Billede af Marlene Wind

Marlene Wind

Political Science, PhD from the European University Institute (EUI), Florence Italy. 12 months study programme at UMASS, USA.

  • Øster Farimagsgade 5

    1353 København K

Personlig profil


Personal data

Marlene Wind, PhD, EURECO Professor
Director of Centre for European Politics (CEP)
Department of Political Science
Copenhagen University
Øster Farimagsgade 5
1353 Copenhagen K
Phone: + 45 35323429
Mobil: 51327662
Fax: + 4535323399
E-mail: [email protected]


  • Ph.d. European University Institute (EUI), Florence, Italy.
  • MA, Aarhus University.
  • MA, University of Massachusetts, USA (1989-1990).
  • Studies at the 'Jyske Musikkonservatorium', Aarhus.


2018-2019 Global Law Fellow, KU Leuven, Belgium

2012 Professor II Oslo University, Faculty of Law

2011 Professor iCourts, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen

2011- until now Professor, Chair

2009-2011   Professor (mso) in International relations with a specific focus on the interplay between law and politics in the European Union.

2008-Until now  Director of Centre for European Politics (CEP) at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen.

2007-2008  Vice-Director of Centre for European Politics (CEP) at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen

2004-2005   On leave from my ordinary position (8 month) to project a new MA degree in Law & Politics (Cand. Soc) for the Departments of Law and Political Science at the University of Copenhagen.

2003-2004   Maternity leave (Jakob born 17-10-03)

2003   Appointed by Dean Tage Bild to develop and manage a new Master in European Studies (adult education/'efteruddannelse').

2003 Research at the Rockefeller Foundation site in Bellagio, Italy.

2003 Visiting Fellow, European University Institute (EUI), Robert Schumann Centre.

2002-2003 Maternity leave (Carl Asger born 23-03 -02)

2002 Member of the steering committee on the Master in European Studies (adult education).

2001-2009  Appointed Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen.

1998   Appointed as commentator at the weekly paper 'Weekendavisen'

1998-2000  Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen

1998  Research stay at Harvard Law School with Joseph Weiler

1997-1998   Researcher at CORE, Copenhagen Research Project on European Integration

1996-1997 Research-assistant at DUPI, Dansk Udenrigspolitisk Institut, Copenhagen.

Board memberships, trusteeships and awards (Selection)

2010 Appointed member of the selction committie for College of Europe (Brügge & Natolin)

2009  Receiver of ‘Europe's Womans Award' 2009 (for outstanding communication on Europe with the public at large). Special ceremony at the City Hall of Copenhagen on September 17th 2009. 

2009-Until now   Member of the permanent assessment panel at The European Science Foundation, September 2009.

2009-Until now  Member of the editorial board at the Brussels-based journal 'Europe's World'

2009-Until now  Member of the selection commitee for College de Europe, Bruges.

2009 Reviewer Scandinavian Journal of Political Science (1)

2009 Reviewer of European Union Politics (2)

2008 Reviewer Journal of Common Market Studies (1)

2008  Main responsible for drawing up the idea-paper for EURECO (European Research at the University of Copenhagen), accepted the University board in 2008.

2008-Until now Member of 'Institutforum' (Department of  Political Science). (A collegial body)

2008-Until now Member of 'Indblik nu's advisory board ('Indblik nu' is a new internetbased magazine.

2008-Until now  Member of the European movements expert-panel (De fire forbehold/The four Danish EU opt-outs,

2008-Until now Chairman of the advisory ‘follower group' for the Danish opt-out investigation at DIIS (Danish Institute for International Affairs) spring 2008.

2007-Until now  Member of the High Council at the European University Institute, Italy. Appointed by the Danish Minister for Science and Technology. (President of the High Council in 2010).

2007-Until now Chariman of the Danish EUI selection committee (Ranking and evaluation of PhD- candidates to the European University Institute).

2000-Until now  Member of the Danish EUI selection committee (Ranking and evaluation of PhD- candidates to the European University Institute).

2006-Until now  Member of the council for the PhD programme at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen.

2006-Until now  Member of the European Commission network for woman.

2006-Until now  Member of the Think Thank for the European Movement

2005-Until now  Advisory Board for 'New Europe' - an international grassroot movement.

2005-Until now  Head of the joint law/political science researchgroup on ‘legalisation' at the University of Copenhagen Research Project ‘Europe in Transition'.

2004-2005  Appointed to draw up a new law/politics Masters degree (2004-2005).

2004-2008   Member of the board at the Political Science Department

2004-Until now  Member of DIIS's board (Danish Institute for International Studies). Re-appointed in 2008.

2001-2001  Member of steering committee for Master in European Studies, University of Copenhagen (adult education).

2000-2001  Teaching coordinator of International Politics at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen.

1999-2004   Member of governing committee at DUPI's  (Danish Institute of International Affairs), Copenhagen.

1998- 2001    Member of the DSE's board (Danish Society for Research on Europe)

2000-2001   Member of the Review Board for European Journal of International Relations (EJIR).

2001-2009  Censor/External Examiner at the Political Science education in Odense and Aarhus.

2001-Until now  Censor/External Examiner at the public administration educations at Roskilde University Centre and Aalborg University.

1998-Until now  Commentator on Danish and international television, radio and in the written press on European and European affairs.

1998-Until now  Speaker/lecturer to the general public on European Affairs and on my research (2009: around 40 speeches yearly)

1997-2008  Censor/External Examiner at the Danish Royal Air Force Academy.

Træffetid: mandage 14-15

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Træffetid: Mandag 14 - 15


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