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DVM, PhD, Lektor
Dyrlægevej 16, 1870 Frederiksberg C
Dyrlægevej 16
1870 Frederiksberg C
Rikke Langebæk er uddannet dyrlæge i 1986 og har siden 1995 arbejdet på Institut for Klinisk og Veterinær Husdyrvidenskab. I 2011 blev Rikke Langebæk tildelt PhD graden for sit arbejde indenfor Veterinær Pædagogik, med særligt focus på de studerendes emotioner i forbindelse med kirurgiundervisningen. I forbindelse med hendes PhD projekt udviklede Rikke Langebæk en række tøjdyrsmodeller til brug i kirurgiundervisningen, og disse modeller har siden 2012 været en del af det veterinære curriculum.
Desuden er Rikke Langebæk projektleder på internationale projekter i hhv Grønland (QimmeqHealth - Den Grønlandske slædehunds sundhed) og Kenya (Mara North Conservancy Dog Project - et naturbevarelsesprojekt med masaiernes vagthunde). Veterinærstuderende er en vigtig del af disse projekter.
Rikke Langebæks primære arbejdsområder og forskningsinteresser er:
January 1986: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, University of Copenhagen
December 2011: PhD in veterinary surgical pedagogy, University of Copenhagen. Fully financed 3 year Faculty Stipend. PhD title: ‘Emotions in the Veterinary Surgical Learning Environment – with a special focus on anxiety and the effect of training in a Surgical Skills Laboratory’
Current: Associate professor, Department of Veterinary Clinical Science (DVCS), University of Copenhagen
Previous Veterinary Appointments:
August 2013 - Oct 2016: Assistant professor, Department of veterinary Clinical and Animal Sciences, University of Copenhagen
June 2012 – august 2013: Project manager at Centre for Better Understanding of Nature, Klelund Dyrehave, Hovborg
September 2011-June 2012: Senior Veterinarian at Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
2008-2011: PhD student (surgery) Dept. of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
2007-2008: Senior veterinarian at Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, University of Copenhagen. Development of new teaching methods, including e-learning and surgical models
2005-2007: Amanuensis, Dept. of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen
1993-2004: Assistant teacher at Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
1987-1992: Veterinary practise, Karlslunde Dyreklinik (Greve Main 41, Greve) and Virum Dyreklinik (Grønnevej 133, Virum)
1987: Associate professor (temporary), Dept. Veterinary Anatomy, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural School
2021 – present: Partner in Generalized Needs Assessment project regarding simulation in veterinary education; conducted with CAMES, Rigshospitalet, Faculty of Health, UC
2020 – present: Partner and co-responsible for the European collaboration, Online repository for shared veterinary resources, an Erasmus+ project
2020 – present: Partner and co-responsible for the international collaboration, Identifying and sharing innovations in clinical skills teaching developed globally in response to COVID-19, a CIVME project
2020 – present: Developer of and responsible for a new Year one Bachelor course, ‘Communication in Veterinary Education’
2019 – present: Official Hearing part in Greenlandic legislation concerning sled-dogs, Inatsisartutlov.
2019 – present: Main responsible for implementation of Communication as a discipline in the new veterinary curriculum
2019 - present: Member of the following Curricular revision groups:
2018 – present: Project manager, Mara North Dog Project, Kenya. Implementation of dog health and control program
2018 – present: Scandinavian representative for AAVMC’s Council on International Veterinary Medical Education (CIVME)
2017 – present: Co-leader and developer of postgraduate pedagogical training course for clinical staff, Department of Veterinary Clinical Science, Faculty of Health, University of Copenhagen
2017 – present: Project manager, QimmeqHealth, transdisciplinary research reg. The Greenlandic sleddog
2017 – present: Member of the Curricular Revision Board, VIP Case-group, Faculty of health, Vet School, University of Copenhagen
2017 – present: Member of the Curricular Revision Board, VIP Bachelor-group, Faculty of health, Vet School, University of Copenhagen
2017 – present: Main responsible for Master level surgical education (Master courses: Basic Surgical Skills, Companion Animal Surgery/General Clinical Practice and Companion Animal Surgery/Specialist Track)
2017 – present: Head Coordinating Team member, Surgery
2014 – present: VIP Coordinator representing DVCS at Center for Online and Blended Learning (COBL), University of Copenhagen
2013 – present: Manager of The Surgical Skills Laboratory at DVCS, University of Copenhagen
2013 – present: Main responsible for Core level surgical education (Master courses: Basic Surgical Skills and Companion Animal Surgery/General Clinical Practice)
2013 – present: Member of teaching committee, DVCS, University of Copenhagen
2012 – present: Reviewer for Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, Veterinary Record and Medical Education
2011-2012: Co-planning of a new Danish Veterinary Master Education in small animal practice (continued education for practitioners). Process headed by Professor Annemarie Thuri Kristensen.
