Billede af Lars Stoumann Jensen
  • Kilde: Scopus
1991 …2024

Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

My professorship covers the area of soil fertility and organic waste resource recycling, both in terms of research and teaching. My organisational role is as Head of the Plant and Soil Section of PLEN.

My major research focus is on soil nutrient turnover, in particular the temporal patterns of decomposition and C, N and P turnover following incorporation of organic residues and waste materials like manure and urban orga­nic waste. Research covers both short-term (within one growing season), long term (at the cropping system rotation level) as well as the very long-term effects (C seque­stration poten­tials), as well as modelling of cropping systems and environmental impacts. I have published +200 peer-reviewed scientific papers within these topics (see the Research Outputs tab for complete list).

I have been involved in +60 research projects (26 as project leader, majority with international collaborators) in the past 25 years, of which 15 projects are currently running (2022). I have been the coor­dinator of two large EU Marie S. Curie ITN projects - and – multi-site and multi­disciplinary European training networks, which have and will be training more than 25 PhDs.

I have been the chairperson of the EU Nitrogen Expert panel 2018-2021. In 2015 I received the honorary award from U. Brinch's Foundation for initiation of a new research field and building a strong research group. 

My major teaching contributions are currently in the courses Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility and Animals and Sustainability. 

I have supervised 35 Ph.D. students since 1999 (currently 3 as main supervisor, 3 as co-supervisor) and 15 postdocs (currently 3) and served on more than 25 assessment panels for PhD defences worldwide.

I have has supervised more than 70 undergraduate and graduate research thesis works and served as external examiner for  more than 100 graduate student projects.


Short CV - Lars Stoumann Jensen, Professor of Soil Fertility and Organic Waste Recycling (Aug 2022)

Research area

My research deals with soil biogeochemistry, in particular fundamental soil C, N and P turnover following recy­cling of organic materials such as crop residues, manures and biowaste as biobased fertilisers. My research also covers nutrient utilisation and fertiliser value, as well as gaseous (e.g. NH3, N2O, CH4) and aquatic (NO3-, PO42-) emissions from land application of these recycled products. Finally, mechanistic modelling of these processes, and model use for overall system analysis and environmental impact assessment are favourites.


1994: PhD in Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition, Royal Vet. & Agricultural Univ. (KVL), Dept. Agricultural Sciences.

1990: M.Sc. in Agriculture, Royal Vet. & Agricultural Univ., DK. MSc thesis in Chemistry.


2015: Professor of Soil Fertility and Organic Waste Recycling, at KU-PLEN.

2007: Professor (with special responsibilities), Soil Biological Fertility as Influenced by Manure and Waste, KU.

1999: Associate Professor at the Plant and Soil Science Lab., Dept. of Agricultural Sciences, KVL.

1996: Assistant Professor at the Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility Lab., Dept. of Agricultural Sciences, KVL.

1995: Research Fellow at the Danish Root Zone Centre.


2014-2021: Member, and from 2019-2021 Chairperson, of the EU Nitrogen Expert Panel (

2015-2019: Research group leader, Soil Fertilty, KU-PLEN.

2019-now: Head of Plant and Soil Section, KU-PLEN.

2012-2014: Director, Center Sustainable Agriculture & Forestry Systems, cross-faculty, interdisciplinary centre.

2003-2008: Study Director BSc program in Natural Resources and MSc program in Agriculture, KVL / KU-LIFE.


Involved in teaching at BSc, MSc and PhD levels. Main contributions in Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility (MSc) and Animals and Sustainability (MSc)


I have supervised +75 BSc & MSc thesis students, 37 PhD students (4 current as main) and +15 postdocs.


2015: Recipient of award from Ulrik and Marie Brinch's Foundation for creating a new research field.

Recent grants and projects

During 2018-2022, I have contributed to 15 funded projects, totalling +65 mio DKK for PLEN. A few main ones:

2019-2024 PI of “CatCap – Catch Crops for Carbon Capture“, Min. Agriculture, 16.8 mio DKK total / 10.4 PLEN.

2019-2023 WP-lead “LEX4BIO - Optimizing Bio-based Fertilisers in Agriculture’ EU H2020, 50 / 4 mio DKK PLEN.

2020-2023 PI of “FertiCycle – New Bio-based Fertilisers from Organic Waste Upcycling“ EU MSC-ITN, 31 / 9.1.


Peer-reviewed publications total (aug. 2022) = 200; total citations 8022; H-index = 49 (Scopus). See further info under tab Research Outputs.


  • Bioaffald
  • E-learning
  • Fakultetets uddannelser
  • Gylle
  • Husdyrgødning
  • Husdyrproduktion og miljø
  • Jordbundens mikrobiologi
  • Jordkvalitet
  • Kompost
  • Kunstgødning
  • Kvælstof-15 måling
  • Miljøvenlig afgrødeproduktion
  • Naturressourcer
  • Næringsstofindhold og omsætning i planter
  • Planteavl
  • Planteernæring
  • Planters ernæring
  • Planters interaktion med miljø, jord og grundvand
  • Produktionssystemer
  • Rekruttering af studerende
  • Stabile isotoper
  • Tracer metodik
  • Undervisning og pædagogik
  • Vandmiljøplaner
  • Klima

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