Billede af Louise Hindborg Mortensen

Louise Hindborg Mortensen

Cand.scient. Biologi, Phd. Soil biology

  • Øster Voldgade 10

    1350 København K

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

I have a background in molecular and environmental biology, but have focused on ecosystem interactions and processes in soil. My interest is on communities’ interaction in and with ecosystems: the big picture. I use structural equation modelling (SEM) to study this.


In my PhD. I used SEM to study how recycled ash from biofuel combustion influenced the soil decomposer food web and N availability in a biofuel plantation (Danish spruce forest). This project was looking to examine how recycled ash from biofuel combustion could be applied back as fertilizer in biofuel plantations. My focus was on the effects the soil decomposer food web and the risk of heavy metal bioaccumulation.


Recently I have applied SEM to study the interaction of microbial communities and CO2 emission during a warming climate in the Artic at CENPERM .


I also have keen interest in evolutionary biology and exploring the wonders of the open access software R.



Marts 2014 –

June 2019

PhD from Section for Terrestrial Ecology, Department of Biology, Copenhagen University

Competences: Experimental design; soil biology; qPCR sequencing and analysis; element cycling; stable isotope ecology; data management and statistical analysis in R; structural equation modelling.

PhD. project, ASHBACK:

-        Aim: Study the cascading effect of ash application on the decomposer food web and subsequent N mineralisation in a coniferous soil, and risk op cadmium accumulation in the food web.

-        Methods: Yearly sampling in a field experiment. Microscopy, taxonomy and enumeration of soil organisms. Structural equation modelling. Stable isotope analysis of soil mites. Cadmium analysis in soil organisms and plants. Greenhouse gas measurements and analysis. Multivariate analysis. Review writing.

-        The results from the ASHBACK are to be implemented in the upcoming revision of the ash application legislation (Bioaskebekendgørelsen).




Cand.Scient. from Roskilde University

Environmental and molecular biology.

Competences: Environmental risk assessment; applied ecology; PCR sequencing; bioinformatics; advanced statistics; experimental design.

Master project:

-        Aim: Study the repair mechanism adaptation of grasshoppers in the Chernobyl exclusion zone – comparing DNA damage of grasshoppers in Chernobyl to Danish grasshoppers exposed to radiation.

-        Methods: Taxonomy of grasshopper. DNA purification. ELISA analysis. Experimental set-up to expose grasshoppers to radiation. Statistical analysis.



Ba.Scient from Roskilde University

Environmental and molecular biology.

Competences: Ecotoxicology; ecology; genetics; mathematical modelling; statistics; cloning; pigment analysis.

Bachelor project:

-        Aim: Study the DNA damage in tardigrades after cryptobiosis.

-        Methods: Microscopy of, and catching tardigrades. ELISA analysis. Comet assay. HPLC chromatography.



Student from Christianshavns Gymnasium 

Mathematical student. English and biology as high levels.


Job experience



August 2019

Project employed, Danish Centre for Food and Agriculture, Aarhus University

Scientific writing; structural equation modelling; statistical analysis.


Marts 2014 –

June 2019

PhD Researcher, Section for Terrestrial Ecology, Copenhagen University

Research; scientific writing; science communication; statistical analysis; experimental design; laboratory work; teaching and supervision.


Sep. 2010 –

May 2013

Student helper, Roskilde university

Teaching assistant – Responsible for problem solving and assisted during laboratory classes on Cell biology and Biochemistry 1

Laboratory assistant – Preformed protein purification, in charge of general tidiness of the lab and assisted other students with equipment. 


Feb. 2012

Speaker at Studievalg Fyn  

A speak for high school students, informing them of the life as an environmental biology student.



miljø og vandværkstedet

Enlightened school kids on the Water and Energy Day and was a information worker in connection with activities on the Copenhagen city square during Cop15.




Ohter experience




Sigmaplot – statistical analysis and graph building.

R              – statistical analysis and structural equation modelling  with the             

                   “Lavaan” package


Sep. – Dec. 2016

Stay abroad

“Change of environment” at University College Dublin, Ireland with Professor Olaf Schmidt. Focus of the stay was to conduct stable isotope analysis on individual mites, to test feeding preferences and trophic level in relation to ash application.


Marts 2014-

Marts 2015

Head of PhD association Committee, BIO, Copenhagen University

Organizing the PhD students from the institute of Biology. Arranging social and academic events, such as “PhD spring party” and  “How to poster”


Feb.-Marts 2014

Teaching Course - Didactic and teaching methods

Followed and passed the first module of Youth and Adult Teaching Education – “Didactic and teaching methods”


Sep. 2010-

Jun. 2013

Study activities

Member of the Study board for Environmental studies, Department of Environmental, Social and Spatial Change, Roskilde University.

-        Representing the students from Environmental Biology

-        Arranging and facilitating the workshop “Redefining the Study board and Study leader structure”

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Terrestrial ecology, PhD, Biologsik Institut, Københavns Universitet

2 mar. 201420 jun. 2019

Dimissionsdato: 20 jun. 2019

Miljø- og molekylærbiologi, Cand.scient, Institut for Natur, Systemer og Modeller, Roskilde Universitet

1 sep. 201028 jun. 2013

Dimissionsdato: 28 jun. 2013


  • Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet
  • jord
  • Økologi
  • Fødenet
  • Arktisk biologi
  • drivhusgasser
  • Genanvendelse
  • Biologiske processer
  • Modeling of complex biological systems
  • Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)

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