Parenting Educator, Circle of Security International, Completed training with Bert Powel.

2010: Authorization (/license) as a clinical psychologist. Involved 160 hours of supervision on assessment and psychotherapy from 6 different senior supervisors.

2008-2010: Psychoanalytic training with psychoanalyst Margit Jørgensen. 30 h theoretical seminar and 2 years of continuous supervision.

2009: Structured Clinical Interview for Personality-Disorder, DSM-IV Axis II. 35 h training and supervision on own interviews. With MD Per Sørensen, dr.s Stig Poulsen & Susanne Lunn.

2008: Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (third edition). 25 h training and video-based supervision by dr. Mette Skovgaard Væver.

2008: Adult Attachment Interview. 12 h training and supervision by dr. Charlotte Sandros.

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Psychology, PhD Degree, University of Copenhagen

Dimissionsdato: 26 feb. 2015

Licensed Psychologist, Authorization from the Danish Supervisory Board of Psychological Practices, Psykolognævnet

Dimissionsdato: 30 aug. 2010

Psychology, MSc, University of Copenhagen

Dimissionsdato: 28 aug. 2008

Eksterne ansættelser

Ekstern underviser, Tilknytning, tidlig indsats og perinatale psykiatriske lidelser, Metropolitan University College, Copenhagen

feb. 2013 → …


  • Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Klinisk psykologi
  • fødselsdepression
  • spæd- og småbørnspsykologi
  • omsorgsgiver-barn tilknytning og samspil
  • forældres mentale helbred
  • kvalitet og relationsarbejde i dagtilbud
  • tidlig indsats og forebyggelse

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