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Blegdamsvej 3B
2200 København N
Vores gruppe arbejder med tværfaglige problemstillin
2007–2009 Ph. D. in Human Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Marburg, Germany
1992–1996 Ph. D. in Physics and Mathematics, Department of Physics, Saratov State University, Russia
2017–now Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, UCPH
2009–2016 Professor, MSO, Depatment of Biomedical Sciences, KU
2005–2009 Associate Professor, Department of Physics, DTU
2001–2005 Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, DTU
2021–2024 Principal investigator, Data+ pool UCPH Strategy 2023, Virtual kidney
2020 Principal investigator, UCPH Strategy 2023, Physiological modeling computer cluster PIONEER
2019–2022 Principal investigator, Novo Nordisk Foundation, Renal autoregulation in health and disease
2018 Principal investigator, Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education, EUopSTART. Rhythms of life
2017 Edmund Optics Educational Award Finalist
2016–2017 Named participant, Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, Bilateral network on nanocluster-based functional materials
2013-2016 Named participant in UCPH’s 2016 Funds: Dynamical Systems - Mathematical Modeling and Statistical Methodology for the Social, Health and Natural Sciences
2009–2013 Principal investigator, The Danish Council for Independent Research/Natural Sciences, In vivo Raman spectroscopy and mechanism-based modeling of erythrocyte properties: Revealing biomarkers of pathological conditions
2007–2010 Principal investigator, The Danish Council for Independent Research/Natural Sciences, Mechanism-Based Modeling of Cellular Interactions: From Physics to Systems Biology
2008–2010 Named participant, The Danish Council for Independent Research/Medical Sciences, Cell-Cell Communication and Synchronization in the Renal Microvasculature in Normo- and Hypertensive Rats
2008–2010 Workpackage leader, Lundbeck Foundation Grant, MultiscaleIntercellular Communications: From Experiment to Mechanism-Based Modeling
2004–2009 Scientific administrator during proposal preparation, European Network of Excellence: BioSim—A new tool in drug development
Thesis supervision
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