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Tandlæge, Phd., Dr.Odont.
Nørre Allé 20
2200 København N
Curriculum vitae
2024- |
Professor in Cariology and Endodontics at Section for Clinical Oral Microbiology, Department of Odontology, University of Copenhagen |
2019- |
Associate professor at Cariology and Endodontics at the Section for Clinical Oral Microbiology, Department of Odontology, University of Copenhagen |
2015-2019 |
Head of Endodontics at section 2, Department of Odontology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. |
2012-2015 |
Head of the Special clinic in Endodontics (Root canal therapy), Department of Odontology, University of Copenhagen. |
2012 |
Visiting researcher (Loma Linda University, Endodontic Programme) California, USA |
2002- |
Part-time private practitioner referral dentist concerning root canal treatments (Puggaardsgade 17, Copenhagen K) |
1999- |
Associate professor at Department of Odontology, University of Copenhagen |
1998-1999 |
Department dentist at Cariology and Endodontics, Department of Odontology, University of Copenhagen. |
1993-1998 |
Assistant professor at Department of Odontology, University of Copenhagen. |
1993-2002 |
Part-time employment in private practice (Tandklinikken Svanen, Lyngby) |
1992-1993 |
Full-time employment as a practising dentist (at Copenhagen clinics) |
1988-1991 |
PhD student. |
2021-2022 |
Course in digital data processing, SUND, UCPH & Uni. of Collage |
2021 |
Responsible conduct of research |
2021 |
PhD Supervision: Advice, tools and practice, SUND, UCPH |
2021 |
PhD Supervision: Rules and regulations, advise tool and practice SUND, UCPH. Update after every five years |
2020 |
How to 'communicate' about PhD students, SUND, UCPH |
2018 |
Research leader–Course, University of Copenhagen, DK |
2011 |
Acquisition of the odontological doctoral degree at the University of Copenhagen, DK |
2011 |
Operating microscope course (Zeiss) |
2007-2011 |
Trained in Randomized Trial Conduction at Copenhagen Trial Unit, Rigshospitalet, DK |
2001- |
Certified International membership in the European Association of Endodontics (ESE) |
1999-2001 |
Endodontics Specialist training courses in Malmö and Gothenburg, Sweden |
1993 |
Authorisation as a dentist |
1992 |
Acquisition of the odontological PhD degree at the University of Copenhagen, DK |
1988 |
Graduated as a dentist Cand. Odont., University of Copenhagen, DK. |
Research profile
i. To investigate caries pathology and treatment with a focus on gaining best know-how for arresting caries at a non-operative level as well as on an operative level.
ii. To optimize treatments that prevent inflammation of the dental pulp and as a model to understand inflammation.
iii. To initiate practice-based research and clinical trials involving cariology and endodontics to ensure the best possible dental health with enhanced focus on limiting the prevalence of oral diseases caused by microbiological dysbiosis.
iv. To investigate AI and Big Data (BD) in general dentistry within diagnostics and treatment outcomes and with focus on cariology, endodontics and general health.
Short background and coverage of the academic profile
For the past 30 years, I have worked with preventative aspects within cariology and endodontics.
From research to practice, both nationally and internationally
Teaching of dental students and post graduate education of dentists, both nationally and internationally
Development and new thinking within the area of Endodontics and ongoing projects
Selected external and internal grants
2021: |
Data + grant from the UCPH, SUND in co-operation with the Department of Computer Science, UCPH.: DKK 1.8 million |
2020: |
Internal grant from Department of Odontology, UCPH, with a PhD scholar.: DKK 1.3 million |
2016: |
KOF & FORSK from Danish Dental Association – Sealer testing in a clinical context (DKK 50,000,-) |
2015: |
Co-applicant I; European Society of Endodontology application at: 5000 Euro. |
2012-13: |
Co-applicant in the 'Mærsk Foundation for the promotion of medical science': DKK 50,000,- and DTF DKK 100.000,- |
2012: |
Grant from UCPH on 6 Zeiss operation microscopes ~ DKK 1 million. |
2011: |
Private research Funding (CMS): Salary of research assistant for ten months: DKK 125,000,- |
2006-8: |
The Danish National Research Council for Health and Disease: DKK 840,000,- |
2005: |
Nordic Research Council 2005: DKK 185,000,- |
2004: |
The health insurance's negotiation committee – funds for joint measures in the field of dentistry: DKK 250,000,- |
2003-4: |
The Danish Health Science Research Council DKK 162,000, – |
Total received grants (2023-value DKK)
During my associate professor position I have received internal grants for over 6 million DKK and external grants for over 2 million DKK. As co-applicant I have participated in grants for almost 2 million DKK.
Supervised PhD and school-based projects
2022-: Current principal supervisor for two PhD student and co-
supervisor for 1
2014: Completed 1 ‘doktorand’ (Sweden) as co-supervisor
2011: Completed 1 PhD student (principal supervisor)
Has for the past five years been a supervisor for several Bachelor's and Master's theses (18). Supervised two scholarships.
National and international professional corporate positions
2014-2019: |
Chairman of the Danish Endodontics Society. |
2016-: |
Organizing chair of the ‘20 Biennal Scandinavian Endodontic Society Congress’ in Copenhagen |
2007-: |
Organising chair of the ‘15 Biennal Scandinavian Endodontic Society Congress', Helsingør, Dk' |
2004-2008: |
Chairman of the Danish Endodontics Society |
1999-2001: |
Secretary of the 'Scandinavian Endodontic Society' |
Peer reviewer and other assessment work
PhD Dissertation (1991) and a doctoral dissertation (2011). 190 contributions, including more than hundred peer-reviewed publications in various journals (16 of which are as collaborator under the EndoReCo abbreviation), 19 book chapters and 1 is being prepared. First editor of the third edition of the International textbook for Endodontics (Wiley-Blackwell, 2018).
Web of science Wob: 27 (2154 citations), Scopus HIS score 31 (3247 citations), Google Scholar HIS score 43 (6664 citations)
Research Reports (abstracts) are not included. ORCID Link primarily represents the current contributions in international journals, but not the Scandinavian Lars Bjørndal (0000-0002-2183-6400) (
Tandlæge, Ph.d., Dr. Odont
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