Billede af Søren Rosendahl

Søren Rosendahl

Lic scient, Professor, , Ridder af Dannebrog

  • Universitetsparken 15, 2100 København Ø

  • Universitetsparken 15

    2100 København Ø

Personlig profil

Primære forskningsområder

Mycology, plant pathology, population genetics, evolutionary biology, molecular ecology

Molecular ecology, population genetics and evolution of fungi with emphasis on biotrophic symbionts and parasites. Among the studied fungi are Fusarium, Penicillium, various Oomycota (Peronosporamycota) as well as the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in Glomales and fungi associated with insects. We use rad-sequencing, microsatellites, SNPs, DNA sequencing in to generate markers for these studies. The project (BioMark) is using population genomics to associate genetic markers and phenotypic traits of Phytophthora infestans (Potato late blight) to predict emerging epidemics. Molecular diversity and population genetics of AMF fungi in agricultural fields and natural vegetation is studied from variation in various gene sequences. Evolutionary and demographic models based on coalescence and MCMC Bayesian statistics are used to explain fungal diversity and distribution patterns. Hierarchical joint species modeling and co-occurrence networks implemented in analysis of microbial community data.

Kort præsentation


1984                   Master of Science (Cand.scient.) in biology, University of Copenhagen

1985                   Practical and theoretical training as high school teacher in biology

1989                   Ph.D. (Lic.scient) at Institut for Sporeplanter.


1982                   Masters student at Department of Agricultural research, Risø national Laboratory

1985                   Teacher, Frederiksund Amtsgymnasium

1986                   Research fellow at Department of Mycology, University of Copenhagen

1986                   Visiting scientist at Soil Microbiol. Dept., Rothamsted Experimental Station, England

1989                   Post-doctoral fellow,  Danish Natural Research Council, University of Copenhagen

1990                   Consultant for the EC Commission DG XI Developing guidelines for directives on release of genetically modified organisms. Employed at Department of Ecology and Molecular biology, Section for Microbiology, Danish Agricultural University

1991                   Assistant Professor, Department of Mycology

1994                   Associate Professor Department of Mycology

2000                   Professor Department of Mycology


  • Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Svampe
  • Symbiose
  • Populationsgenetik
  • Evolution
  • Mykorrhiza

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