2011: Co-founder of InVest (International Veterinary Simulation in Teaching) in Fort Collins, Colorado, US. InVeST represents an international group of veterinary educators dedicated to promoting and advancing the use of simulation in veterinary education.
2009- 2012: Didactic Advisor at Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences and Department of Veterinary Clinical and Animal Sciences, University of Copenhagen
2007- 2012: Developer and head of the Surgical Skills Laboratory at DVACS, University of Copenhagen
2007: Participation in the development of the new veterinary curriculum 2007-2012 in collaboration with ass. professor Charlotte Bjørnvad, Professor Annemarie Thuri Kristensen and professor Thomas Eriksen
2006-2007: Participation in the management and further development of Small Animal Veterinary curriculum course LVEK11015/300088 ”Medicine, surgery and reproduction, Small Animals”. Dept. of Veterinary Clinical & Animal Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen
2006-2007: Participation in the management and further development of Small Animal Veterinary curriculum course 300031: ”Small Animal Clinic”. Dept. of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, LIFE, Univsersity of Copenhagen
2006-2007: Re-organizing and co-developing veterinary courses ‘Basic Surgical Skills’ and ‘Clinical Examination Skills’
2004 – present: Course responsible. Planning and implementation of the annual veterinary four day course for the Danish Military Dogsled Patrol, Sirius
2018: Responsible Conduct of Research for Principal Supervisors, University of Copenhagen
2016: Research Management at UCPH – A leadership course, University of Copenhagen.
2015: Higher Education Teaching. One year course at the Department of Science Education, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen
2014: IUP (Introduction to University Pedagogy). One week course at the Department of Science Education, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen
2012: ’How to teach on-line’. Five week on-line course offered by IT-learning Center, Faculty of LIFE Sciences, University of Copenhagen
2011: PhD in surgical pedagogy
2010: ’Qualitative studies in learning and identity’. Two day course at the Department of Learning and Philosophy, Aalborg University
2009: ’Learning in organisations: A meeting between emotions, motivations and production of identities’. One week course at School of Education, University of Aarhus
2008: ’The portmodern learner: Challenging traditions in the organisation of education and learning’. Three day course at Aalborg University
Non-pedagogical courses
’Clinical and Biomedical Research and Scientific Methods/Experimental Design in clinical studies/Clinical intervention and evidence-based medicine’ Courses, 15 days, at University of Copenhagen, 2009
’Scientific Surveys’, four day Course at University of Southern Denmark, 2009
‘Qualitative Research Methods’ one week Course at University of Aarhus 2008
’Systematic Reviews’, one day Course at Forskerkurser, Copenhagen, 2014
’Writer Development’ and ‘Writer Development, Repeater’s’ three and five day Courses at Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen, 2010
‘How to teach on-line’, five week Course at ITLC, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen, 2011
2021: Nominated 'Sally's Horse' 2020 (best veterinary faculty teacher)
2019: Nominated ‘Årets Harald’, best teacher at Copenhagen University
2018: Nominated 'Sally's Horse' 2018 (best veterinary faculty teacher)
2016: Nominated 'Sally's Horse' 2016 (best veterinary faculty teacher)
2015: Nominated ‘Best University teacher’ at University of Copenhagen
2014: Nominated ‘Best University teacher’ at Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen
2011: Winner of the competition, ’Information's PhD Cup’ as the PhD project best communicated at Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen
2011: Nominated in ‘Information's PhD cup’, national level
2008: Nominated in EUNIS for on-line teaching
2007/2008: Nominated in Venture Cup for the development of toy animal models for teaching surgical skills
2007: Winner of ‘Det Gyldne Snit’, awarded for development of on-line teaching in surgery
1994: Winner of Gyldendal Publishers' competition for facts- and children’s books
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Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport › Konferenceabstrakt i proceedings › Forskning
Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport › Konferenceabstrakt i proceedings › Forskning
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Konferenceabstrakt i tidsskrift › Forskning › peer review
Rikke Langebæk (Andet) & Emilie Ulrikka Andersen-Ranberg (Andet)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typer › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
Rikke Langebæk (Andet)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typer › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
Rikke Langebæk (Andet)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typer › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
Rikke Langebæk (Deltager)
Aktivitet: Deltagelse i arrangement eller begivenhed - typer › Organisation af og deltagelse i konference
Rikke Langebæk (Andet)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typer › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
Rikke Langebæk (Deltager)
Aktivitet: Deltagelse i arrangement eller begivenhed - typer › Deltagelse i workshop, seminar og kursus
Rikke Langebæk (Foredragsholder)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typer › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
Rikke Langebæk (Foredragsholder)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typer › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag