Intet billede af Neda Trifkovic

Neda Trifkovic

PhD in Development Economics

  • Gammeltoftsgade 17, Bygning 26-2-39

    1353 København K

  • Øster Farimagsgade 5, Bygning 26

    1353 København K

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

My research is at the intersection of development economics, agricultural economics and food policy, with an emphasis on transformation of global value chains. A common thread in my research is the analysis of how institutions shape economic outcomes for participants from developing countries. Specific areas in which I have been conducting research include welfare effects of international regulation for smallholders in developing countries, food quality and safety standards, contract farming, market access and food policy. 

Primære forskningsområder

Development Economics, Agricultural Economics, Labor, Global Value Chains, Food Standards, Contract Farming, Food Policy

Aktuel forskning

Small and Medium Enterprises in Vietnam, Standards, Corporate Social Responsibility

Eksterne ansættelser

MIT J-WAFS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

1 sep. 202431 jan. 2025


  • Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Development Economics
  • Agricultural Economics
  • Food Policy
  • Food Standards
  • Global Value Chains
  • Vertical Coordination

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