Publikationer pr. år
Publikationer pr. år
exam. art. i sprogpsykologi; i psykologi, ph.d. i biologi
Øster Farimagsgade 2A, 1350 København K
Øster Farimagsgade 2A
1350 København K
Publikationer pr. år
1974 Sidefag i Sprogpsykologi (, Københavns Universitet
1975 Scholarstipendium, Psykologisk Laboratorium, Københavns Universitet
1977 i psykologi, Psykologisk Laboratorium, Københavns Universitet
1978-1979 1-årigt forskningsstipendim, Statens Humanistisk Forskningsråd og Statens Lægevidenskabelige Forskningsråd
1979-1980. 15 måneders forskningsstipendium under Statens humanistiske Forskningsråd, initiativet: Forskning om forskning
1980-1983. Kandidatstipendium ved Psykologisk Laboratorium, Københavns Universitet
1983-1986. Seniorstipendim ved Psykologisk Laboratorium, Københavns Universitet
1986-1989 3-årigt forskningsstipendium under Statens Humanistiske Forskningsråd og Statens Lægevidenskabelige Forskningsråd.
1990 ph. d. i Biologi. (lic. scient). Københavns Universitet
1991-1995 Adjunkt i Humanistisk videnskabsteori, Psykologisk Laboratorium. Københavns Universitet
1996 lektor i videnskabsteori ved Institut for psykologi, Københavns Universitet
2004 Disputats i medicin ( Neurosernes opståen og udvikling i 1800tallet
2005 Indvalgt i Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab
2011 Professor mso i Psykologiens videnskabsteori og historie
Eksperimentel undersøgelse af etableringen af tværmodalitet hos børn, specielt forholdet mellem motorik og lyd. Foretages sammen med Susanne Harder og Mette Væver i regi af Center for Spædbørn.
Research fields
Research group memberships
Research: brief description
(1) In relation to two grants were I am PI – Motor dialogue and motor intention (Danish Council for Independent Research | Culture and Communication) and Exploration in infants play (LEGO foundation) one of the primary targets is to describe the construction of sense/meaning and the relation between the modalities (sensemodalities, affects, language) and analyzing the motor modality as meaning production.
(2)Scientific ontology and epistemology – theory of levels, reductionism andemergence. My ph.d. in biology were a theoretical analysis of this theme in biology, physics and neuropsychology. Since the field has been expanded to include scientific methods – quantitative and qualitative; statistics and definition of variables; complexity. In relation to the grant relating to motor intentionality and motor dialogue we have a large amount of kinematic data which allow a “statistical experimentation” – analyzing different statistical methods processing the same data.
(3) A large part of my production has been in history of science. I think the historical development of science (psychology and its border disciplines: psychiatry, neurosciences, philosophy) can be used to analyzing a series of defining elements for research.
Current research projects
Motor intentionality and motor dialogue – kinematics and phenomenological description of sense/meaning production in the pre-verbal infant.
Exploration in 1 – 5 years infants play.
Studies in philosophy of science: eclecticism; relations between statistical computation and definition of variables; history of science.
Humanomics: Mapping the dynamics of humanities.
Supervising nine ongoing ph.d. projects (motor intentionality, motor dialogue, exploration and play, cancer research, cognitive semantics).
Major Grants
2014 – 2018 Motor intentionality and motor dialogue. Danish Council for Independent Research | Culture and Communication – four years, 9,3 mill (included cofinancing and overhead). (PI: Simo Køppe)
2014 – 2017 Exploration in childrens play. LEGO Foundation, 3,9 mill. (PI: Simo Køppe, co-PI Mette Væver)
2012 – 2016 Share of grant:Humanomics – Mapping the dynamics of humanities. Velux foundation, 5 mill (without co-financing and overhead). (PI: Frederik Stjernfelt, co-PI David Budtz Pedersen).
(1) BA and KA
2011 – : Yearly course in Theory of Science (14 lectures, 5 ECTS, second semester year group). Responsible for managing, developing, teaching, assessing and examination
2011 - ; Yearly course in Research design (14 lectures, 5 ECTS, fifth semester year group). Responsible for managing, developing, teaching, assessing and examination
2005 – 2010: Yearly course in Theory of Science (6 lectures, 5 ECTS, first semester year group, 48-hours set assignment , 4-5 pages )..
2009 – 2010: Course (BA 2009) (BA og KA 2010) (5 ECTS, written paper) in Psychological research – from idea to thesis. Topic are research design, project description, empirical design etc.. Responsible for managing, developing, teaching, assessing and examination.
2005 – 2010: Yearly course in Theory of Science (6 lectures, 5 ECTS, first semester year group, 48-hours set assignment , 4-5 pages ). Responsible for managing, developing, teaching, assessing and examination.
1993 – : Teaching in personality psychology, BA 3 – 5 lectures. Co-responsible for developing the course assessment and examination.
1991-2003: Yearly course (2-semester, 24 X 3 hours lectures, 15 ECTS) in Theory of science for BA students at the Faculty of Humanities. (Also students from social sciences and natural sciences) Examination and assessment of written paper (20 pages, free choice of subject). Responsible for managing, developing, teaching, assessing and examination.
1991 –: Supervision, assessment and examination of 50-60 written papers in General psychology (BA, 20 ECTS).
1991 – : Supervision, assessment and examination of 150 – 175 master thesis (30 ECTS, 80 – 100 pages).
