Intet billede af Meaghan Mackie
  • Øster Voldgade 5-7

    1350 København K

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Meaghan is a bioarchaeologist examining ancient proteins from palaeontological, archaeological, and historic sources. Her background is in archaeology and social/cultural anthropology, with BAs in both from the University of Calgary, Canada; and a MSc in Bioarchaeology from the University of York, UK. Her Master's project was on the proteomic analysis of dental calculus from three Roman age sites from the UK and Italy. While she has done archaeological field work in both Canada and the UK, she moved to the University of Copenhagen in 2016 as a research assistant to examine dental calculus proteins from different periods in Denmark's history. As of late 2018, Meaghan is the Palaeoproteomics Technician of the groups of Matthew Collins and Enrico Cappellini, in charge of  coordinating and analysing samples by mass spectrometer (LC-MS/MS, in connection with the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research).

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