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  • Gothersgade 160, 3

    1123 København K

  • Gothersgade 160, 3, 1123 København K, 01 Gothersgade 160, 01-3-33

  • Øster Farimagsgade 5

    1353 København K

  • Kilde: Scopus
1989 …2024

Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil

Primære forskningsområder

Reproduktiv sundhed, familiedannelse, infertilitet, graviditetstab, assisteret befrugtning, forebyggelse af nedsat frugtbarhed, social epidemiologi, kvalitative metoder.

Aktuel forskning

  • Leder af forskningsgruppen i Reproduktiv sundhed ved Afdeling for Social Medicin
  • Programleder (PI) for The Copenhagen Multi-centre Psychosocial Infertility (COMPI) Research Programme. Forskningsgruppen omfatter forskere fra Københavns Universitet; Chapman University, CA; Porto University, Portugal. Samarbejde med offentlige fertilitetsklinikker i Danmark.  
  • Social ulighed i brug af fertilitetsbehandling
  • Psykiatriske lidelser, infertilitet og assisteret befrugtning 
  • Fertilitetsbehandling og kvinders risiko for kræft
  • Familiedannelse blandt mænd og kvinder, der har overlevet kræft i barndom/tidligt voksenliv
  • Samarbejdsprojekter om stress, infertilitet og graviditetstab
  • Samarbejdsprojekter om familiedannelse og forebyggelse af nedsat frugtbarhed 




  • Contributes substantially nationally and internationally, to research in reproductive health with a special focus on family building, infertility, pregnancy loss, medically assisted reproduction, prevention of infertility and pregnancy loss
  • Developed and implemented questionnaire-based infertility-specific measurement scales for stress, coping,  communication and marital benefit. The instruments have been translated and used in more than 50 countries throughout the world
  • Established in 2000 an international, inter-disciplinary research group involving researchers from Denmark, Estonia, Portugal, Sweden, UK, USA; The Copenhagen Multi-centre Psychosocial Infertility (COMPI) Research Group
  • Combines quantitative and qualitative research methods
  • Contributes substantially to the development and running of pre- and postgraduate educations at the Faculty of Health, University of Copenhagen
  • Participates substantially in the public health debate within reproductive health policy and family building

Academic educations and degrees


Doctor of Medical Sciences (DMSci), University of Copenhagen
Thesis: Infertility and assisted reproduction in Denmark. Epidemiology and psychosocial consequences.

PhD in Medicine, University of Copenhagen
Thesis: Psychosocial consequences of infertility and treatment.

Medical Doctor, University of Copenhagen

Professional experience

Since 2017 - Professor wsr in Public Health and Infertility, University of Copenhagen, Department of Public Health

2000 - 2017
Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen, Department of Public Health

1997 - 1999
Assistant Professor in Health Services Research, University of Copenhagen, Department of Public Health

1996 - 1997
Vice Deputy Program Director, University of Copenhagen, Master of Public Health

1992 - 1995
PhD-student, University of Copenhagen, Department of Social Medicine

1986 - 1991
Internship and registrar in obstetrics and gynaecology, internal medicine, and surgery.

Selected appointments


International Fertility Education Initiative (IFEI), Member of network

The Council on Health and Disease Prevention, Member of Working Group on Prevention of Infertility

Coordination for Gender Research, Steering Committee, University of Copenhagen

WHO, Steering Committee for Guidelines and Nomenclature for infertility investigation and treatment

2010 - 2020            
Danish Fertility Society, Member of Fertility Awareness Working Group,             

2008 – 2011
European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Member of Task Force on Reproduction and Society

Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder


  • Medicinsk sociologi
  • Vejleder bachelor- og specialeprojekter


  • Vejleder bachelor- og specialeprojekter
  • Valgfaget: Fertilitet og sundhed


  • Reproduktiv sundhed
  • Infertilitet og assisteret befrugtning
  • Forebyggelse af nedsat frugtbarhed
  • Familiedannelse



  • Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Reproduktiv sundhed
  • Infertilitet
  • Assisteret befrugtning
  • Familiedannelse
  • Social epidemiologi
  • Kvalitative metoder
  • Forebyggelse og sundhedsfremme

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