(2) Phd. courses and supervision
1993 – 2012: Developing, managing, organizing and teaching intensive doctoral seminars (5 days each) for the last 15 years at Faculty of the Humanities (in collaboration with prof. Finn Collin or prof. Frans Gregersen). Topics are general theories of history of science, epistemology, scientific methods and ontology. Specific discussions of each students Phd. project.
1995 – 2012: Developing, managing, organizing and teaching intensive doctoral seminars at Department of Psychology (in collaboration with associate professor Benny Karpatschof). Topics are general theories of history of science, epistemology, scientific methods and ontology. Specific discussions of each students Phd. project. Students from different universities in Denmark.
1995 – Series of continuous seminars with Phd. students analysing topics as: subjectivity, relation, general psychology, phenomenology and consciousness.
1995 –: Supervised and participated in the assessment committee: 32 PhD students (Jakob Linnet, Birgit Bork Mathiesen, Stephan Lang Jørgensen, Birgit Jørgensen, Jesper Brøsted, Henrik Skovlund, Hanne Themsen, Faeza Zand, Vanessa Ragans, Tone Roald, Jim Toft, Lotte Thomsen, Pernille Strøbæk, Torben Christensen, Lars Lundman partially: Shishir Subba, Mette Væver, Frederik Pio, Katrine Zeuthen, Kay Worsfold, Gitte Lundin Jensen, Karin Riber, Malene Friis, ongoing and not finished: Nina Dalgaard, Misja Elberg, Emilie Strøm, Kathrine Grovn Nissen, Camilla Overby, Sandre Guffler, Louise Berg Puggaard, Annika Berglind von Heymann-Horan, Ida Pedersen
Google scolar: Scopus h-index: 4
Citattegn Alle Siden 2010
Citater 730 242
h-index 9 6
i10-indeks 9 3
Selected publications
Roald, T., & Køppe, S. (2015). Sense and Subjectivity.: Hidden Potentials in Psychological Aesthetics. Journal of Theoretical & Philosophical Psychology, 35(1), 20 . 34.
Køppe, S., & Dammeyer, J. H. (2014). The Change and Development of Statistical Methods Used in Research Articles in Child Development 1930-2010. Integrative Psychological & Behavioral Science, 48(3), 332-340. 10.1007/s12124-014-9261-7
Dammeyer, J. H., & Køppe, S. (2013). The Relationship Between Body Movements and Qualities of Social Interaction Between a Boy With Severe Developmental Disabilities and His Caregiver. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 51(3), 154 - 163. 10.1352/1934-9556-51.3.154
Væver, M. S., Krogh, M. T., Smith-Nielsen, J., Harder, S., & Køppe, S. (2013). Measuring spatial proximity in mother-infant interaction: A kinematic approach for an examination of the effects of maternal postpartum depression. Infant Behavior and Development, 36(3), 427-431 . 10.1016/j.infbeh.2013.03.007
Køppe, S. (2013). Sense, Modality and Aesthetic Experience. I T. Roald, & J. Lang (red.), Art and Identity: Essays on the Aesthetic Creation of Mind. (Vol. 32, s. 93 - 111). Kapitel 4.Amsterdam: Rodopi. (Consciousness, Literature and the Arts).
Køppe, S. (2012). A moderate eclecticism: Ontological and epistemological issues. Integrative Psychological & Behavioral Science, 46(1), 1-19. 10.1007/s12124-011-9175-6
Krogh, M. T., Væver, M. S., Harder, S., & Køppe, S. (2012). Cultural differences in infant development during the first year: A study of Danish infants assessed by the Bayley-III and compared to the American norms. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 9(6), 730-736.
Køppe, S. (2009). Neurosis: aspects of its conceptual development in the nineteenth century. History of Psychiatry, 20(77), 27-46.
Køppe, S. (2008). The emergence of the psyche: The constitution of the psyche in the first year of life. Nordic Psychology, 60(2), 141-158.
Køppe, S., Harder, S., Væver, M. S., & Roald, T. (2008). Vitality affects. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 17(3), 169-179. 10.1080/08037060701650453
Emmeche, C., Køppe, S., & Stjernfelt, F. (2000). Levels, Emergence and Three Versions of Downward Causation. I Downward Causation - Minds, Bodies and Matter. (s. 13-35). Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
Køppe, S. (2000). Psychosomatics and the pineal gland. I Downward Causation - Minds, Bodies and Matter. (s. 81-99). Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
Emmeche, C., Køppe, S., & Stjernfelt, F. (1997). Emergence and the ontology of levels. Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie, 28, 83 - 119.
Gregersen, F., & Køppe, S. (1989). A normative theory of humanistic knowledge. Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie, 20(1), 40 - 53.
Pedersen, D. B., Stjernfelt, F., & Køppe, S. (red.) (2015). Kampen om disciplinerne: Viden og videnskabelighed i humanistisk forskning. København: Hans Reitzel.
Køppe, S., & Dammeyer, J. H. (red.) (2014). Personlighedspsykologi: En grundbog om personlighed og subjektivitet. København: Hans Reitzel.
Køppe, S. (2004). Neurosens opståen og udvikling i 1800tallet. Kbh.: Frydenlund Academic.
Andkjær Olsen, O., & Køppe, S. (1996). Psykoanalysen efter Freud. Vol I-II. Gyldendal.
Køppe, S. (1991). Virkelighedens niveauer. De nye videnskaber og deres historie. København: Gyldendal.
Andkjær Olsen, O., & Køppe, S. (1988). Freuds psychoanalysis. New York, USA: New York University Press.
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Simo Køppe (Oplægsholder)
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Simo Køppe (Oplægsholder)
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