Intet billede af Kim Steenstrup Pedersen
  • Gothersgade 130

    1123 København K

  • Universitetsparken 1

    2100 København Ø

Personlig profil

Primære forskningsområder

Image Analysis, Computer Vision and Machine Learning


Modersmål: Dansk

Arbejdssprog: Engelsk

Kommentarer til publikationsliste

Best paper award at the 3DPVT 2010 conference for the paper “On Recall Rate of Interest Point Detectors”. Henrik Aanæs, Anders Dahl and Kim Steenstrup Pedersen.


Kim Steenstrup Pedersen received a M.Sc. degree in 1999 and a Ph.D. degree in 2003 both in computer science from DIKU, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark and he also holds a B.Sc. degree in physics from the University of Copenhagen. During his Ph.D. studies he spent half a year in 2001 at Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, Rhode Island, USA. After his Ph.D. he was briefly employed as an assistant research professor at DIKU. From spring 2003 throughout 2006 he was assistant professor at the IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark. He currently holds a position as associate professor at DIKU, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen. Presently (from November 2009), he also holds the position of Vice Head of Department for Teaching at Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen. His primary research interests include topics from computer vision and image analysis, especially scale-space theories, natural image statistics, stochastic image models, and image features.


Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder

Current and future courses



  • Object Oriented Programming and Design, Q2 2007.

Project supervision:

I currently supervise projects on topics within the fields of image analysis as well as computer vision as well as applications of machine learning mainly within image analysis, e-science related problems, and computer science.

Examples of projects include:

  • Articulated figure tracking (Human motion modeling and tracking)
  • Interest point detectors and descriptors
  • Modeling of activation patterns in neuron cell networks
  • Space science related projects such as: Automated analysis of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS).
  • Web page classification and inference of page relationships

Aktuel forskning

 My current research activities are centered around:

  1. Modeling and tracking of human motion using computer vision techniques for 3D articulated figures tracking combined with advanced statistical models and machine learning techniques.
  2. Theoretical foundations of interest points and image descriptors as well as potential applications within image analysis and computer vision.


  • Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet

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