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  • Blegdamsvej 3B

    2200 København N

Personlig profil





LEO Foundation Skin Immunology Research Center

Inflammation & Cancer

Department of International Health, Immunology and Microbiology (ISIM)

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 3

DK-2200 Copenhagen N; e-mail: [email protected];

Academic Examinations, degrees ect

1989     D. M.Sc., University of Copenhagen

1982     M.D., University of Copenhagen (UC)


2012-     Full professorship in immunology, Institute of International Health, Immunology and microbiology, Health Science Faculty, University of Copenhagen

2003     Full professorship in Signal transduction in the Immune system, Department of Biology University of Copenhagen.

1993     Associate professor, Inst. Biochem. University of Copenhagen.

1992     Senior researcher at Dept for Clinical Immunology, Rigshospitalet

1991     Visiting Reseacrh fellow Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan

­1989     Visiting Research fellow Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research, Seattle, USA

1982     ­­­­­MD and research fellow at Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen. 

Research fields of expertice:

Immunology; immune regulation, T cell lymphomas, cytokines, signal transduction, immune pathology, autoimmunity, allergy, transplantation, tumor immunology, cancer.

Publications and patents:

Author of > 300 papers in peer-reviewed journals and patents/patent applications within the fields of immunology, immune pathology, signal transduction and gene regulation. Many publications in high (impact factor > 10) and very high (impact factor > 20) journals including Nature Immunol, Blood, PNAS, Genes Dev, Cancer Res, and other

Sum of  the times cited: >10.000

H-index: 58 (= number of articles cited more than 58 times)

Total number of peer-reviewed publications: >300

Author of 40 publications, interviews, view-point ect (not peer reviewed) in news papers and magazines, periodicals, and media like “Ingeniøren”, “Ugeskrift or Læger”, news and publications from “Kræftens Bekæmpelse”, “HøjteknologiFonden”, “Danmarks Radio”, and other. 

Academic and Research Achievements:

Made many scientific discoveries including identifying new HLA genes, their function and importance in transplantation and autoimmunity, unravelled Interleukin-2 signal cascades and pathological signalling in T cell lymphoma, discoveries of oncogenes and their targets and functions, diagnostic miRNA profiling of inflammatory skin disorders, identification of novel therapeutic targets, and other discoveries published in more than 300 international peer reviewed journals and patents (cf. above)

Present Center & Project management & funding history:

Member of the LEO Foundation Skin Immunology Research Center (SIC) at 12th floor, Mærsk Tower, UC. Successful co-applicant of a 10-year grant with a total budget of 400 mill DKK from the LEO Foundation for the development of SIC over a 10 year from 2019.

Successful applicant for a 15 mill DDK grant from The LEO Foundation for a Single cell sequencing facility in 2020.

Other recent personal grants:

2022 The Danish Cancer Society: 3 mill DKK for CTCL research

2021 Tandem-project 10 mill from the Novo Nordic Foundation. 

2020 The Danish Research Council 5.9 mill for a study of S aureus in CTCL.

2019 The Danish Cancer Society 2.9 mill for a study of disease heterogeneity in CTCL.

Group leader of the “Inflammation & Cancer” research group of 10 including associate/ assistant professors, post docs and PhD students visiting scientists, as well as a graduate student and a part time technician.

Project manager of drug and biomarker development, and other projects involving the University of Copenhagen, Zealand Pharma, and Micreos (The Netherlands)

Organizer and leader of an international collaboration on “Identification of novel therapeutic targets in T cell lymphoma” (DK, USA, Canada, Germany, Sweden)

Organizer of an international study on “Bacterial toxins and anti-toxins in colon inflammation and Cancer” (DK, UK, Italy, Sweden)

Initiator of the novel Master Education in Immunology & Inflammation

Instigator and inventor of a novel master education in Immunology and Inflammation at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. The education is unique as it involves a close collaboration between the academic environment at the University and the majority of Pharmaceutical companies in the Greater Copenhagen area. The education was launched in September 2016.

PhD students i 2022:  6 internal and external PhD students including industrial PhDs

Supervision: Supervised more than 120 master- and PhD students from UC and a series of industrial PhD students from Danish and International pharmaceutical and biotech companies.

Industrial collaboration: Scientific advisor to Mindera Corp (San Francisco, CA) 2017-2019 and from 2018- Micreos Human Health (den Haag, the Netherlands). Scientific collaboration with Micreos, Mindera Corp, LEO Pharma, Bioneer, and Zealand Pharma. Participated in novel drug discovery and development with Zealand Pharma and other companies. Consultant to Micreos Pharma (Haag, The Netherlands) and Almirall (Barcelona, Spain).

 Science administration: Consultant for Human Frontier Science Program, Strasbourg CEDEX, France, Imperial Cancer Research Foundation UK, and the Broad Association (USA). Previous Co-Editor for Exp Clin Immunogen and Advances in Hematology. Reviewer for multiple international journals and organizer/co-organizer of several International conferences. Key-note speaker and chairman of sessions on immune regulation/inflammation/lymphoma at international conferences. Since 2007-2019 Expert assessor and consultant for the Research Council of Norway and ad hoc consultant to the Swedish-, Baltic-, and Dutch- research councils and the Dutch Cancer Research Council.  Appointed member of the Danish Research Council – Forskningsrådet for Sundhed og Sygdom (FSS) from 2013-2018. Member of the FSS executive committee from 2017. From 2018-2024 appointed member of the Scientific Advisory Board (KBVU) for the Danish Cancer Society (Kræftens Bekæmpelse), from 2019-2022 the COST initiative in Brussels, and other private foundations.



Total number of references: Author of  > 300 papers in peer-reviewed journals

Co-author of three patents/patent applications


Sum of the times cited: >10.000;

H-index: 58 (= number of articles cited more than 58 times)


References in peer-reviewed journals:

(Consecutive numbers from the first publication in peer-reviewed journals)


  1. Sørensen ST, Litman T, Gluud M, Celis P, Torres-Rusillo S, Willerslev-Olsen A, Ødum N, Iversen L, Lindahl LM. miRNA Signature in Early-stage Mycosis Fungoides. Acta Derm Venereol. 2022 in press


  1. Noshela Ghazanfar M, Bartko EA, Arildsen NS, Poulsen LK, Jensen BM, Enevold C, Holm JG, Woetmann A, Ødum N, Thomsen SF. Omalizumab serum levels predict treatment outcomes in patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria: A three months prospective study. Clin Exp Allergy. 2022 in press. (Impact factor 5.0)


