Billede af Sidse Marie Arnfred

Sidse Marie Arnfred

PhD, MD PHD DMSc MSc, Klinisk professor, Forskningschef

  • Blegdamsvej 3

    2200 København N.

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Sidse Arnfred er chef for Psykiatrisk Forskningsenhed Region Sjælland og klinisk professor MSO psykoterapi forskning.



July 2020:

Birthday: 28th May 1963

Clinical Training

Specialist in Adult Psychiatry 18th December 2013

Specialist & Supervisor in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 13th June 2013

Specialist in Family Medicine 1st June 2007

M .Sc. Gestalt Psychotherapy 2009

M.D., University of Copenhagen 1991


Present Positions

Clinical Professor in Psychiatry, MSO Psychotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen (February 2019-January 2024).

Education and degrees

Doctor of Medical Science, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen 25th January 2011

Ph.D., Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen 15th July 2003

Clinical position: Research leader and senior consultant, Psychiatry West, Slagelse

Since 1st October 2017 – Post-graduate Clinical Lecturer in Psychiatry (October 2017-September 2023)

Recent, previous positions

July 2015-January 2019 Clinical Research Associate Professor in Psychiatry, Dep. of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health & Medicine, Copenhagen University, and Education Management Consultant, Psychiatric Hospital Slagelse (July 2015-19 )Psychiatry West, Region Zealand

August 2013-June 2015 Clinical Research Associate Professor in Psychiatry, Dep. of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health & Medicine, Copenhagen University, Mental Health Centre Ballerup

September 2014-June 2015; Senior Research Consultant, Eating Disorder Clinic, Gentofte, Mental Health Centre Ballerup (half-time research position)

August 2012 – August 2014; Research Consultant, (100% research)  MHC Ballerup

November 2010 – 2013 External Lecturer in Psychiatry, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen


Research Fields

My interests span from phenomenological psychopathology, comorbidity, psychometrics and personality traits to psychotherapy and psychiatric communication and didactics. Methodologically, I focus on quantitative as well as qualitative analyses of empirical, clinical data.


Research Supervision

Master thesis supervision: 25 finalized

Research Training in specialist education: 16 finalized, one ongoing

Phd supervision: 6 finalized; 8 ongoing


Present Danish Board Memberships

President Psychotherapy Board, Danish Psychiatric Society, 2020-

President  ”Netværk for forskning og kvalitetssikring i psykoterapi – NFKP[Psychotherappy Network for Research and Quality Assurrance]” 2018-

Research Faculty Board Region Zealand, 2016-

Educational Board Adult Psychiatry, Region East, 2015-  since 2017 President


International collaboration

Prof. David Barlow and Dr. Shannon Zavala, Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders, Boston University, USA

Assoc. prof. JoAnne Malloy, University of New Hampshire, USA

Member of the Managing Committee (MC) the European Network on Individualized Psychotherapy Treatment of Young People with Mental Disorders (EU COST Action: CA16102; European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation) May 2017-April 2020




“Psychosis”, “Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy”, “Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy” “Archives of General Psychiatry”, “Academic Psychiatry”,  “Neuroimage”, ”Psychiatry Research”, “European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience” “Behavioral Brain Research” “Schizophrenia Research” and “Neuropsychopharmacology”. Ugeskrift for Læger.





Doctoral dissertation (D.M.Sc.) “Proprioceptive Information Processing in Schizophrenia” 14th January 2011.University of Copenhagen.

Master of Science thesis “Gestalt Approaches to Psychotic Thinking in Individual Therapy” June 2009, University of Derby, United Kingdom

PhD-thesis ”Somatosensory Gating in Schizophrenia” 2003, University of Copenhagen.



Seventy-seven articles in peer-reviewed journals: 60 original empirical studies, 15 reviews, 5 other peer-reviewed publications (protocols, guidelines, case-stories).

Indexed PubMed: 65; of these: 21 first authorships, 35 last authorships, 11 middle authorships

Three book chapters.

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Medicin,, Institut for Klinisk Medicin

Dimissionsdato: 25 jan. 2011

Medicin, Phd, IKM

Dimissionsdato: 15 jul. 2003

Medicin,, Institut for Klinisk Medicin

Dimissionsdato: 28 jan. 1991


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