Intet billede af Louise Birkedal Glenthøj

Louise Birkedal Glenthøj, ph.d.

  • Øster Farimagsgade 2A

    1350 København K

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Træffetid: Torsdage kl. 9:00-10:00 (Telefonisk)

I have a clinical background as a psychologist with specialization in adult psychiatry and specialist in psychotherapy. I joined the Department of Psychology as an associate professor in September 2021. 
My primary research focus is on advancing the clinical assessment and psychotherapeutic treatment of patients with psychiatric disorders. A particular focus is on using new technologies such as virtual reality-based therapy as an augment to psychotherapeutic practice. Additionally, my research focus comprises the assessment of neuro- and social cognitive deficits and functional impairments in psychiatric disorders as well as developing targeted treatments for these deficits. 
I am head of VIRTU Research Group at Mental Health Center Copenhagen. VIRTU conduct large-scale clinical trials in different psychiatric disorders comprising psychosis and the ultra-high risk state of psychosis, autism, eating disorders, anxiety disorders. I have strong national and international collaborations with research groups at e.g. Kings College London, University of Melbourne, University of Groningen, University of Dallas. 



  • DrMSc (, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences: 2021.
  • Psychologist with specialization in general psychiatry (specialpsykolog): 2019.
  • Specialist in clinical psychology and cognitive behavioral psychotherapy (specialist i klinisk psykologi og psykoterapi): 2018
  • PhD, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences: 2017.  
  • Licensed psychologist: 2011
  • MSc, Psychology, Copenhagen University, Institute of Psychology: 2008

Current and most recent positions held

  • Current position 2021: Associate professor, Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen
  • Current position, 2020: Head of VIRTU Research Group at Copenhagen Research Centre on Mental Health (CORE), University of Copenhagen (maternity leave Dec. 1, 2020 – Sep. 21, 2021)


  • 2019 -: Senior researcher at Copenhagen Research Centre on Mental Health (CORE), University of Copenhagen
  • 2017-2019: Clinical psychologist at Mental Health Centre Glostrup.
  • 2013–2016: PhD student at Mental Health Centre Copenhagen, Research Unit.
  • 2008–2013: Clinical psychologist at Mental Health Centre Hvidovre (maternity leave July 2009 - March 2010 and November 2012- October 2013).


Received funding as PI: Mental Health Services in the Capital Region (2.160.000DKK), Danish Independent Research Council: (2.062.000DKK), Inge Lehmann grant from the Danish Independent Research Council (2.062.000DKK), Lundbeck Foundation Ascending Investigator (4.850.000DKK), Mental Health Services in the Capital Region (2.224.000DKK); Fonden til Lægevidenskabens Fremme (50.000DKK); the Lundbeck Foundation (25.000DKK): a total of 13.433.000DKK.

Received funding as lead co-PI: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) (8.925.317): Danish Independent Research council (1.881.575DKK): Research fund of the Capital Region of Denmark (1.750.000DKK); TrygFoundation (4.000.000DKK); Innovation Foundation (13.000.000DKK): a total of 29.556.892 DKK.


  • Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Klinisk psykologi
  • psykiatri
  • psykopatologi
  • virtual reality
  • psykose
  • psykoterapi
  • randomiserede kliniske forsøg
  • neurokognition
  • socialkognition

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