  1. Gill RPK, Gantchev J, Martínez Villarreal A, Ramchatesingh B, Netchiporouk E, Akilov OE, Ødum N, Gniadecki R, Koralov SB, Litvinov IV. Understanding Cell Lines, Patient-Derived Xenograft and Genetically Engineered Mouse Models Used to Study Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma. Cells. 2022 Feb 9;11(4):593. (Impact factor 7.7)


  1. Bendtsen SK, Perez-Penco M, Hübbe ML, Martinenaite E, Orebo Holmström M, Weis-Banke SE, Grønne Dahlager Jørgensen N, Jørgensen MA, Munir Ahmad S, Jensen KM, Friese C, Lundsager MT, Johansen AZ, Carretta M, Ødum N, Met Ö, Svane IM, Madsen DH, Andersen MH. Peptide vaccination activating Galectin-3-specific T cells offers a novel means to target Galectin-3-expressing cells in the tumor microenvironment. Oncoimmunology. 2022 Jan 27;11(1):2026020. (Impact factor 7.0)


  1. Larsson PF, Karlsson R, Sarwar M, Miftakhova R, Wang T, Syed Khaja AS, Semenas J, Chen S, Hedblom A, Ali A, Ekström-Holka K, Simoulis A, Kumar A, Wingren AG, Robinson B, Nyunt Wai S, Mongan NP, Heery DM, Öhlund D, Grundström T, Ødum N, Persson JL. FcγRIIIa receptor interacts with androgen receptor and PIP5K1α to promote growth and metastasis of prostate cancer. Mol Oncol. 2022 Jul;16(13):2496-2517. (Impact factor 7.4)


  1. Ivanova E; Devlin J; Buus T; Koide A; Cornelius A; Samanovic M; Herrera A; Zhang C; Desvignes L; Ødum N; Ulrich R; Mulligan M; Koide S; Ruggle K; Herati R; Koralov SB. Discrete immune response signature to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination versus infection. medRxiv. 2021 Apr 21:2021.04.20.21255677


  1. Herrera A, Cheng A, Mimitou E, Seffens A, George D, Bar-Natan M, Heguy A, Ruggles K, Scher J, Hymes K, Latkowski J-A, Ødum N, Kadin M, Ouyang Z, Geskin L, Smibert P, Buus TB, Koralov SB. Multimodal single-cell analysis of cutaneous T cell lymphoma reveals distinct sub-clonal tissue-dependent signatures. Blood, 2021; 138(16):1456-1464. (Impact factor 25.5)


  1. Buus TB, Herrera A, Ivanova E, Eleni Mimitou E, Cheng A, Herati RS, Papagiannakopoulos T, Smibert P, Ødum N, Koralov SB. Improving oligo-conjugated antibody signal in multimodal single-cell analysis. Elife. 2021 Apr 16;10:e61973. (Impact factor 7.9)


  1. Willerslev-Olsen, Gjerdrum LMR, Lindahl LM, Buus TB, Pallesen EMH, Gluud M, Bzorek M, Nielsen BS, Kamstrup MR, Rittig AH, Bonefeld CM, Krejsgaard T, Geisler C, Koralov SB, Litman T, Becker JC, Woetmann A, Iversen L, Ødum N. Staphylococcus aureus induces STAT5 dependent more-155 expression in cutaneous T cell lymphoma. J Invest Dermatol. 2021; S0022-202X(21)01148-9 (Impact factor 7.6)


  1. Mathiasen SL, Gall-Mas L, Pateras IS, Theodorou SDP, Namini MRJ, Hansen MB,Martin OCB, Vadivel CK, Ntostoglou K, Butter D, Givskov M, Geisler C, Akbar AN, Gorgoulis VG, Frisan T, Ødum N, Krejsgaard T. Bacterial genotoxins induce T cell senescence. Cell Reports 2021, in press. (Impact factor 9.4)


  1. Funch AB, Mraz V, Gadsbøll A-SØ, Jee MH, Weber JF, Ødum N, Woetmann A, Johansen JD, Geisler C, Bonefeld CM. CD8+ tissue-resident memory T cells recruit neutrophils that are essential for flare-ups in contact dermatitis. Allergy 2021, in press. (Impact factor 13.1)


  1. Fan K, Spassova I, Gravemeyer J, Ritter C, Horny K, Lange A, Gambichler T, Ødum N, Schrama D, Schadendorf D, Ugurel S, Becker JC. Merkel cell carcinoma-derived exosome-shuttle miR-375 induces fibroblast polarization by inhibition of RBPJ and p53. Oncogene. 2021, 40(5):980-996 (Impact factor 8.6)


  1. Kjærsgaard Andersen P, Larsen LA, Clemmensen SB, Hjelmborg JvB, Ødum N, Jemec GBE, Christensen K. Evidence of gene-gene interaction in Hidradenitis suppurativa

– A nationwide register study of Danish twins. Br J Derm, 2021, in press. (Impact factor 11.1)


  1. Nielsen PR, Eriksen JO, Lindahl LM, Wehkamp U, Bzorek M, Andersen G, Woetmann A, Iversen L, Ødum N, Litman T, Gjerdrum LMR. Diagnostic Two-Gene Classifier in Early-Stage Mycosis Fungoides: A Retrospective Multicenter Study. J Invest Dermatol. 2021;141(1):213-217. (Impact factor 7.6)


  1. Lindahl LM, Iversen L, Ødum N, Kilian M. Staphylococcus aureus and antibiotics in cutaneous T cell lymphoma. Dermatology, 2021, (Impact factor 5.1) in press.


  1. Massarenti L, Enevold C, Damgaard D, Ødum N, Garred P, Frisch M, Shelef MA, Jacobsen S, Nielsen CH. PADI4 Polymorphisms Confer Risk of Anti-CCP-Positive Rheumatoid Arthritis in Synergy With HLA-DRB1*04 and Smoking. Front Immunol. 2021;12:707690. (Impact factor 8.0)


  1. Martín Monreal MT, Rebak AS, Massarenti L, Mondal S, Šenolt L, Ødum N, Nielsen ML, Thompson PR, Nielsen CH, Damgaard D. Applicability of Small-Molecule Inhibitors in the Study of Peptidyl Arginine Deiminase 2 (PAD2) and PAD4. Front Immunol. 2021;12:716250 (Impact factor 8.0)


  1. Kongsbak-Wismann M, Al-Jaberi FAH, Schmidt JD, Ghanizada M, Hansen CB, Lopez DV, Woetmann A, Ødum N, Bonefeld CM, Stryhn A, Garred P, Buus S, Geisler C. Normal T and B Cell Responses Against SARS-CoV-2 in a Family With a Non-Functional Vitamin D Receptor: A Case Report. Front Immunol. 2021;12:758154. (Impact factor 8.0)


