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I am an urban researcher interested in understanding the realities and possible futures of African cities, investigating the dynamics of governing informal urbanisation in the face of climate change. I graduated in 2015 with a Phd in Sustainability Transitions in urban water management, and I have an Msc (Eng) in Planning and the Environment from AAlborg University (2010). I am currently a Post-Doc and Work Package Leader on the Danida-funded 'Pathways to Water Resilient South African Cities' project. I also hold an honorary reseach fellowship at the Future Water Institute at the University of Cape Town. My research interests are Nature-based Solutions, urban water management, the Water-Energy-Food nexus and governance of sustainability transitions in cities in East and Southern Africa.
Past projects:
'Water resilient green cities in Africa' project (2014-2018) which explored the possibilities of using the urban landscape to make Addis Ababa and Dar es Salaam more resilient to both floods and droughts.
'Resilience and vulnerability at the Water-Energy-Food nexus' project (2016-2019) at Wageningen University which looked at understanding how WEF nexus (dis)connections may lead to incresead vulnerability for the urban poor in Kampala, Uganda.
‘Climate Change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa (CLUVA)’ EU project (2010-2013) which assessed the possibilities for the co-production of climate adaptation strategies in Dar es Salaam and Addis Ababa based on vulnerability assessments.
Co-lecturer on the Urban Ecosystems:Structures, Functions and Designs (LNAK10028U) Msc course at IGN
Co-lecturer and supervisor of Msc students in the Governance for Sustainable Cities (ENP-36806) course and the International Environmental Policy Consultancy Project (ENP-60312) for the United Nations Division for Sustainable Development (at Wageningen University and Research).
Organised and hosted the 'Resilience and Vulnerability at the WEF nexus' International Conference at Wageningen University and Research in October 2018.
Qualification |
Institution |
Date conferred |
MSc (Eng) Urban Planning and Management |
Aalborg University |
July 2010 |
BSc (Hons) Rural & Urban Planning |
University of Zimbabwe |
October 2007 |
January 2014 - Present |
Research affiliate Urban Water Management Group, University of Cape Town |
April 2011 - Present |
PhD Candidate, IGN, University of Copenhagen |
Period |
Activity |
Institution |
January 2014 - Current |
Resource person, Water Resilient Green Cities in Africa (WRGCA) DANIDA project |
University of Copenhagen |
October 2012 |
Lecture on ecosystem-based adaptation |
NIRAS, Ørestad |
June 2011 & March 2013 |
Assistant researcher in Climate Change & Urban Vulnerability (CLUVA) EU Project |
University of Copenhagen |
September – November 2010 |
Intern assisting on Water, Sanitation & Hygiene projects |
ADRA, Denmark |
September – December 2009 |
Research assistant, Sustainable Mobility |
Reykjavik University |
January – August 2008 |
Assistant site manager during construction of Lobatse Mental Hospital |
China Civil Engineering Construction Company (Botwana) |
Post Doc, Wageningen University & Research
15 jan. 2017 → 30 apr. 2019
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Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review