Intet billede af Peter Lodahl
  • Blegdamsvej 17

    2100 København Ø

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Peter Lodahl (PL) is professor in quantum physics and technology at the Niels Bohr Institute and Director of the Hybrid Quantum Networks Hy-Q Center of Excellence. PL received a PhD in quantum physics in 2000 from University of Copenhagen and subsequently held postdoc positions at Caltech and University of Twente. He was the first to demonstrate that light emission can be fully controlled by the use of intricate photonic nanostructures. This fundamental principle ultimately enables a full deterministic quantum interface between light and matter, which PL subsequently has exploited after founding his own research group in Denmark in 2005. His group develops fundamentally new quantum hardware for the emergent field of quantum-information science such as: deterministic single-photon sources, spin-photon interfaces, and photonic quantum gates. The application areas include quantum simulators, quantum repeaters, and quantum key distribution towards the ultimate vision of a quantum internet.
PL is the recipient of the ERC consolidator grant (2010), ERC advanced grant (2015), and the EliteForsk Award for 2016. He has published 110 publications in leading scientific journals, given 150 invited colloquia and conference talks, holds 5 patents on photonic quantum technology, and co-founded a quantum-tech start-up company. He is an elected member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters.


Peter Lodahl
Professor, Director

Center for Hybrid Quantum Networks, Hy-Q
Niels Bohr Institute, Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen
University of Copenhagen
[email protected]     

Scientific expertise

Quantum optics and quantum-information processing in solid-state systems
Quantum technology
Optics and photonics


PhD, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (2000)
MSc, University of Aarhus, Denmark (1997)


Director of Danish National Center of Excellence Hy-Q (2018- )
Scientific Director for Center of Quantum Innovation (Qubiz) funded by Innovation Fund Denmark (2016-18 )
Full professor of physics (vocation) and leader of ‘Quantum Photonics Group’, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (since 2011)
Visiting professor, University of Queensland. Australia (10/2013-01/2014)
Associate professor and leader of ‘Quantum Photonics Group’, DTU Photonics, Technical University of Denmark. Denmark (2005-2011)
Postdoc, MESA+ Institute, University of Twente. The Netherlands (2002-2005)
Postdoc, California Institute of Technology (Caltech). USA (2001-2002)


EliteForsk Price (2016)
ERC Advanced Grant (2015)
ERC Consolidator Grant (2010)
Young Researcher's Award by the Danish Research Council (2005)
Attracted 200 MDKK from e.g. ERC, Danish Research Council, VILLUM Foundation, Innovation Fund DK, A.P.Møller Foundation, etc

Other professional activities

Deputy Section leader of Quantum Optics, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
Appointed member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters (2016-)
PI of infrastructure roadmap proposal Quantech, which is accepted on the Danish Roadmap for Research infrastructure with a total budget of 40 MDKK (2015)
Member of Editorial Board of journal Quantum Science and Technology (2016-)
Organizer or co-organizer of 5 international conferences
External examiner at 10 national and international PhD defences
Member of steering committee for MSc-education in Physics at DTU (2005-2011)
Member of review board of “Leibniz Institute Dresden”, since 2014
Reviewer for Nature, Science, Physical Review Letters, and many more
Reviewer of FET projects, ERC Starting Grants, and many more
Supervisor of 25 MSc-students, 23 PhD-students, 17 postdocs (since 2005)

Publications summary

110 articles in peer-reviewed journals incl. 32 articles in Nature, Science, Nature Physics/Nanotechnology/Communications, Reviews of Modern Physics, and Physical Review Letters
Total number of citations: 5000 (ISI Web of Science), 8000 (Google Scholar). h-index: 34 (ISI) and 42 (Google Scholar).
5 book chapters.
11 articles in popular journals
150 invited colloquia and conference talks including keynote and plenary talks.
100 peer reviewed conference contributions


Holder of 5 patents within photonic quantum technology
Co-founder of quantum-technology start-up company

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