  1. Lopez DV, Al-Jaberi FAH, Woetmann A, Ødum N, Bonefeld CM, Kongsbak-Wismann M, Geisler C. Macrophages Control the Bioavailability of Vitamin D and Vitamin D-Regulated T Cell Responses. Front Immunol. 2021;12:722806 (Impact factor 8.0)


  1. Al-Jaberi FAH, Kongsbak M, Aguayo-Orozco A, Krogh N, Buss T, Lopez DV, Rode AKO, Gravesen E, Olgaard K, Brunak S, Woetmann A, Odum N, Bonefeld CM, Geisler C. Impaired vitamin D signalling in T cells from a family with hereditary vitamin D resistant rickets. Front Immunol 2021, 12:684015 (Impact factor 8.0)


  1. Gadsbøll AØ, Jee MH, Ahlström MG, Dyring-Andersen B, Woetmann A, Ødum N, Johansen JD, Geisler C, Bonefeld CM. Epidermal T cell subsets-Effect of age and antigen exposure in humans and mice. Contact Dermatitis. 2021 Jun;84(6):375-384 (Impact factor 6.4)


  1. Lopez DV, Al-Jaberi FAH, Damas ND, Weinert BT, Pus U, Torres-Rusillo S, Woetmann A, Ødum N, Bonefeld CM, Kongsbak-Wismann M, Geisler C. Vitamin D Inhibits IL-22 Production Through a Repressive Vitamin D Response Element in the il22 Promoter. Front Immunol. 2021;12:715059 (Impact factor 8.0)


  1. Nielsen PR, Eriksen JO, Sørensen MD, Wehkamp U, Lindahl LM, Bzorek M, Andersen G, Iversen L, Woetmann A, Ødum N, Litman T, Gjerdrum LMR. Role of B-cells in Mycosis Fungoides. Acta Derm Venereol 2021 Mar 11;101(3):adv00413.


  1. Vadivel CK, Gluud M, Torres-Rusillo S, Boding L, Willerslev-Olsen A, Buus TB, Nielsen TK, Persson JL, Bonefeld CM, Geisler C, Krejsgaard T, Fuglsang AT, Odum N, Woetmann A. JAK3 Is Expressed in the Nucleus of Malignant T Cells in Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma (CTCL). Cancers (Basel). 2021 Jan 14;13(2):E280. (Impact factor 6.6)


  1. Nastasi C, Willerlev-Olsen A, Dalhoff K, Ford SL, Gadsbøll AØ, Buus TB, Gluud M, Danielsen M, Litman T, Bonefeld CM, Geisler C, Ødum N, Woetmann A. Inhibition of succinate dehydrogenase activity impairs human T cell activation and function. Sci Rep. 2021 Jan 14;11(1):1458.


  1. Stolearenco V, Levring TB, Nielsen HM, Lindahl LM, Fredholm S, Kongsbak-Wismann M, Willerslew-Olsen A, Buus TB, Nastasi C, Hu T, Gluud M, Côme CRM, Krejsgaard T, Iversen L, Bonefeld CM, Grønbæk K, Met Ö, Woetmann A, Ødum N*, Geisler C*. The thioredoxin-interacting protein TXNIP is a putative tumor suppressor in Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma (CTCL). Dermatology 2021, Online ahead of print. (Impact factor 5.4)


  1. Willerslev-Olsen A, Buus TB, Nastasi C, Blümel E, Gluud M, Bonefeld CM, Geisler C, Lindahl LM, Vermeer M, Wasik MA, Iversen L, Becker JC, Andersen MH, Gjerdrum LMR, Litvinov IV, Litman T, Krejsgaard T, Woetmann A, Ødum N. Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxins induce FOXP3 in neoplastic T cells in Sézary syndrome. Blood Cancer Journal 2020;10(5):57. (Impact factor 9.8)


  1. Lindahl LM, Gluud M, Emmanuel T, Thomsen EA, Hu T, Rittig AH, Celis P, Stolearenco V, Krejsgaard T, Johansen C, Willerslev-Olsen A, Buus TB, Woetmann A, Aagaard L, Geisler C, Litman T, Mikkelsen JG, Odum N, Iversen L. MicroRNA-106b Regulates Expression of the Tumour Suppressors p21 and TXNIP and Promotes Tumour Cell Proliferation in Mycosis Fungoides. Acta Derm Venereol. 2020;100(16):adv00270.


  1. Nielsen PR, Eriksen JO, Lindahl LM, Wehkamp U, Bzorek M, Andersen G, Woetmann A, Iversen L, Ødum N, Litman T, Rahbek Gjerdrum LM. Diagnostic 2-gene classifier in early-stage mycosis fungoides: A retrospective multicenter study. J Invest Dermatol. 2020, S0022-202X(20)31599-2. (Impact factor 7.6)


  1. Gluud M, Willerslev-Olsen A, Gjerdrum LMR, Lindahl LM, Buus TB, Andersen MH, Bonefeld CM, Krejsgaard T, Litvinov IV, Iversen L, Becker JC, Persson JL, Koralov SB, Litman T, Geisler C, Woetman A, Ødum N. MicroRNAs in the Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, Prognosis and Targeted Treatment of Cutaneous T-cell Lymphomas. Cancers (Basel) 2020, 12(5):E1229. (Impact factor 6.6)


  1. Rittig A, Johansen C, Celis P, Odum N, Litman T, Woetmann A, Lindahl L, Iversen L. Suppressed microRNA-195-5p expression in mycosis fungoides promotes tumor cell proliferation. Exp Derm 2020. doi: 10.1111/exd.14124


  1. Karlsson R, Per Larsson P, Miftakhova R, Khaja ASS, Sarwar M, Semenas J, Chen S, Hedblom A, Wang T, Ekström-Holka K, Simoulis A, Kumar A, Ødum N, Grundström T, and Persson JL. Establishment of Prostate Tumor Growth and Metastasis Is Supported by Bone Marrow Cells and Is Mediated by PIP5K1α Lipid Kinase. Cancers, 2020, 12(9):2719. (Impact factor 6.6)


  1. Weis-Banke SE, Hübbe ML, Holmström MO, Jørgensen MA, Bendtsen SK, Evelina Martinenaite E, Carretta M, Svane IM, Ødum N, Pedersen AW, Met Ö, Madsen DH, Andersen MH. The metabolic enzyme arginase-2 is a potential target for novel immune modulatory vaccines. Oncoimmunology, 2020;9(1):1771142. (Impact factor 8.1)


