Personlig profil


Institut for Geografi og Geologi
Københavns Universitet
Øster Voldgade 10, 1350 København K
Telefon: 3532 2523 (direkte), 3532 2500 (omstilling)
Fax: 3532 2501
E-post: [email protected]

Personlige data og uddannelse
1983 Immatrikuleret ved Københavns Universitet,
1988 Diplôme d'agronomie tropicale, CNEARC, Montpellier, Frankrig
1992 Cand. scient., Københavns Universitet, februar
2000 PhD, Københavns Universitet, marts

2003- Lektor, IGG
2000-2002 Adjunkt, IGG
1996-1999 PhD-studerende, IGG
1993-1995 Junior Professional Officer, FAO, Botswana

Priser mm
Faglige aktiviteter

2014-present: Repræsentant for det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet, KU i Koordinationsgruppen for partnerskab for vidensopbygning om virkemidler og arealregulering (Udløber af Natur- og Landbrugskommissionens arbejde)

2014-present: Formand for Dansk Landskabsøkologisk Forening

2015-present: Generalsekretær, Kongelige Danske Geografiske Selskab

2007-2010: Medlem af Bachelor studienævn, Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet, KU
2002-2007: Formand for Dansk Landskabsøkologisk Forening
2002-2010: Redaktionsmedlem for Geografisk orientering,

Har primært indsamlet data i Danmark (Vejle, Roskilde, Ringsted, Guldborgsund kommuner). Deltog desuden i Galathea 3 projektet CLIP på Salomon-øerne. Har desuden felterfaring fra Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Botswana, Kina.


2014-2015: Byrandsprojekt (Finansieret af Københavns Universitet)

2010-2014: VOLANTE-Visions Of Land Use Transitions  In  Europe. (EU-finansieret)

2008-2010: Seed money for 2 research clusters formation (“Klyngenetværk”) (Finansieret af Københavns Universitet)

2007: Urbanization of Danish rural parishes: a pilotstudy based on census data from Statistics Denmark (Funded by Centre for Strategic Urban Resarch)
2006-2008: Interreg III project: Landscape as a resource (EU-finansieret)
2005-2008: Recreation and production in peri-urban landscapes (finansieret af Friluftsrådet)
2004-2005: Multifuctional landscapes and agriculture in Denmark (finansieret af Center for Strategisk Byforskning)
2001-2003: ØFORSK (The landscape as a resource for health and and sustainable development in the Sound region) (finansieret af det danske og svenske miljøministerie)


Vejleder for PhD projekt. Expedito Nuwategeka: Indigenous knowledge in land suitability evaluation: opportunities for conflict prevention and social stability in Amuru district, northern Uganda. (submitted 2016).

Vejleder for 25 afsluttede cand. scient. Projekter.

Bedømmer af Phd projekt: The transformation of Danish towns and regions in the knowledge economy: Industry, Employment and Uneven Development. Kalle Emil Holst Hansen, Københavns Universitet

Kort præsentation

My research focuses on rural development in a European and African context. In a European context, I study the changing role of agriculture in rural and peri-urban landscapes, the environmental impact of agriculture and the decision making process of farmers. In addition, I study the uptake level of different agri-environmental schemes by land owners in different locations. My field work has focused on Denmark but has also included European perspectives through joint EU projects.

In an African context, I have studied the challenges facing rural youth engaging in agriculture or non-farm economic activities with a focus on young entrepreneurs in rural areas in Uganda. In addition, I have been engaged in land suitability research in Botswana and Mali.

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