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Publikationer pr. år
Karen Blixens Plads 16, 2300 København S, 6A Bygning 6A (Afsnit 3), 6A-4-07
Karen Blixens Plads 16
2300 København S
Keith J. Hayward is Professor of Criminology at the Faculty of Law. He has published widely in the areas of criminological theory, spatial and social theory, crime and technological culture, and terrorism and fanaticism. As one of the leading figures in the field of cultural criminology, Dr Hayward is particularly interested in the various ways in which cultural dynamics intertwine with the practices of crime and crime control within contemporary society. As a consequence, he has studied and researched an incredibly diverse array of subjects, including everything from graffiti culture to the Ibiza club-drug scene, from smart cities to the subcultural allure of ‘Jihadi cool’. He is the author, co-author, and editor of 14 books, including works on consumer culture and the city, border spaces, media influence and affect, and crime and everyday life. His most recent book is Infantilised: How Our Culture Killed Adulthood (Little Brown, London, 2024 May).
Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport › Bidrag til bog/antologi › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport › Bidrag til bog/antologi › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Andet › Udgivelser på nettet - Net-publikation › Rådgivning
Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapport › Bog
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Bidrag til avis - Kronik › Formidling
Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapport › Bog › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport › Bidrag til bog/antologi › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport › Bidrag til bog/antologi › Forskning › peer review
Jakob Johan Demant (Deltager), Keith Hayward (Medlem af organisationskomité eller programudvalg), Alessandro Moretti (Arrangør) & Kristoffer Magnus Bjerre Aagesen (Leder af workshop )
Aktivitet: Deltagelse i arrangement eller begivenhed - typer › Organisation af og deltagelse i konference