  1. Blümel E, Munir Ahmad S, Nastasi C, Willerslev-Olsen A, Gluud M, Fredholm S, Hu T, Surewaard BGJ, Lindahl LM, Fogh H, Koralov SB, Rahbek Gjerdrum LM, Clark RA, Iversen L, Krejsgaard T, Bonefeld CM, Geisler C, Becker JC, Woetmann A, Andersen MH, Buus TB, Ødum N. Staphylococcus aureus alpha-toxin inhibits CD8+ T cell-mediated killing of cancer cells in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Oncoimmunology. 2020;17;9(1):1751561. (Impact factor 8.1)


  1. Gluud M, Fredholm S, Blümel E, Willerslev-Olsen A, Buus TB, Nastasi C, Krejsgaard T, Bonefeld CM, Woetmann A, Iversen L, Litman T, Geisler C, Ødum N, Lindahl LM. MicroRNA-93 Targets p21 and Promotes Proliferation in Mycosis Fungoides T Cells. Dermatology. 2020; 24:1-6. (Impact factor 5.4)


  1. Gantchev J, Martínez Villarreal A, Gunn S, Zetka M, Ødum N, Litvinov IV. The ectopic expression of meiCT genes promotes meiomitosis and may facilitate carcinogenesis. Cell Cycle. 2020;19(8):837-854.


  1. Fabbri A, Travaglione S, Rosadi F, Ballan G, Maroccia Z, Giambenedetti M, Guidotti M, Ødum N, Krejsgaard T, Fiorentini C. The Escherichia coli protein toxin cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1 induces epithelial mesenchymal transition. Cell Microbiol. 2020;22(2):e13138.


  1. Herrera A, Fredholm S, Cheng A, Mimitou EP, Seffens A, Bar-Natan M, Sun A, Latkowski J, Willerslew-Olsen A, Buus TB, Gluud M, Krejsgaard T, Torres-Rusillo S, Bonefeld CM, Woetmann A, Geisler C, Geskin LJ, Ouyang Z, Smibert P, Ødum N, Koralov SB. Low SATB1 expression promotes IL-5 and IL-9 expression in Sezary Syndrome. J Invest Derm, 2020;140(3):713-716. (Impact factor 7.6)


  1. Gadsbøll A-S Ø, Jee MH, Funch AB, Alhede M, Mraz V, Weber JF, Callender LA, Carroll EC, Bjarnsholt T, Woetmann A, Ødum N, Thomsen AR, Johansen JD, Henson SM, Geisler C, Bonefeld CM. Pathogenic CD8+ epidermis-resident memory T cells displace dendritic epidermal T cells in allergic dermatitis. J. Invest Derm, 2020;140(4):806-815. (Impact factor 7.6)


  1. Møller M, Fredholm S, Jensen ME, Wörtwein G, Larsen JR, Vilsbøll T, Ødum N, Fink-Jensen A. Proinflammatory biomarkers are associated with prediabetes in patients with schizophrenia. CNS Spectr. 2020:1-22.


  1. Stolearenco V, Namini MRJ, Hasselager SS, Gluud M, Buus TB, Willerslev-Olsen A, Ødum N, Krejsgaard T. Cellular Interactions and Inflammation in the Pathogenesis of Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2020;8:851. (Impact factor 6.0)


  1. Martínez Villarreal A, Gantchev J, Lagacé F, Barolet A, Sasseville D, Ødum N, Charli-Joseph YV, Hernández Salazar A, Litvinov IV. Hypopigmented Mycosis Fungoides: Loss of Pigmentation Reflects Antitumor Immune Response in Young Patients. Cancers (Basel). 2020;12(8):2007. (Impact factor 6.6)


  1. Gantchev J, Martínez Villarreal A, Gunn S, Zetka M, Ødum N, Litvinov IV. The ectopic expression of meiCT genes promotes meiomitosis and may facilitate carcinogenesis. Cell Cycle. 2020; 19(8):837-854.


  1. Levring TB, Kongsbak-Wismann M, Rode AKO, Al-Jaberi FAH, Lopez DV, Met Ö, Woetmann A, Bonefeld CM, Ødum N, Geisler C. Tumor necrosis factor induces rapid down-regulation of TXNIP in human T cells. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):16725


  1. Hu T, Krejsgaard T, Nastasi C, Buus TB, Nansen A, Hald A, Spee P, Nielsen PR, Blümel E, Gluud M, Willerslev–Olsen A, Woetmann A, Bzorek M, Eriksen JO, Ødum N, Gjerdrum LMR. Dermatology. 2020;236(2):123-132 (Impact factor 5.4)


  1. Larsson P, Syed Khaja AS, Semenas J, Wang T, Sarwar M, Dizeyi N, Simoulis A, Hedblom A, Wai SN, Ødum N, Persson JL. The functional interlink between AR and MMP9/VEGF signaling axis is mediated through PIP5K1α/pAKT in prostate cancer. Int J Cancer. 2020;146(6):1686-1699 (Impact factor 7.4)


  1. Ødum N. Deregulated signalling and inflammation in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Br J Dermatol. 2020;182(1):16-17. (Impact factor 9.3)


  1. Lindahl LM, Willerslev-Olsen A, Gjerdrum LMR, Nielsen PR, Blümel E, Rittig AH, Celis P, Herpers B, Becker JC, Stausbøl-Grøn B, Wasik MA, Gluud M, Fredholm S, Buus TB, Johansen C, Nastasi C, Peiffer L, Kubat L, Bzorek M, Eriksen JO, Krejsgaard T, Bonefeld CM, Geisler C, Mustelin T, Langhoff E, Givskov M, Woetmann A, Kilian M, Litman T, Iversen L, Ødum N. Antibiotics inhibit tumor and disease activity in cutaneous T cell lymphoma. Blood. 2019;134(13):1072-1083. (Impact factor 25.4)


  1. Nielsen PR, Eriksen JO, Wehkamp U, Lindahl LM, Gniadecki R, Fogh H, Fabricius S, Bzorek M, Ødum N, Gjerdrum LM. Clinical and Histological Characteristics of Mycosis Fungoides and Sézary Syndrome: A Retrospective, Single-centre Study of 43 Patients from Eastern Denmark. Acta Derm Venereol. 2019;1;99(13):1231-1236


  1. Hamrouni A, Fogh H, Zak ZL, Odum N, Gniadecki R. Clonotypic diversity of the T-cell receptor corroborates the immature precursor origin of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Clin Cancer Res. 2019;25(10):3104-3114. (Impact factor 12.5)


  1. Seffens A, Herrera A, Tegla C, Buus TB, Hymes KB, Ødum N, Geskin LJ, Koralov SB. STAT3 Dysregulation in Mature T and NK Cell Lymphomas. Cancers (Basel). 2019; 2;11(11). (Impact factor 6.6)


  1. Levring TB, Kongsbak-Wismann M, Rode AKO, Al-Jaberi FAH, Lopez DV, Met Ö, Woetmann A, Bonefeld CM, Ødum N, Geisler C. Tumor necrosis factor induces rapid down-regulation of TXNIP in human T cells. Sci Rep. 2019;13;9(1):16725.


