Billede af Mette Ejrnæs
  • Øster Farimagsgade 5, Bygning 26

    1353 København K

Personlig profil

Primære forskningsområder

Anvendt mikroøkonometri

Kort præsentation

Mette Ejrnæs har været professor i økonomi ved Københavns Universitet siden 2012. Hendes forskningsområder dækker blandt andet arbejdsmarkedsøkonomi, familie- og sundhedsøkonomi samt forbrug og indkomstteori.

Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality (CEBI)
Econometrics Group

Aktuel forskning

  • Arbejdsløshedsforsikringer
  • Velfærd for børn
  • Fertilitet

Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder

Sandsynlighedsteori, Empiriske analyser; Statistik; Mikroøkonometri; Paneldata; Registerdata, Demografi,Arbejdsmarkedet.


  • Indkomst og forbrug
  • Fertilitet
  • Velfærd for børn
  • Lønninger og arbejdsudbud


Personal data:

Born October 1st, 1970, Copenhagen.  Married, two children 


2012-Professor, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen
2010-2012MSO Professor, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen and SFI
2002-2010Associate professor, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen (maternity leave: December 2004-June 2005)
1999-2002Assistant professor, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen (maternity leave: January 2001-July 2001)



June 2000PhD in Economics, University of Copenhagen
Sept. 1997-June 1998Visiting Student at University College London, England
May 1996M.Sc. (cand. scient. oecon.) in Mathematics-Economics, University of Copenhagen


Teaching experience (since 2013):

Demography (fall 2013, fall 2014)

Probability theory and Statistics( fall 2015, fall 2016, fall 2017)

Econometrics 1 (fall 2018, fall 2019, spring 2020, spring 2021, spring 2022, spring 2023)

Supervision of PhD students (since 2013):

Kibrom Abay (2013), Kristoffer Markwardt (2014),Hans Henrik Sievertsen (2014), Alessandro Martinello (2014),Thomas Jørgensen (2015), Anna Folke Larsen (2015), Nick Fabrin Nielsen (2019), Anne Toft Hansen (2019), Bjørn Meyer (2020), Petra Cavalca (2021), Anna Kollerup Iversen (2022), Ermias Gebru Weldesenbet (2022)

External committees:

I have been external members of Ph.D. assessment committees in Bergen, Oslo, Aarhus, Lund, CBS Copenhagen, DTU Copenhagen, Umeå.

I have been members of the following scientific committees: external panel of experts for the Norwegian Research Council, external panel of experts for the Swedish Research Councils, External member of the selection board for professorships at the European University Institute, Florence Italy,  External member of professor assessment committee in Umeå University, Sweden, External members of selection board for professorship in Cambridge University UK, External member of professor assessment committee at Aarhus University, External reviewer for Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Sweden.

Grants (since 2013, >1 mio. kr.) :

2023-2025Spar Nord Fonden: Making firms train disadvantaged youth, Amount 1,738,695 kr.
2020-2025The ministry of education: Research unit in economics of education and children, Amount 7,500,000 kr.
2013-2021Tryg Fonden grant 2014-2021 “Effective intervention for children in out-of-home care: Explaining the impact of decisions and types of treatment”, Amount 7,915,746 kr.
2012-2015The Danish Research Council “Joint earnings and employment over the life course”, Amount 1,994,977 kr.

Department service:

2021-Head of the research unit EduQuant (Quantitative research in economics and children)
2019-2023Deputy head of Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen
2018-2020Member of the study broad for the economic programme

Research centres or networks:

Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality (CEBI)
Economic Policy Research Unit (EPRU)

Visiting scholarship:
Nuffield College, Oxford University, January-June 2010

Policy commissions:

2016-Member of the Economic Council
2020-2021Member of Ydelseskommissionen
2021-2023Member of Lønstrukturkomiteen
2023Co-chair of the Danish Economic council (Vismænd)



  • Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • anvendt mikroøkonometri
  • fertilitet
  • velfærd for børn
  • arbejdsudbud

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