Billede af Simon Westergaard Lex

Simon Westergaard Lex

Tenure Track Assistant Professor

  • Øster Farimagsgade 5, Opgang E, København K, 16 Øster Farimagsgade 5, 16-0-13

  • Øster Farimagsgade 5, Opgang E

    1353 København V

  • Kilde: Scopus

Publikationer pr. år

Personlig profil

Primære forskningsområder

Tematisk: Organisering og design af bæredygtige økonomier og samfund.

Regionalt: Skandinavien, Latinamerika (Venezuela og Colombia).

Kort præsentation

Aktuel forskning

Jeg forsker i opbygningen af bæredygtige økonomier og lokale grønne fællesskaber.

  1. Jeg forsker i modstand mod opbygningen af nye vedvarende energisystemer som vindmøller, solceller og PtX anlæg. Som en del af et nationalt partnerskab, der udvikler grønne brændstoffer (, arbejder jeg med modeller for samarbejde og engagement på tværs af private, offentlige og civile sektorer.
  2. Jeg arbejder med organisering af lokale borgere i grønne nabofællesskaber, som udfolder sig både i digitale og fysisk rum. Jeg undersøger nye samarbejdsformer mellem kommuner og borgere samt opbygningen af lokale alternative økonomier og fællesskaber (
  3. Fokus på organisering af regenerative fællesskaber. Jeg undersøger, hvordan økonomiske, sociale og grønne værdier forhandles mellem forskellige aktører i byggeriets værdikæder og er med til at forme lokale fællesskaber og økonomier i den regenerative by.


Jeg er koordinator for Anvendt Antropologi, som er et større case-baseret kursus, hvor de studerende arbejder med problemstillinger relateret til den grønne omstilling. De studerende tager på feltarbejde, analyserer data, udvikler nye indsigter og ideer, som de præsenterer for private og offentlige organisationer. Jeg medunderviser desuden det tværfaglige kursus: Perspectives on Sustainability.


Born 5 August 1981

Primary Research Interests

  • Green transition, sustainable communities, organizational change, design and innovation

Employment Record

  • 2022 –            Associate Professor
  • 2019 – 2022  Tenure Track Assistant Professor,
  • 2017 – 2019   Assistant Professor
  • 2014 – 2016   Postdoc, Department of Anthropology, UCPH
  • 2013 – 2014   Innovation consultant, PostNord
  • 2010 – 2013   Industrial Ph.D. scholar, PostNord and UCPH

Education and Academic Degrees

  • 2022: Leading Research – UCPH leadership course 
  • 2021: Occupational health and safety training course
  • 2017: The Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Programme,
  • 2013: Industrial Ph.D. PostNord and Department of Anthropology,
  • 2008: MSc in Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, AU
  • 2006: BSc in Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, AU

Grants and awards (selected)

  • 2022: PI of “Engaging Communities in the Green Fuels Transition” funded by Innovation Fund Denmark (DKK 1.500.000)
  • 2021: Co-PI of “SAMSKAB” funded by Velux (DKK 6,4M)
  • 2021: Co-PI of “RE-ANIMATE: Designs for Life-Enhancing Economies in Anthropological Perspective” funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark (DKK 6.2M
  • 2019: Nominated for the University of Copenhagen Innovation Prize 2019.
  • 2018: Selected as the international profile in Saint Gobain´s Building Science Bulletin, 
  • 2017: Co-PI of “COMPASS, Collaborative Movements and Pathways to a Sustainable Society”, funded by Velux (DKK 6.2M)
  • 2017   Co-PI “Smart Cities Accelerator” funded by EU (DKK 24.3M)  

Trusted Positions and research stays (selected)

  • 2022 -   Member of the steering committee, Danish Center for Energy Storage (DaCES)
  • 2022 -   Co-editor, Journal of Business Anthropology
  • 2022 –  Research coordinator of the researcher group “Nature, Environment and Climate”, Department of Anthropology, UCPH
  • 2022 -  Member of the research committee, Department of Anthropology, UCPH
  • 2021-   Member of the Faculty Committee on Sustainability, Faculty of Social Science
  • 2020 – Union Representative, Department of Anthropology, UCPH
    2020–  Occupational health and safety representative, Department of Anthropology, UCPH
  • 2020: Member of the Danish Reference Group 5 for Horizon Europe
  • 2017: Member of advisory groups on Impact for the Associate Dean, UCPH
  • 2016: Research stay, Department of Anthropology, Osaka University 
  • 2012: Research stay, Department of Anthropology, Auckland University
  • 2011: Research stay, Virtual Human Interaction Lab, Stanford University

Kort præsentation

Primary research areas

Regional: Scandinavia (Denmark and Sweden), Latin America (Venezuela and Colombia).


Innovation, Organization, Collaboration, Knowledge Economy.

Current research areas:

I am part of the research project CoNeXT (, and here my main focal area is collaboration between industry and University.

Keywords: Knowledge Economy, Collaboration, Trans-disciplinarity, Innovation.

I am also part of the Business and Organisational research group.


I explore contemporary understandings and practices of “innovation” in private and public organisations. Here, I dig “into the box” with an aim of making sense of daily practices and interactions in the creation, negotiation and commercialisation of new ideas, prototypes, products or services.

I ask what happens when the business developer, the entrepreneur, the consultant, the manager or the anthropologist put on the “innovative” hat?


Methodologically, I experiment with my role and position as a researcher working in the field and collaborating with interlocutors.

I strive to engage and collaborate with people in the field and exchange insights from different disciplinary positions and knowledge domains.

I explore the balance between participation and observation, performance and composition and immersion and reflection and as such I hope to co-produce insights of both practical and theoretical relevance.

Politics and culture in South America

Since 2000 I have studied political and cultural developments in South America, with an interest in leftist political programmes as for example the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela.


I teach the courses ”Innovation & Co-creation”, ”The Anthropology of Innovation and Design and “The Anthropological Projekt: Anthropreneurship”.

I supervise in the field of Business and Organisational Anthropology.


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