282  Blümel E, Willerslev-Olsen A, Gluud M, Lindahl LM, Fredholm S, Nastasi C, Krejsgaard T, Surewaard BGJ, Koralov SB, Hu T, Persson JL, Bonefeld CM, Geisler C, Iversen L, Becker JC, Andersen MH, Woetmann A, Buus TB, Ødum N. Staphylococcal alpha-toxin tilts the balance between malignant and non-malignant CD4+ T cells in Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Oncoimmunology 2019;8(11):e1641387. (Impact factor 8.1)


  1. Sarwar M, Syed Khaja AS, Aleskandarany M, Karlsson R, Althobiti M, Ødum N, Mongan NP, Dizeyi N, Johnson H, Green AR, Ellis IO, Rakha EA, Persson JL. The role of PIP5K1α/pAKT and targeted inhibition of growth of subtypes of breast cancer using PIP5K1α inhibitor. Oncogene 2019;38(3):375-389. (Impact factor 9.9)


  1. Hu T, Buus TB, Krejsgaard T, Nansen A, Lundholt BK, Spee P, Fredholm S, Petersen DL, Blümel E, Gluud M, Monteiro M, Willerslev-Olsen A, Andersen MH, Straten Pt, Met Ö, Stolearenco V, Fogh H, Gniadecki R, Nastasi C, Litman T, Woetmann A, Gjerdrum LMR, Ødum N. Expression and function of Kv1.3 channel in malignant T cells in Sézary syndrome. Oncotarget 2019; 6;10(47):4894-4906


  1. Ødum N. Anti-regulatory T cells are natural regulatory effector T cells. Cell Stress. 2019; 8;3(10):310-311.


  1. Buus TB, Jee MH, Ødum N. OMIP-057: Mouse γδ T-Cell Development Characterized by a 14 Color Flow Cytometry Panel. Cytometry A. 2019 [Epub ahead of print]


  1. Rittig AH, Lindahl LM, Johansen C, Celis P, Ødum N, Iversen L, Litman T. The MicroRNA Expression Profile Differs Between Erythrodermic Mycosis Fungoides and Sézary Syndrome. Acta Derm Venereol. 2019;99(12):1148-1153


  1. Massarenti L, Enevold C, Damgaard D, Ødum N, Nielsen CH, Jacobsen S. Peptidylarginine deiminase-4 gene polymorphisms are associated with systemic lupus erythematosus and lupus nephritis. Scand J Rheumatol. 2019 Mar;48(2):133-140


  1. Fan K, Ritter C, Nghiem P, Blom A, Verhaegen ME, Dlugosz A, Odum N, Woetmann A, Tothill RW, Hicks RJ, Sand M, Schrama D, Schadendorf D, Ugurel S, Becker JC. Circulating cell-free miR-375 as surrogate marker of tumor burden in Merkel cell carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res. 2018: 24(23):5873-5882. (Impact factor 12.5)


  1. Lindahl LM, Besenbacher S, Rittig AH, Celis P, Willerslev-Olsen A, Gjerdrum LMR, Krejsgaard T, Johansen C, Litman T, Woetmann A, Odum N, Iversen L. Prognostic miRNA classifier in early-stage mycosis fungoides: Development and validation in a Danish nationwide study. Blood. 2018;131(7):759- 770. (Impact factor 25.5)


  1. Buus TB, Willerslev-Olsen A, Fredholm S, Blumel E, Nastasi C, Gluud M, Hu T, Lindahl LM, Iversen L, Fogh H, Gniadecki R, Litvinov IV, Persson JL, Bonefeld CM, Geisler C, Christensen JP, Krejsgaard T, Litman T Woetmann A, Odum N. Single cell heterogeneity in Sezary Syndrome. Blood Advances, 2018: 2(16):2115-2126. (Impact factor 7.6)


  1. Fredholm S, Willerslev-Olsen A, Met Ö, Kubat L, Gluud M, Mathiasen SL, Friese C, Blümel E, Petersen DL, Hu T, Nastasi C, Lindahl LM, Buus TB, Krejsgaard T, Wasik MA, Kopp KL, Koralov SB, Persson JL, Bonefeld CM, Geisler C, Woetmann A, Iversen L, Becker JC, Ødum N. SATB1 in Malignant T Cells. J Invest Dermatol. 2018;138(8):1805-1815. (Impact factor 7.6)


  1. Dreisig K, Sund L, Dommer MW, Kristensen NP, Boddum K, Viste R, Fredholm S, Odum N, Jäättelä M, Skov S, Kornum BR. Human P2Y11 Expression Level Affects Human P2X7 Receptor- Mediated Cell Death. Front Immunol. 2018;9:1159. (Impact factor 5.1)


  1. Jee MH, Johansen JD, Buus TB, Petersen TH, Gadsbøll AØ, Woetmann A, Ødum N, Thyssen JP, White AJ, Anderson G, Geisler C, Bonefeld CM. Increased Production of IL-17A-Producing γδ T Cells in the Thymus of Filaggrin-Deficient Mice. Front Immunol. 2018;9:988. (Impact factor 8.0)


  1. Fanok MH; Sun A; Fogli LK; Narendran V; Eckstein M; Kannan K; Dolgalev I; Lazaris C; Heguy A; Laird ME; Sundrud MS; Liu CK J; Lacruz RS; Latkowski J; Aifantis I; Ødum N; Hymes KB; Goel S; Koralov S. Role of dysregulated cytokine signaling and bacterial triggers in the pathogenesis of Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma. J Invest Derm, 2018;138(5):1116-1125. (Impact factor 7.6)


  1. Woetmann A, Alhede M, Dabelsteen S, Bjarnsholt T, Rybtke M, Nastasi C, Krejsgaard T, Andersen MH, Bonefeld CM, Geisler C, Givskov M, Odum N. Interleukin-26 (IL-26) is a novel anti-microbial peptide produced by T cells in response to staphylococcal enterotoxin. Oncotarget, 2018. 9(28):19481- 19489


  1. Buus TB, Odum N, Geisler C, Lauritsen JPH. Adaptive γδ Tn, γδ T1 and γδ NKT cells develop through three distinct pathways in the adult thymus. Nat Commun, 2017, ;8(1):1911. (Impact factor 14.9)


