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Nørre Allé 20
2200 København N
Name: Kim Ekstrand
Born 25.02.1957
1983: Graduated as DDS
1988: Graduated as Ph.D.
1988-1991: Assistant professor
1991-2019: Associate professor
1995-1996: Post Dr. at Guy’s Hospital in London (4 months)
2002-2003: Visiting professor, Dundee Dental School, Scotland (12 months)
2013-2015: Visiting professor, Kings College in London, UK,
2015-2017: Visiting professor, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil,
2019- Professor in Cariology at the Section of Cariology & Endodontics, Department of Odontology, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
2022- Adjunct Professor at the Temple University Maurice H. Kornberg School of Dentistry Philadelphia, US
2009-2018: Vice dean at Department of Odontology, Including, Chair for section 2 which covered: Section for Analytical Chemistry; Section for Cariology and Endodontics; Section for Dental Materials; Section for Oral Rehabilitation; Section for Orthodontics and Section for Pediatric Dentistry and Clinical Genetics.
H-index, 46 with a total of 6657 citations (08.12.2024)
1983-1985: Cand Odont/Dentist in the Military Service
1985-1989: Part time Dentist in a private practice in Elsingnore, Denmark
1989 to 1998: Dentist in my own dental practice in Elsingore, Denmark
Phone: (+45)3532 6813
Mobile: (+45)24431177
E-mail: [email protected]
Summary of my pre-graduate and post-graduate teaching activities
I have been teaching at the Department of Cariology & Endodontics, now termed Section of Cariology and Endodontics since 1985. Since 1987 I have taken part in the teaching of dental students, at first part time, but since the 1990’s my teaching of dental students has corresponded to about 50% of my employment.
I have given post-graduate education to dentists, dental hygienists and dental nurses since 1987. This activity corresponds to more than 150 courses.
I have been an invited speaker at international meetings in Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Grece, Hungary, Japan, Kuwait, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Malaysia, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, South Africa, Thailand, Ukraine, UK, United Arabic Emirates, and U.S.
I am permanent member of the Organization of Caries research (ORCA) and have participated in 5 ORCA summer schools in Poland, Hungary, Brazil, Colombia and in Malaysia and 31 ORCA conferences.
I am member of the International Caries Detection and Assessment System core group, (ICDAS-core group) formed in 2002. Together with other members I have been giving 1-3 days’ training courses in ICDAS in Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, The Netherlands, Kuwait, Malaysia, Russia, UK and US.
Collaboration with Temple University Maurice H. Kornberg School of Dentistry
Since 2002, I have worked together with Professor and Dean Amid Ismail, Temple University, Maurice H. Kornberg, School of Dentistry, in Philadelphia in US. Professor Amid Ismail and I already had the same interest in caries diagnostics and caries treatment at the end of the last century. In 2002, together with Professor Nigel Pitts, Dundee University and a number of other researchers with the same interest, we formed the ICDAS (International caries detection and assessment system) which could clinically classify whether the caries lesion was active and the depth of the lesion, seen where the pulp was located; both important for the dentist's choice of treatment for the patient's individual caries lesions. Some years later we prepared the ICCMS (International caries classification and management system), again together with a number of other researchers), a system which, in addition to the activity and depth of the lesions, also involved caries risk and risk-related and diagnosis-related treatment of the lesions. With ICCMS, the patient's caries problems are seen more as a whole. Our contribution became part of the European Core Curriculum in cariology, which the Organization of Caries Research recommended should be taught in dental schools.
In both our workplaces, Professor Amid Ismail at the Kornberg School of Dentistry and I at the Department of Odontology in Copenhagen, ICCMS became the foundation for teaching cariology, both theoretically and practically, and in both places the caries journal system was built based on the principles of ICCMS. Most recently, Professor Amid Ismail assigned me as Adjunct Professor at the Kornberg School of Dentistry, to more precisely set the limits for when it is biologically correct to use non-operative therapy and when operative therapy should be used. In this regard, I first taught the dentists teaching at the Kornberg School of Dentistry, then, together with Professor Amid Ismail and Associate professor Marisol, prepared a test that had to be passed. Then put together a course for the dental students who were shortly after to start their patient treatment and prepared a test in cariology that had to be passed, in order to be able to start at the clinic, treating patients.
Summary of my research
My research has focused on 1) Caries epidemiology, 2) Microbiologi and caries; 3) Pathogenesis of caries, 4) Detection and assessment of activity of caries (diagnosis of caries), 5) Caries risk assessment and 5) Non-operative management of caries on individuals and on groups. These activities have among other things resulted in development of a non-operative caries treatment program toward children and adolescents - the Nexö-method. The principles of this program are now widely used in the Public Dental Health Service for Children in Denmark as well as in Greenland.
As a member of ORCA, I have attended all conferences from 1987 to 2023 except 5. Thus, I am main-author or co-author of > 100 abstracts published in Caries Res. I was in the ORCA board from 2001-2004, and 2012-2015.
I was co-president of ORCA in 2007 and in 2018 where I organized the ORCA meetings in Denmark.
As a member of the ICDAS-core group we have held international meetings in more than 15 countries, and I have participated in all meetings apart from one. At the meetings Philadelphia and in London in 2012 and 2013, caries management was added to the ICDAS, so the system is now called ICCMS. I chaired sessions in both meetings.
Research leadership
Prior to the ICDAS era, I lead the research around occlusal caries diagnosis during my stay (1995) as Post Dr. at Guys Hospital, UK, resulting in the Ekstrand, Ricketts and Kidd caries detection system termed the ERK system (ref. 14).
During my Post Dr. period in Dundee, Scotland in 2002-2003 (12 months) I lead together with Professor Nigel Pitts, Professor Amid Ismail and Professor Domenique Zero the research profile about ICDAS. This continued during my position as visiting professor at Kings College. In my time as visiting professor at University of Sao Paulo, we managed to get ICDAS out in the clinic and used it on children.
Other examples where I have performed research leadership is seen below as supervisor at the Ph.D. level as well in the grants received. Most recently, the projects where I work together with companies, and Tech Trans at the University of Copenhagen leadership has been important.
Supervisor at the Ph.D level
Intership supervision:
Thais Cordeschi, Sao Poulo University, Brazil, 2018-2019 (½ year)
Alvaro Cartagena, Santiago University, Chile, 2017 (3 months)
Isabela Floriano, Sao Paulo University, Brazil, 2016-2017 (½ year)
Bruna Moro, Sao Paulo University, Brazil, 2021 (3 months)
Gabriela Sá Oliveira, Sao Paulo University, Brazil, 2022 (½ year)
Research grants: Last 10 years
Kim Ekstrand (Principle Investigator)
Budget awarded to University of Copenhagen 15.000 Euro Department of Odontology
Budget awarded to University of Copenhagen. The Dental Association for Private Dentists, a scholar project 2000 Euro
Budget awarded to University of Copenhagen 15.000 Euro, 3shape A/S
Budget awarded to University of Copenhagen 5000 Euro. The Dental Association for Employed Dentists,
Budget awarded to University of Copenhagen 300,000 Euro. Chr. Hansen A/S
Kim Ekstrand (co-supervisor while Associate professor Ana Benetti was main supervisor)
Innovation fund: 2018:
Budget awarded to University of Copenhagen 147,000 Euro
I received the Zendium price in 2009
Academic assessments - Promotions
Professorship at the University of Oslo, Norway 2023
Professor at the University of Oslo, Norway 2021
Professorship at the University of Eastern Finland, Institute of Dentistry, 2016.
Associate Professor in South Carolina 2014, US
Associate professor in Michigan 2008, US
Associate Professor in Indianapolis, 2005, US
Ph.D. evaluations
Dr. Lene Vilstrup, University of Copenhagen, Department of Odontology, Ph. D. thesis 2003
Dr. Kate Levin, University of Southern Denmark, National Institute of Public Health,
Ph.D. thesis 2014
Dr. Erum Zain, University of Malaysia, Ph.D. thesis 2016
Dr. Mette Rose Jørgensen, University of Copenhagen, Department of Odontology,
Ph.D. thesis 2017
Dr. Said Al Rawahi, Kings College, London, Ph.D. thesis 2018
Dr. Isabela Floriano, University of Sao Paulo, Ph.D. thesis 2018
Dr. Ruth Santamaria, Preventive & Pediatric Dentistry University of Greifswald, Germany, Ph.D. thesis 2020
Dr. Sune Demant, University of Copenhagen, Department of Odontology, Ph.D. thesis 2022
External examiner
Section for Operative Dentistry, Dental Pathology and Endodontics, Department of Odontology and oral Health, University of Aarhus, Denmark:
4 h written test for students at the 2nd term, Master: 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016.
School of Oral Health Care, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
4 h written test (final exam): 2014, 2016, and 2018.
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica; American Journal of Dentistry; Caries Research; Cochrane Review; Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology; International Journal Paediatric Dentistry; Journal Dental Research, Oral Clinical Investigation, Danish Dental Journal.
Asked about 12 times per year, accept about 6 reviews per year.
SBU (The Swedish Council on Technology Assessment in Health Care, repport 188:
Karies – diagnostic, riskbedömning og icke-invasiv behandling. En systematisk litteraturöversigt, 2007.
Counsil: Danish National Board of Health
2018: Consequences for caries when the drinking water is softened
2014-2015: National strategy of re-call intervals
2010: Implementation of different specialities in Odontology, besides those two already in practice in Denmark (Orthodontology, Oral Maxifacial Surgery)
Counsil: Danish Dental Association
2013-2016: Member of the post-graduate advisory board
Counsil: Alliance of a Cavity Free Feature (ACFF)
2016- : Chair for the ACFF-Nordic board
Postgraduate courses:
2024: Project Like Mine” This is where you get a handle on all the rules and requirements for reviews, approvals, etc. which research projects require if your research project is to meet your GDPR obligations (3 h online).
2023: Seminar on Aging Research at SUND. Online, (6h)
2018: Course in the new GDPR roles at Bisbebjerg Hospital (7h)
Political lab II, London 2018:
Political Lab I, London 2017:
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Review › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Konferencebidrag › Poster › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Konferencebidrag › Poster › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Konferencebidrag › Poster › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Danielsen, B. (Modtager), Ekstrand, Kim (Modtager) & Bakhshandeh, Azam (Modtager), 2023
Pris: Priser, stipendier, udnævnelser