Billede af Nicolai Vitt Meyling

Nicolai Vitt Meyling

cand.scient. (Biologi), ph.d.

  • Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg C

  • Thorvaldsensvej 40

    1871 Frederiksberg C

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Min forskning har fokus på samspillene mellem værtsorganismer (insekter og planter) og deres mikrobielle symbionter, særligt svampe. Jeg er interesseret i at forstå effekterne af disse samspil, som har anvendelsesmæssige perspektiver indenfor biologisk bekæmpelse af skadedyr og plantesundhed. Mine forskningsprojekter inkluderer:

  • Plante-mikrobe-insekt interaktioner.
  • Biologisk bekæmpelse af skadedyr i planteproduktion ved brug af insektpatogener.
  • Kombination af insektpatogener med andre biologiske bekæmpelsesmetoder.
  • Insekters respons på eksponering for patogener, adfærdsmæssige og immun-reaktioner.



2005: PhD in Insect Pathology and Biological Control, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark (Oct. 2005).

2001: MSc (cand.scient.) in Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (Dec. 2001).


Employment history

2008-present: Associate Professor, Dept. of Plant and Environmental Sciences, UCPH.

2017-2019: Associated Researcher, Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomy (NIBIO), 10%.

2006-2008: Postdoc/Assistant Professor, Department of Ecology, University of Copenhagen (UCPH).

2005-2006: Amanuensis; Department of Ecology, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University.

2002-2005: PhD fellow at The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark.


Current and recent research projects as Principal Investigator/Supervisor

  • BumbleBio: Bumblebees as vectors of fungi for biocontrol of insect pests in strawberry flowers. Miljøstyrelsen/Danish EPA (PI, 2023-2026; budget 3.6 mill. DKK).
  • CombiControl: Combining above‐ and belowground biological control agents for improved pest control in strawberry tunnel production. Miljøstyrelsen/Danish EPA (PI, 2020-2022; budget 2,0 mill. DKK).
  • EXCALIBUR: Exploiting the Multifunctional Potential of Belowground Biodiversity in Horticultural Farming. H2020 Societal Challenges EU (National PI, 2019-2024; budget 3.48 mill. DKK).
  • FlyIPM: Integrated control of root-feeding fly larvae infesting vegetable crops (ERA-Net C-IPM). Miljøstyrelsen/Danish EPA (National PI, WP leader, 2017-2020; budget 1.6 mill. DKK).
  • MiRA: Microbe Induced Resistance to Arthropod Pests. Innovative Training Network H2020 Marie S. Curie Actions (co-WP leader, main supervisor for 1 PhD student, 2018-2021).
  • INSECTDOCTORS: Educating insect pathologists to prevent infectious diseases in mass-reared insects. Innovative Training Network H2020 Marie S. Curie Actions (supervisor for 2 PhD students, 2020-2023).


Editorial duties

  • Associate Editor for BioControl (ISI impact factor 2022=2.5), 2012-2023.
  • Subject Editor for Bulletin of Entomological Research (ISI impact factor 2022=1.9), 2015-2021.
  • Editorial Board Member of Fungal Ecology (ISI impact factor 2022=2.9), since 2016.
  • Reviewer of >130 manuscripts for international scientific journals.


Scientific memberships and conference contributions

  • Society for Invertebrate Pathology, since 2005; Chair/post-chair Fungi Division (2016-2020).
  • Board member OIKOS, treasurer, Nordic Ecological Society, Danish branch (2014-present).
  • 14 invited talks, 1 keynote talk, at national and international meetings and conferences (101 abstracts presented in total); organizer of two specialist symposia at international conferences.


Managerial duties

  • Head of Research Group, Insect-Microbe Interactions (2020-present).
  • Health and Safety Organization, leader representative (2010-present).
  • Member of Study Board of Natural Resources, Environment and Animal Science (2017-present).
  • Member of Plant Health Board (Plantesundhedsudvalget), 2022-present.


  • Biologisk bekæmpelse
  • Insekter
  • Skadedyr og skadevoldere
  • Zoologi
  • Økologi

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