  1. Ahmad SM, Martinenaite E, Holmström M, Jørgensen MA, Met Ö, Nastasi C, Klausen U, Donia M, Pedersen LM, Munksgaard L, Ødum N, Woetmann A, Svane IM, Andersen MH. The inhibitory checkpoint, PD-L2, is a target for effector T cells: Novel possibilities for immune therapy. Oncoimmunology 2017;7(2):e1390641. (Impact factor 8.1)


  1. Odum N, Lindahl LM, Wod M, Krejsgaard T, Skytthe A, Woetmann A, Iversen L, Christensen K. Investigating heredity in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in a unique cohort of Danish twins. Blood Cancer J. 2017;7(1):e517 (Impact factor 11.0)


  1. Krejsgaard T, Lindahl LM, Mongan NP, Wasik MA, Litvinov IV, Iversen L, Langhoff E, Woetmann A, Odum N. Malignant inflammation in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma – A hostile takeover. Sem Immunopathol 2017; 39(3):269-282 (Impact factor 9.6)


  1. Lauenborg B, Litvinov IV, Zhou Y, Willerslev-Olsen A, Bonefeld C, Nastasi C, Fredholm S, Lindahl L, Sasseville D, Geisler C, Wasik MA, Krejsgaard T, Gjerdrum LM, Iversen L, Odum N, Woetmann A. Malignant T cells activate endothelial cells via IL-17F. Blood Cancer J, 2017;7(7):e586 (Impact factor 11.0)


  1. Rode AKO, Kongsbak M, Hansen MM, Lopez DV, Levring TB, Woetmann A, Ødum N, Bonefeld CM, Geisler C. Vitamin D Counteracts Mycobacterium tuberculosis-Induced Cathelicidin Downregulation in Dendritic Cells and Allows Th1 Differentiation and IFNγ Secretion. Front Immunol. 2017;8:656 (Impact factor 5.1)


  1. Atiomo W, Shafiee MN, Chapman C, Metzler VM, Abouzeid J, Latif A, Chadwick A, Kitson S, Sivalingam VN, Stratford IJ, Rutland CS, Persson JL, Odum N, Fuentes-Utrillia P, Jeyapalan JN, Heery DM, Crosbie EJ, Mongan NP. Expression of NAD(P)H quinone dehydrogenase 1 (NQO1) is increased in the endometrium of women with endometrial cancer and women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Clin Endocrinol. 2017;87(6):886.


  1. Netchiporouk E, Gantchev J, Tsang M, Thibault P, Watters AK, Hughes JM, Ghazawi FM, Woetmann A, Ødum N, Sasseville D, Litvinov IV Analysis of CTCL cell lines reveals important differences between mycosis fungoides/Sézary syndrome vs. HTLV-1+ leukemic cell lines. Oncotarget. 2017;8(56):95981-95998.


  1. Metzler VM, de Brot S, Robinson RS, Jeyapalan JN, Rakha E, Walton T, Gardner DS, Lund EF, Whitchurch J, Haigh D, Lochray JM, Robinson BD, Allegrucci C, Fray RG, Persson JL, Odum N, Miftakhova RR, Rizvanov AA, Hughes IA, Tadokoro-Cuccaro R, Heery DM, Rutland CS, Mongan NP. Androgen dependent mechanisms of pro-angiogenic networks in placental and tumor development. Placenta. 2017 pii: S0143-4004(17)30164-9


  1. Nastasi C, Fredholm SM, Willerslev-Olesen A, Hansen M, Bonefeld CM,

Geisler C, Andersen MH, Ødum N, Woetmann A. Butyrate and propionate inhibit antigen-specific CD8+ T cell activation by suppressing IL-12 production by antigen-presenting cells. Sci Rep. 2017;7(1):14516


  1. Hartling HJ, Ryder LP, Ullum H, Odum N, Nielsen SD. Gene variation in IL-7 receptor (IL-7R)α affects IL-7R response in CD4+ T cells in HIV-infected individuals. Sci Rep. 2017;7:42036


  1. Willerslev-Olsen A, Krejsgaard T, Lindahl LM, Litvinov IV, Fredholm S, Petersen DL, Nastasi C, Gniadecki R, Mongan NP, Sasseville D, Wasik MA, Bonefeld CM, Geisler C, Woetmann A, Iversen L, Kilian M, Koralov S, Odum N. Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin A (SEA) stimulates STAT3 activation and IL-17 expression in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Blood. 2016;127(10):1287-96 (Impact factor 25.5)


  1. Vieyra-Garcia PA MSc, Wei T, Gram Naym D, Fredholm S, Fink-Puches R, Cerroni L, Odum N, O'Malley JT, Gniadecki R, Wolf P. STAT3/5 dependent IL-9 overexpression contributes to neoplastic cell survival in mycosis fungoides.

Clin Cancer Res. 2016;22(13):3328-39 (Impact factor 12.5)


  1. Litvinov IV, Shtreis A, Kobayashi K, Glassman S, Tsang M, Woetmann A, Sasseville D, Ødum N, Duvic M. Investigating potential exogenous tumor initiating and promoting factors for Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphomas (CTCL), a rare skin malignancy. Oncoimmunology. 2016 Jun 6;5(7):e1175799. (Impact factor 5.9)


  1. Schmidt JD, Ahlström MG, Johansen JD, Dyring-Andersen B, Agerbeck C, Nielsen MM, Poulsen SS, Woetmann A, Odum N, Thomsen AR, Geisler C, Bonefeld CM. Rapid allergen-induced interleukin-17 and interferon-γ secretion by skin-resident memory CD8+ T cells. Contact Dermatitis. 2017;76(4):218-227


252        Lindahl LM, Fredholm SM, Joseph C, Nielsen BS, Jønson L, Willerslev-Olsen A, Gluud M, Blümel E, Petersen DL, Sibbesen N, Hu T, Nastasi C, Krejsgaard T, Jæhger D, Persson JL, Mongan N, Wasik MA, Litvinov ID, Sasseville D, Koralov SB, Bonefeld CM, Geisler C, Woetmann, Ralfkiaer E, Iversen L, and Odum N.  STAT5- mediated miR-21 expression in cutaneous T cell lymphoma. Oncotarget, 2016: 7(29):45730-45744.


