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Publikationer pr. år
Ole Maaløes Vej 5
2200 København N.
Name: Kaare Teilum
Date of birth: 02-12-1972
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone (work): +45 35 32 20 29
Phone (mobile): +45 30 28 18 14
Civil status: Married, two children
My research is focused on conformational dynamics and its importance for the function of enzymes, proteins that interact with other proteins and proteins that aggregates/fibrillates. In all cases the aim is to understand the conformational changes of the proteins in such detail that their behaviour can be rationalized and eventually manipulated. Recent highlights include: Structure and dynamics of the endogeneous capsid protein Arc (paper 49). How the dynamics of metal-ions in Ab and a-synuclein is important for the formation of ROS (papers 45, 38, 34 and 21); ligand binding to a neurotransmitter-sodium symporter by solid-state NMR (paper 40); the design of a stable protein devoid of charges (paper 37,48,54,63); the structure and interactions of PDZ domain proteins (paper 33,35,53,65); specificity and dynamics in ligand binding by glutaredoxin (papers 31 and 22); conformational dynamics and stability in the fold switching protein NCBD (papers 29,27,25,19); optimization of protein stability (papers 51,57,61,62,64,68).
2022- 2011-22: |
Professor, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen. Associate Professor, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen. |
2007-10: |
Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen. |
2004-07: |
Post doc., Department of Biophysical Chemistry, Lund University. |
2002-03: |
Post doc., Department of Protein Chemistry, University of Copenhagen. |
2001: |
Visiting scientist, Institute for Cancer Research, Fox Chase Cancer Center, USA. |
1999-02: |
PhD student, Department of Protein Chemistry, University of Copenhagen. |
1998-99: |
Research assistant, Carlsberg Laboratory, Department of Chemistry. |
1997-98: |
Research assistant, Department of Protein Chemistry, University of Copenhagen. |
2002: PhD in protein science, University of Copenhagen.
Thesis: “Intermediate and Unfolded States in the Folding of Acyl-Coenzyme A Binding Protein”. Supervisor: Professor Flemming M. Poulsen
1997: cand. scient. (MSc) in biochemistry, University of Copenhagen.
Thesis: “Expression and in vitro folding of barly peroxidase 1 & Deglycosylation studies on horseradish peroxidase”. Supervisor: Associate Professor Karen G. Welinder.
Major grants and fellowships:
Total 22 grants, 16 as PI. Total personal share of grants: ~38 M DKK
2023-26: Project grant, The Danish Council for Independent Research, PI. 2.9 M DKK
2023-26: Project grant, the Novo Nordisk Foundation, PI, 3.7 M DKK
2022-25: Project grant, the Novo Nordisk Foundation, PI, 2.7 M DKK
2020-23: Project grant, The Danish Council for Independent Research, PI. 2.9 M DKK
2019-24: NMR Infrastructure grant, the Novo Nordisk Foundation, co-PI, 23.4 M DKK
2019-21: Project grant, Independent Research Fund Denmark, FSS, PI, 1.4 M DKK
2018-21: Project grant, Independent Research Fund Denmark, FNU, PI, 2.6 M DKK
2018-20: Project grant, the Novo Nordisk Foundation, PI, 1 M DKK
2016-17: Running costs, the Lundbeck Foundation, PI, 0.3 M DKK
2016: Instrument grant, the Augustinus Foundation, PI, 0.2 M DKK
2016-18: Project grant, the Novo Nordisk Foundation, co-PI, 2.8 M DKK
2014: New NMR instrumentation, The Villum Foundation, co-PI, 12 M DKK
2014-16: Project grant, the Lundbeck Foundation. PI, 1 M DKK
2013-16: Project grant, The Danish Council for Independent Research, PI. 1.9 M DKK
2012-14: Project grant from The Danish Council for Independent Research | Technology
Co-applicant. 5.4 M DKK
2011-13: Villum Foundation block grant. Co-applicant. approx. 1.1 M DKK
2011-13: Project grant from the Lundbeck Foundation. PI, 1 M DKK
2011-12: Project grant from The Danish Council for Independent Research | Medical Sciences. PI, 2 M DKK
2007-10: Steno-grant from the Danish Natural Science Research Council. PI 2.7 M DKK
2005-06: EMBO Long Term Fellowship.
2004-05: Villum Kann Rasmussen postdoctoral fellowship.
1999-02: PhD scholarship from the Science Faculty, University of Copenhagen.
Management and organizational work:
I have headed my own research group since 2008 and managed several collaborative projects (see below).
2023- Deputy Head of Department (teaching), Dept. Biology, Uni. of Copenhagen
2020- Delegate at the EMBL and EMBC councils.
2016-22: Head of Section for Biomolecular Sciences, Dept. Biology, Uni. of Copenhagen
2016: Local organizer of the EUROMAR 2016 conference, Århus, Denmark
2015: The art of leadership, EMBO, Heidelberg
2006: Laboratory Management Course, EMBO
1995-97: Member of the Board, Institute of Molecular Biology, University of Copenhagen.
Students since 2007
Number of PhD students: 9 graduated. 3 active
Number of master students: 24 graduated, 2 active
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