Intet billede af Kirstine Nyvold Bojsen-Møller

Kirstine Nyvold Bojsen-Møller

  • Blegdamsvej 3

    2200 København N.

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Kirstine Nyvold Bojsen-Møller is clinical associate professor at Department of Clinical Medicine at University of Copenhagen and consultant physician at the Section for Endocrinology at Copenhagen University Hospital Amager and Hvidovre. She is the medical head of Obesity and Nutrition, the section responsible for endocrine management of patients with severe and complex obesity in the Capital Region of Denmark offering both surgical and non-surgical weight loss interventions.

She graduated from University of Copenhagen in 2006 (M.D.) and obtained a Ph.D. from University of Copenhagen in 2014 and is a specialist in Internal medicine, Endocrinology and Diabetology.

Kirstine Nyvold Bojsen-Møller’s research is focused on the physiological effects of targeted interventions for obesity and related comorbidities, and she is a principal investigator in the Lighthouse Consortium on Obesity Management (LightCOM).


Research funding obtained from:

Novo Nordisk Foundation, Independent Research Fund Denmark, Amager and Hvidovre Hospital Research Council, Danish Diabetes (and Endocrine) Academy, Danish Diabetes Association, MD Sofus Carl Emil and wife Olga Doris Friis Research fund, AP Moller Foundation.

Principal investigator for the Lighthouse Consortium on Obesity Management (LightCOM), supported by the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF22SA0080921).

All funds have been paid to the institution of employment (no personal fees).


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Mulige interessekonflikter

Principal investigator for the Lighthouse Consortium on Obesity Management (LightCOM)), supported by the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF22SA0080921), which involves research collaboration with NUPO Aps, SENS Innovation Aps and Dexcom International Limited.


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