  1. Fredholm S, Livinov I, Mongan N, Schiele S, Willerslev-Olsen A, Petersen DL, Krejsgaard T, Sibbesen N, Nastasi C, Bonefeld CM, Persson JL, Straten PT, Andersen MH, Koralov S, Wasik M, Geisler C, Sasseville D, Woetmann A, Ødum N. The expression of IL-21 is promoted by MEKK4 in malignant T cells and associated with increased progression risk in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. J Invest Derm, 2016: 136(4):866-9 (Impact factor 7.6)



  1. Thode C, Woetmann A, Wandall HH, Carlsson M, Klaus Qvortrup K, Kauczok C-S, Wobser M, Printzlau A, Ødum N, Dabelsteen S. Malignant T cells secrete Galectins and induce epidermal hyperproliferation and disorganized stratification in a skin model of cutaneous T cell lymphoma. J Invest Derm, 2015:135(1):238-46 (Impact factor 7.6)


  1. Odum N. Malignant TOXication of T cells. Blood. 2015;125(9):1361-2. (Impact factor 25.5)


  1. Ivan V. Litvinov IV, Netchiporouk E, Cordeiro B, Zargham H, Doré M-A, Pehr K, Gilbert M, Zhou Y, Moreau L, Ødum N, Kupper TS, Sasseville D. Ectopic expression of embryonic stem cell and other developmental genes in Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma. Oncoimmunology, 2014 Dec 21;3(11):e970025 (Impact factor 5.9)


  1. Krejsgaard T, Willerslev-Olsen A, Lindahl LM, Bonefeld CM, Koralov SB, Geisler C, Wasik MA, Gniadecki R, Kilian M, Iversen L, Woetmann A, Ødum N.

Staphylococcal enterotoxins stimulate lymphoma-associated immune dysregulation. Blood. 2014 Jul 31;124(5):761-70. (Impact factor 25.5)


  1. Petersen DL, Krejsgaard T, Berthelsen J, Fredholm S, Willerslev-Olsen A, Sibbesen NA, Bonefeld CM, Andersen MH, Francavilla C, Olsen JV, Hu T, Zhang M, Wasik MA, Geisler C, Woetmann A, Ødum N. B-lymphoid tyrosine kinase (Blk) is an oncogene and a potential target for therapy with dasatinib in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL). Leukemia. 2014 oct:28(10)2109-12 (Impact factor 11.5)




  1. Krejsgaard T, Litvinov IV, Wang Y, Xia L, Willerslev-Olsen A, Koralov SB, Kopp KL, Bonefeld CM, Wasik MA, Geisler C, Woetmann A, Zhou Y, Sasseville D, Ødum N. Elucidating the role of interleukin-17F in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Blood. 2013;122(6):943-50 (Impact factor 25.5)


  1. Larsen SK, Munir S, Woetmann A, Frøsig TM, Ødum N, Svane IM, Becker JC, Andersen MH. Functional characterization of Foxp3-specific spontaneous immune responses. Leukemia. 2013, 27:2332-40. (Impact factor 11.5)




  1. Willerslev-Olsen A, Krejsgaard T, Lindahl LM, Bonefeld CM, Wasik MA, Koralov SB, Geisler C, Kilian M, Iversen L, Woetmann A, Ødum N. Bacterial toxins fuel disease progression in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Toxins (Basel). 2013;5(8):1402-21.


  1. Shamaila Munir, Gitte Holmen Andersen, Anders Woetmann, Niels Ødum, and Mads Hald Andersen. Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma cells are targets for immune checkpoint ligand PD-L1-specific, cytotoxic T cells. Leukemia. 2013;27(11):2251-3 (Impact factor 11.5)



  1. Krejsgaard T, Ødum N, Geisler C, Wasik MA, Woetmann A. Regulatory T cells and immunodeficiency in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Leukemia. 2012, 26(3):424-32. (Impact factor 11.5)



  1. Ralfkiaer U, Hagedorn PH, Bangsgaard N, Løvendorf MB, Ahler CB, Svensson L, Kopp KL, Vennegaard MT, Lauenborg B, Zibert J, Krejsgaard T, Bonefeld CM, Gjerdrun L-M, Labuda T, Mathiesen A-M Grønbæk K, Wasik MA, Litman T, Sokolowska-Wojdylo M, Queille-Roussel C, Gniadecki R, Ralfkiaer E, Søkilde R, Geisler C, Woetmann A, Glue C, Røpke M, Skov L, Ødum N. Diagnostic microRNA profiling in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL). Blood. 2011 Nov 24;118(22):5891-900. (impact factor 25.5)


  1. Zhang Q, Wang H, Kantekure K, Paterson JC, Liu X, Schaffer A, Paulos C, Milone MC, Ødum N, Turner S, Marafioti T, Wasik MA. Oncogenic tyrosine kinase NPM-ALK induces expression of the growth-promoting receptor ICOS. Blood 2011, 118:3062-71 (impact factor 25.5)




  1. Essen MR von, Kongsbak M, Schjerling P, Olgaard K, Ødum N, Geisler C. Vitamin D controls TCR signaling and activation of human T cells. Nature Immunol, 2010;11(4):344-9. (Impact factor = 20.5)


  1. Kamstrup MR, Gjerdrum LMR, Biskup E, Lauenborg BT, Ralfkiaer E, Woetmann A, Ødum N, Gniadecki R. Notch as a potential therapeutic target in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Blood. 2010;116(14):2504-12. (impact factor 25.5)


  1. Kopp KLM, Dabelsteen S, Krejsgaard T, Eriksen KW, Geisler C, Becker JC , Wasik MA, Ødum N, Woetmann A. COX-2 as a novel target in therapy of mycosis fungoides (MF). Leukemia 2010, 24(12):2127-9. (Impact factor 11.5)


  1. Kopp KLM, Vetter-Kauczok CS, Lauenborg B, Krejsgaard T, Eriksen KW, Zhang Q, Wasik MA, Geisler C, Ralfkier E, Becker JC , Ødum N, Woetmann A. COX-2-dependent PGE2 acts as a growth factor in advanced cutaneous T cell lymphoma (CTCL). Leukemia 2010;24(6):1179-85 . (Impact factor 11.5)


  1. Eriksen KW, Woetmann A, Skov L, Krejsgaard T, Bovin L, Hansen ML, Grønbeck K, Nissen MH; Geisler C, Wasik MA, Ødum N. Deficient SOCS3 and SHP-1 Expression in Psoriatic T cells. J Invest Dermatol. 2010;130(6):1590-7 (Impact factor 11.5)



  1. Krejsgaard T, Vetter-KauczokCS, Woetmann A, Kneitz H, Eriksen KW, Lovato P, Zhang Q, Wasik MA,Geisler C, Ralfkiaer E, Becker JC, Ødum N. Ectopic expression of B lymphoid kinase in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Blood, 2009, 113(23):5896-904. (Impact factor = 25.5)



