Billede af Karen Arnfred Vedel
  • Kilde: Scopus
1992 …2024

Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

RESEARCH, project management, teaching and dramaturgy

Research areas include artistic research in performing arts, dance and theatre historiography, site specificity, ritual and arhcival theory. Widely published and invited as guest lecturer in Denmark and abroad.

Teaching at BA-level includes course in Theatre History, Performance Analysis and Complex Dramaturgy - and at MA-level: Research practices in theatre and performance studies + special topics courses on Site Specificity and Audience Relations

Service to the community includes project reports, conference organzing, peer reviews, external examiner, member of  evaluation committees (MA and PhD) as well as appointment committees for academic positions. Membership of various editorial boards and artistic jurys. Served on the Board of Directors of Congress of Research in Dance 2009-2012, as Vice Chair of the Danish Arts Council and Chair of the Arts Councils Committee for Film and Performing Arts (2011-2014),  the Board of Directors of Københavns Teatersamarbejde 2014-2017, and the Evaluration Committee of Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies' Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Arts (2016-2020). Currently serving on the board of Dansehallerne (2018- ) and on the nominating committe for the Crown Prince Couples Awards (2022- ).


  • 2015 Associate Professor, Theatre and Performance Studies, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies
  • 2012 Adjunct Professor, Theatre and Performance Studies, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies
  • 2008 - 2012 Research Fellow at Tampere University as part of the research group Dance in Nordic Spaces (with support from Svenska Riksbanken)
  • 2006- 2008 Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies Core Fellowship Program
  • 2005-2006 Postdoctorate Fellowship University of Copenhagen research priority area: Religion in the 21st Century
  • 2004   PhD, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies Section for Dance and Theatre Studies, University of Copenhagen: Title: ”Ballethistoriens Anden. Moderne scenisk dans i Danmark 1900 – 1975”
  • 1994   MA (cand. mag.), Department of Theatre Studies, University of Copenhagen. Thesis: ”Den energiske frue: Ballet og dans i Danmark set gennem Emilie Walboms virke”.
  • 1978  BA (bifag), Department of Cultural Sociology, University of Copenhagen


  • Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • scenekunst
  • dans
  • teater historiografi
  • arkivteori
  • performance
  • krop og erindring

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