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Blegdamsvej 3, 2200 København N.
Blegdamsvej 3
2200 København N.
I am an assistant professor and biomedical data scientist with a physics background, specializing in single-cell resolution live imaging data bioinformatics. My interest lies in leveraging AI/computer vision for impactful research in Cancer, Stem cell, and Developmental Biology. These fields offer exciting questions with the potential to impact lives. I explore how spherically symmetric stem cell aggregates self-organize into complex structures and how cancer progression disrupts organ structure and symmetry, leading tumor cells to a stem cell-like state. I address these questions through AI-powered image analysis, mathematical/statistical tools, and finite element modeling.
Currently, I focus on two projects: 1) Detecting and characterizing metastatic cells in breast and colorectal cancer populations, 2) Studying morphogenesis and cell differentiation in the developing pancreas.
During my Ph.D. at the Niels Bohr Institute, I did theoretical/computational work on microbial ecosystems. Recognizing the need for strong collaborations with experimental biologists, I immersed myself in experimental environments during postdoc positions at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Biology. This experience solidified my ability to influence biomedical research beyond the role of a data analyst.
Degree awarded: Ph.D. Biophysics; August 2012.
Institution: Niels Bohr Institute (NBI), University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Degree awarded: M.S. in Biophysics; April 2009. Grade of M.S. Thesis: 12/12.
Institution: University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Degree awarded: B.Sc. Physics; July 2006.
Institution: University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Position: Postdoctoral researcher, Nov. 2015 - present, Semb lab, DanStem, Copenhagen University.
Position: Research Scholar, Oct. 2012 – Oct. 2015, Xavier lab, MSKCC, New York.
Position: Undergraduate researcher. Feb. 2007 – Jan. 2009. The office of Danish Science Communication, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Position: Undergraduate researcher. Jun. – Aug. 2006. Risø, Danish National Laboratory, Division of Plasma and Optics.
Short summary of research projects:
Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Biology, University of Copenhagen:
Image processing and image analysis of 3D microscopy images and movies of developing mouse pancreas. Computational Cellular Potts modeling of cellular sorting/dynamics during pancreas development using Python.
White lab/Xavier lab, collaboration Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), New York:
Fluorescence microscopy imaging of tumor growth and metastasis formation in transparent zebra fish. Development of theoretical and computational tools for extracting and analysing data from zebra fish images. Development of processing algorithms and computational infrastructure in MATLAB for handling the quantification of large amounts of images. Developing mathematical models of the cell population dynamics of the metastatic cascade.
Greenberg lab, University of Washington, Seattle:
Mathematical modeling of warfare between quorum sensing bacteria, (part of Ph.D. project).
Kerr lab, University of Washington, Seattle:
Spatial cellular automata modeling and mathematical modeling of cooperation in quorum sensing bacteria, (part of Ph.D. project).
CMOL, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen:
Spatial cellular automata modeling and mathematical modeling focusing on questions regarding evolution and coexistence in phage-bacteria ecosystems. (Master thesis project continued into Ph.D. project).
Risø National Laboratory, Danish Polymer Centre:
Developing tracking software in MATLAB for determining trajectories of motile human Fibroblasts, (Undergraduate research project).
Risø National Laboratory, Division of Plasma and Optics:
Degradation of human growth hormone by ultraviolet irradiation, (Undergraduate research project).
Hvidovre Research Hospital:
Calibration of radio wave field in MRI scanning. (Bachelor thesis project).
Honors and Awards:
Other scientific qualifications
Ad hoc reviewer:
International Society of Microbial Ecology Journal (ISME), International Journal of Organic Evolution, Biofouling: The Journal Of Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research.
Teaching experience:
Science popularization:
Editor and writer at the student run physics journal ‘Gamma’ 2007-2010 at the Niels Bohr Institute.
Selected Talks at Meetings and Conferences:
Selected Conferences, Workshops and Courses Abroad:
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