Intet billede af Peder Andersen
  • Rolighedsvej 23

    1958 Frederiksberg C

  • Kilde: Scopus
1993 …2024

Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil

Primære forskningsområder

Miljø- og ressourceøkonomi

Kort præsentation

Teaching: Natural resource economics Environmental economics

Research interests:

Environmental and resource economics; fisheries economics; regulation and enforcement.

Selected publications:

ITQs in Denmark and Resource Rent gains. Marine Resource Economics 25, pp. 11-22, 2010. Co-authors: Jesper Levring Andersen and Hans Frost.

The Common Fisheries Policy of the European Union and Fisheries Economics. Marine Policy 30 (2006), 737-746. (with Hans Frost).

Financing Fishery Management: Principles and Economic Implications. Chapter 3 in The Cost of Fisheries Management (William E. Schrank, Ragnar Arnason and Rögnvaldur Hannesson, editors). Ashgate, 2003. (with Jon G. Sutinen). The Economics of Fisheries Law Enforcement. Reprinted in Fisheries Economics: Collected Essays, Volume II (Lee. G. Anderson, editor). Ashgate 2001. Published first time in Land Economics 61 (1985). (with Jon G. Sutinen). Stochastic Bioeconomics: A Review of Basic Methods and Results. Reprinted in Fisheries Economics: Collected Essays, Volume II (Lee. G. Anderson, editor). Ashgate 2001. Published first time in Marine Resource Economics (1984). (with Jon G. Sutinen). Commercial Fisheries under Price Uncertainty. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 9 (1982), pp. 11-28.

Professional activities: Member (vice-chairman) of the Board of the Danish Councils for Independent Research (Det Frie Forskningsråd) Member of the Advisory Board of Marine Resource Economics Member (chairman) of the Board of the Danish Economic Association Member of the Advisory Board for Research, Statistic Denmark Member of Greenland's Tax and Welfare Commission Last updated: February 2011


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