  1. Krejsgaard T, Gjerdrum LM, Lauenborg B, Eriksen KW, Mathiesen A-M, Bovin LF, Ryder LP, Ralfkiaer E, Qian Z, Wasik MA, Ødum N , Woetmann A. Malignant T cells express low molecular spliceforms of FoxP3 and function as regulatory T cells in Sezary Syndrome. Leukemia. 2008(12):2230-9. (Impact factor 11.5)


  1. Marzec M, Liu X, Kasprzycka M, Witkiewicz A, Raghunath PN, El-Salem M, Robertson E, Ødum N, Wasik MA. IL-2- and IL-15-induced activation of the rapamycin-sensitive mTORC1 pathway in malignant CD4+ T lymphocytes. Blood, 2008;111:2181-9. (Impact factor = 25.5)



  1. Woetmann A, Lovato P, Eriksen KW, Krejsgaard T, Labuda T, Zhang Q, Mathiesen A-M, Geisler C, Svejgaard A, Wasik MA, Ødum N. Nonmalignant T cells stimulate growth of T-cell lymphoma cells in the presence of bacterial toxins. Blood. 2007;109:3325-32. (Impact factor = 25.5)


  1. Zhang Q, Wang HY, Woetmann A, Raghunath PN, Ødum N, Wasik M. Stat3 induces transcription of DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) gene in malignant T- lymphocytes. Blood, 2006, 108:1058-64. (Impact factor = 25.5)



  1. Skov S, Pedersen MT, thor Straten P, Ødum N. Cancer cells become susceptible to NK killing after exposure to Histone Deacetylase- inhibitors due to GSK-3b dependent expression of MICA/B. Cancer Res, 2005; 65(23):11136-45. (Impact factor = 9.2)


  1. Bonnesen B, Orskov C, Rasmussen S, Holst PJ, Christensen JP, Eriksen KW, Qvortrup, Ødum N, Labuda T. MEK kinase 1 activity is required for definitive erythropoiesis in the mouse fetal lever. Blood. 2005 Nov 15;106(10):3396-404. (Impact factor = 25.5)


  1. Brender C, Woetmann A, Sommer V, Lovato P, Mathiessen AM, Wasik M, Ødum N. Constitutive SOCS-3 expression protects T cell lymphoma against growth protection by IFNa. Leukemia, 2005; 19:209-213. (Impact factor 11.5)



  1. Sommer VH, Clemmensen O, Nielsen O, Wasik M, Lovato P, Brender C, Eriksen K, Kaestel Cg, Nissen MH, Ropke C, Skov S, Ødum N. In vivo activation of Stat3 in cutaneous T cell lymphoma. Evidence for an anti-apoptotic function of Stat3. Leukemia, 2004, 18:1288-95. (Impact factor 11.5)



  1. Nielsen M, Nissen MH, Gerwien J, Zocca M-B, Rasmussen HM, Nakajima K, Ropke C, Geisler C, Kaltoft K, Ødum N. Spontaneous IL-5 production in Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma is mediated by constitutively activated Stat3. Blood, 2002, 99:973-7. (Impact factor = 25.5)



 Relevant publications before 2001


  1. Jensen BS, Ødum N, Jørgensen NK, Strøbæk D, Christoffersen P, Olesen S-P. Inhibition of T cell proliferation by selectiv block of Ca2+- activated K+ channals. Proc Natl Acad Sci (USA) 1999, 96:10917-10921. (Impact factor = 9.7)


  1. Woetmann A, Nielsen M, Christendsen ST, Brockdorff J, Kaltoft K, Brender C, Skov S, Svejgaard A, Leick V, Ødum N. Inhibition of Protein Phosphatase 2A induces serine/threonine phosphorylation and functional inhibition of STAT3. Proc Natl Acad Sci (USA), 1999, 96: 10620-10625 (Impact factor = 9.7)


  1. Loftus DJ, Squarcina P, Nielsen M-B, Geisler C, Castelli C, Ødum N, Apella E, Parmiani G, and Rivoltini L. Peptides derived from self proteins as partial agonists and antagonists of human CD8+ T cell clones reactive to melanoma/melanocyte epitope MART1 (27-35). Cancer Res, 1998, 58:2433-2439. (Impact factor = 9.1)


  1. Brockdorff J, Kanner SB, Nielsen M, Borregaard N, Geisler C, Svejgaard A, Ødum N. IL-2 induces β2- integrin- dependent signal transduction involving the focal adhesion kinase-related protein B (fakB). Proc Natl Acad Sci (USA), 1998:95:6959-6964. (Impact factor = 9.7)


  1. Skov S, Nielsen M, Bregenholt S, Ødum N, and Claesson M. MHC class I ligation of human T cells activates the TYK-2 kinase and induces tyrosine phosphorylation, nuclear translocation, and DNA binding of the Stat3 transcription factor. Blood, 1998:91:3566-3573. (Impact factor = 25.5)


  1. Nielsen M,Kaltoft K, Nordahl M, Röpke C, Mustelin T, Dobson P, Svejgaard A, Ødum N. Constitutive activation of a slowly migrating isoform of Stat3 in Mycosis Fungoides (MF): Tyrphostin AG490 inhibits Stat3 activation and growth of MF tumour cell lines. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1997:94:6764-6769. (Impact factor = 9.7)


  1. Nielsen M, Svejgaard A, Røpke C, Nordahl M, and Ødum N. Staphyloccal enterotoxins modulate interleukin-2 receptor expression and ligand induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the Janus kinase 3 and STAT proteins. Proc Natl Acad Sci (USA), 1995, 92: 10995-10999. (Impact factor = 9.7)




Title: Selective B lymphocyte kinase (BLK) and Src kinase family inhibitors for treatment of inflammatory diseases and cancer.

(P017300DK1) Application in preparation to submission medio January 2018

Inventors: Anders Woetmann Andersen, Jens Berthelsen, Thorbjørn Krejsgaard, David L. Petersen, Niels Ødum


Title miRNAs for prognosing cutaneous T-cell lymphoma

P4394DK00 Application number PA 2017 70022 filed January 13th 2017

Inventors Lars Iversen, Lise Maria Lindahl, Niels Ødum, Søren Besenbacher


Title: Diagnostic miRNA profiling in cutaneous T cell lymphoma.

Provisional patent filing: 739 US provisional filed 15-07-11

Inventors: Ralfkiaer U, Hagedorn P, Ahler C, Geisler C, Woetmann A, Skov L, Ødum N, Ralfkiaer.


Primære forskningsområder

Autoimmunity & cancer, lymphoma, cytokines, signal transduction, regulation of growth and apoptosis, adhesion molecules and immunopathology in cancer, allergy, and autoimmune diseases.


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