Billede af Kia Ditlevsen
  • Rolighedsvej 23, 1958 Frederiksberg C

  • Rolighedsvej 23

    1958 Frederiksberg C

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Kia Ditlevsen’s research centers on social inequality and its expression in food consumption, lifestyle and health behavior. 

Research areas:

  • Social inequality and its expression in consumption, lifestyle and health.
  • Everyday life and food practices.
  • Eating and diet-related health among underprivileged groups in society.
  • Contemporary food- and consumption culture.
  • Gendered norms.
  • Qualitative methods.

Current research projects: 

- Food as distinction and practice. Food, eating and sustainability among different social classes (2023-2025). Funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark.

- Eating up the crisis. Cultural change seen through the lens of food (CrisisCultureFood) (2024-2027). Funded by the Carlsberg Foundation, Semper Ardens: Accelerate.

- Fremtidens økologiske forbruger og muligheder for økologisk markedsudvikling (ØKO-KOST) (substudy). Funded by ICROFS.

Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder

Course coordinator and lecturer in the Master level course The Sociology of Food and Eating (IFRO, KU), and the PhD course Qualitative research methods.


2022-  Lektor, Sektion for Forbrug, Bioetik og Regulering, Institut for Fødevare- og Ressourceøkonomi, KU

2017-2022  Adjunkt, Sektion for Forbrug, Bioetik og Regulering, Institut for Fødevare- og Ressourceøkonomi, KU

2015-2017  Post doc, Sektion for Forbrug, Bioetik og Regulering, Institut for Fødevare- og Ressourceøkonomi, KU

2012 - 2015  ph.d. studerende, Sektion for Forbrug, Bioetik og Regulering, Institut for Fødevare- og Ressourceøkonomi, KU

2011-12 Ekstern Lektor, Sociologisk Institut, KU

2011-12 Fuldmægtig, Danmarks Statistik, Arbejdskraftundersøgelsen



2024-2027     Eating up the crisis. Cultural change seen through the lens of food (CrisisCultureFood). Funded by the Carlsberg Foundation, Semper Ardens: Accelerate. 

2023-2025     Food as distinction and practice. Food, eating and sustainability among different social classes. Funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark. 

2024              Fremtidens økologiske forbruger og muligheder for økologisk markedsudvikling (ØKO-KOST), funded by ICROFS.

2022              Sustainable organic food systems – consumers’ perceptions and trade-offs between sustainability dimensions. Interdisciplinary research project, financed by ICROFS. 

2019-2022     ’Proper’ food under economic constraints: Gendered food practices and dietary health among socioeconomically disadvantaged. Funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. 

2018              MycoSynVac. Interdisciplinary, international research project. Funded by EU Horizon 2020.

2016-2018     OrgHealth. Financed by ICROFS. 

2016-2018     LOCO. Financed by ICROFS.

2012-2015    SULIM. PhD project, part of a collaborative, multidisciplinary research project on migrants' health in Denmark, funded by the Danish Council for Strategic Research.


Ulighed, fattigdom, køn, sundhed og reguleringspolitik, hverdagslige interaktioner, madsociologi, sundhedssociologi, madforbrug, bæredygtighed


  • Det tidligere LIFE
  • Madkultur
  • Madforbrug
  • Overvægt
  • Familieliv
  • Bæredygtighed
  • Sundhedssociologi
  • Kvalitative forskningsmetoder
  • madsociologi
  • kødforbrug
  • fattigdom og ulighed

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