Billede af Maria Abildgaard Steffensen
  • Blegdamsvej 3B

    2200 København N

Personlig profil

Primære forskningsområder

My research focuses on how inflammation and infectious diseases affect immune-privileged sites, and how the immune cells are regulated once they enter these sites. The ultimate goal is to understand diseases in these organs and help develop new types of treatment. I work with animal models and patient biopsies.

I perform my research in a collaboration with other research groups at the University as well as clinicians at the Hospital. You can find me at the Panum Institute on the 13th floor.



2011                    PhD in Immunology, University of Copenhagen

2008                    MSc. in Biomedicine, University of Southern Denmark

2006                    BSc in Biomedicine, University of Southern Denmark


2019-                   Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen

2016 – 2019        Medical Writer, ALK-Abelló A/S, Denmark

2015 – 2016        Postdoc, Copenhagen University Hospital

2011 – 2015        Postdoc, , University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Eksterne ansættelser

Medical writer, ALK-Abello AS


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