Personlig profil

Kort præsentation


Studies in engineering, Danish Technical University

Studies in economics, University of Copenhagen

MA in philosophy 1990, University of Copenhagen

PhD in philosophy 1997, University of Copenhagen



1990-1993 Freelance work

1993-1996 PhD fellow Philosophy, UC

1997-2000 Assistant professor Philosophy, UC

2000-2004 Associate professor Philosophy, UC

2004- Associate professor Food and Resource Economics, KVL

Connected to Danish Centre for Bioethics and Risk Assessment since its start in 2000.



The ethics of decision making under uncertainty

The interplay between risk assessment, risk management and risk communication

Democratic theory


Environmental ethics

Business ethics

Ethics and economics

Poverty and hunger

Perception of food safety


Other tasks

Serves as referee for Economics and Philosophy, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, Theoria, Journal of Risk Assessment & Management, Journal of Food Safety and Journal of Medical Ethics.

Member of the EAAP Ethics Working Group.


  • Afvejning af effektivitet, sundhed og velfærd i husdyrbruget
  • Bioetik
  • Dyrevelfærd
  • Etik og husdyrproduktion
  • Forbrugere og fødevarer
  • Forbrugeropfattelser og -adfærd
  • Genmodificerede dyr, planter og organismer (GMO)
  • Risikostrategier i industrien
  • Risikovurdering ift. bioteknologi