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Universitetsparken 13, 2100 København Ø
Universitetsparken 13
2100 København Ø
My research activities are on animal anatomy and physiology including studies on the evolution of taxa, organs and molecules with focus on renal organs and extracellular fluid homeostasis. Current focus is on tardigrades (water bears) - microscopic metazoans living in a range of habitats across the globe. These small animals are famous for their ability to survive extreme conditions, such as desiccation and freezing. Tardigrades may respond to such extremes by entering a form of hidden or latent life called cryptobiosis. This condition is currently believed to involve a reversible suspension of metabolism, and the animal can as such be considered dead - as opposed to death, however, metabolism can be restarted. Even in their active states tardigrades may be extremely tolerant of environmental stress, e.g. handling large fluctuations in external salinity. The anatomical, physiological and molecular mechanisms underlying this amazing ability to adapt to extreme conditions are to date largely unknown. A main area of interest in my group currently comprises investigations on tardigrades with emphasis on osmolyte and water regulation associated with adaptations to extreme environments.
Bachelor and Master projects
• Cryptobiosis and environmental stress tolerance in tardigrades
Education and Positions include
2010-now: Associate Professor, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)
2008-2010: Faculty of Science Freja Fellow (Associate Research Professor), UCPH
2004-2008: Assistant Professor, Department of Molecular Biology, UCPH
2002-2004: Postdoc/ Assistant Research Professor, Natural History Museum (UK) and UCPH.
2002: Ph.D. Degree, August Krogh Institute, UCPH
1997: M.Sc. (cand. scient), Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, UCPH.
1 year of maternity leave (two children).
Honors and Positions of Trust include
2021: New tardigrade species nominated for WoRMS top-ten marine species of 2020.
2018-now: Editorial Board Member, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.
2015-now: Nominated for AcademiaNet.
2011-2015: President, Danish Natural History Society (Board Member 2005-2015)
2003-2004: Research Fellowship, Carlsberg Foundation.
2002-2003: Research Fellowship, Danish Natural Science Research Council.
2001: Schibbye Award (Danish Natural History Society, Schibbye'ske Præmie).
Scientific Focus Areas | My primary research activities are within animal physiology with focus on ion and water metabolism, complimented by detailed anatomical investigations and studies on the evolution of taxa, organs and molecules. Current focus is on tardigrades (water bears) and cryptobiosis (latent life), a relatively new and emerging field. Our methods include advanced microscopy and imaging techniques, experimental physiology, modelling, various molecular methods including genomics/transcriptomics and bioinformatics.
Research Leadership and Funding | My management experience comprises leading several larger research projects, international conferences and field expeditions. I have a course in laboratory animal science (FELASA category C) fulfilling the requirements to obtain personal license and perform experiments on animals as outlined by Danish authorities, courses in working environment, responsible conduct of research for PhD supervisors (2016) and research leadership (LUKU, 2011). I have been Head of my own Research Group since 2008. Total funding to research approx. 16 million DKK (~ 2.15 million EUR).
Publications | See my profiles at UCPH and Google Scholar (H-Index: 28). I have published with ~ 90 co-authors from 13 countries, representing 25 universities. Seven articles (July 2023) have Altmetric Attention Scores in top 5% of all research outputs.
Conferences and meetings | Include organizing or co-organizing eight international symposia and > 200 seminars. I was e.g. organizer of the 14th International Symposium on Tardigrada (2018). Numerous talks & chairs (> 60) and presentations via junior team members at various conferences and meetings. Examples of recent invited/keynote talks: Tardigrade Anniversary Seminar Series (2023), 15th International Symposium on Tardigrada (2022) and Symposium Celebration of August Krogh's Nobel Prize (2022).
Outreach | My outreach experience includes numerous (~ 40) direct interactions with science journalists and laypersons. Recent examples: Radio 4 (2022), Bloom Festival (2022): Walk Wanderlust with tardigrades, Observer newspaper (2021), The Scientist (2021), Natur|DR (2020), Vildt Naturligt| DR P1 (2021), Science Stories (2019), Frederiksberg Science City & Resonance Festival (2018). Talk & debate: Life, death and artificial intelligence.
Reviewer and Grant Evaluation | Panel Member, Swedish Research Council, Natural and Engineering Sciences (2023) and evaluator (since 2015) for various international funding agencies, e.g. ERC, HFSP (Strasbourg), NSF (USA). Ad hoc reviewer for ~ 30 international journals.
Current Organizational Contributions further include
2021-now: Board Member of the Animal Ethics Institutional Review Board (AEIRB) at UCPH.
2012-now: Steering Committee Member of the August Krogh Club at UCPH.
Teaching and Academic Leadership | I have a formal degree in higher education science teaching and have served on various professional teaching committees, including departmental education and communication committees as well as ad hoc committees coordinating contents and implementation of courses and study programs. I have experience in mentoring at all university levels, involving supervision and mentoring of > 90 B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. students, research assistants and post docs, including international ERASMUS and MSCA students/fellows (see e.g. BIOSTASIS). My teaching involves lectures, exercises, examinations and course coordination of various courses, as well as participation in international events (EUSO-2017). I am currently course responsible/manager for Zoophysiology and Comparative Anatomy. External examinator activities involve numerous censorships (Aarhus University, University of Southern Denmark, Roskilde University) and evaluation of Ph.D. Theses (Aarhus University, University of Southern Denmark, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland).
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Review › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Leder › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport › Bidrag til bog/antologi › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Review › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review