Billede af Nadezhda T. Doncheva
  • Blegdamsvej 3, 2200 København N.

  • Blegdamsvej 3B

    2200 København N

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

My area of research is network biology and I am particularly interested in the integration, analysis and visualization of omics data towards a more comprehensive understanding of human diseases. Furthermore, I have been actively involved in the development and maintenance of our group resources, in particular, the stringApp for Cytoscape. I also enjoy teaching about network biology methods and tools at various educational levels. 


Current position

05/2020–present: Assistant Professor at the NNF Center for Protein Research at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Previous positions

  • 05/2016–05/2020: PostDoc researcher at the NNF Center for Protein Research and at the Center for non-coding RNA in Technology and Health at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 01/2010–05/2016: Research scientist in the Department for Computational Biology and Applied Algorithmics at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany
  • 03/2013–05/2013: Research scientist in the Resource on Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics at the University of California, San Francisco, USA


  • PhD (Dr. rer. nat), Max Planck Institute for Informatics and Saarland University, Germany (June 2016)
  • Masters (M. Sc.) in Bioinformatics, Saarland University, Germany (Nov 2009)
  • Bachelor (B.S.) in Computational Molecular Biology, Saarland University, Germany (Oct 2007)

Research Awards

  • Conference travel fellowship for ISMB/ECCB 2015
  • BioVis 2013 data contest overall favorite (IEEE BioVis 2013, Atlanta, US)
  • Travel grant of the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds for a 3-month research visit at UCSF, USA (March - May 2013)
  • Conference travel fellowships for VIZBI 2010
  • Conference travel fellowships for ECCB10


  • Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, MSc Human Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (yearly since 2016)
  • Bioinformatics analysis of gene expression data, PhD course, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (yearly since 2019)
  • Translational Discovery Omics II, BRIDGE PostDoc course, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (yearly since 2021)
  • Cytoscape/STRING Workshops, PhD/PostDoc level, at different universities in Denmark (yearly since 2017)
  • Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning I, BRIDGE PostDoc course, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (yearly in 2019-2020)
  • EMBO Practical Course on Computational analysis of protein-protein interactions, PhD/PostDoc course, different locations (yearly 2011-2019)


Network biology, Computational Proteomics, Medical bioinformatics, Structural biology

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Bioinformatics, PhD (Dr. rer. nat.), Max Planck Institute for Informatics

Dimissionsdato: 6 jun. 2016

Bioinformatics, Master of Science (M. Sc.), University of Saarland

Dimissionsdato: 16 nov. 2009

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