Personlig profil


Personal data:

 Born January 20th, 1963, Freiburg im Breisgau, Südbaden, Germany, 
 German citizen 
 Three children : Sarah Rashmi, David Ajit and Hannah Jyotsna Kirpekar-Sauer



1969 - 1973Primary School, Donaueschingen, Germany
1973 - 1974Fürstenberg High SchoolDonaueschingen, Germany
1974 - 1982Grimmelshausen High SchoolOffenburg, Germany
1982 - 1984Basic Course in ChemistryAlbert-Ludwigs UniversityFreiburg, Germany, Vordiplom 1984
1984 - 1988Graduate School in ChemistryLudwig-Maximilians UniversityMunich, Germany, Hauptdiplom 1988
1/1988 - 9/1988Master Thesis "Calculation of Frequency Dependent Polarizabilities using the Polarization-Propagator Approximation" in Theoretical Chemistry with Prof. Dr. Geerd H. F. DiercksenMax-Planck Institute of Astrophysics, Garching near Munich, Germany
2/1991 - 6/1993Ph.D. Studies in Theoretical Chemistry with Prof. Dr. Jens OddershedeDepartment of ChemistryOdense UniversityPh.D. Thesis: "Correlated Propagator Calculations of Magnetic and Electric Response Properties"


Scholarships and Awards:

1983 - 1988Scholarship from the German National Scholarship Foundation, Germany
5/1989 -10/1989Scholarship from the Danish Research Academy
5/1990Minerva Award for Ph.D. Students, Germany
6/1991 - 5/1992Scholarship from the Danish Research Academy
2014Teacher of the Year at Faculty of Science Award
2015Nominated for the Teacher of the Year at Faculty of Science Award
2018Teacher of the Year at Department of Chemistry Award
2021/2022Teacher of the Year at Department of Chemistry Award



10/1988 - 9/1990Research Assistant of Prof. Dr. Geerd H. F. Diercksen, at the Max-Planck-Institute for Astrophysics, Garching near Munich, Germany
10/1990 - 1/1991Internship "Knowledge Based Systems in Enviromental Protection" at the pharmaceutical company Dr. Karl Thomae GmbH, Biberach, Germany
2/1991 - 6/1993Ph. D. Student, Department of ChemistryOdense University
6/1993 -5/1994Visiting Scientist at the IBM Almaden Research CenterSan Jose, California, USA
6/1994 - 1/1997Research Assistant Professor, Department of ChemistryOdense University
2/1997 - 5/2000Assistant Professor, Department of ChemistryUniversity of Copenhagen
5/2000 - 11/2000Associate Research Professor, Department of ChemistryUniversity of Copenhagen
12/2000 - 12/2010Associate Professor, Department of ChemistryUniversity of Copenhagen
1/2011 - 8/2014Associate Professor (MSK), Department of ChemistryUniversity of Copenhagen
9/2014 - 12/2018Professor (MSO), Department of ChemistryUniversity of Copenhagen
1/2016 – 5/2023Head of the Physical Chemistry Section at the Department of ChemistryUniversity of Copenhagen
4/2018 – presentHead of Studies at the Department of ChemistryUniversity of Copenhagen
12/2018 - presentProfessor, Department of ChemistryUniversity of Copenhagen


Positions of Trust at University of Copenhagen:

1998 - 2004Member of the Library Committee, Department of ChemistryUniversity of Copenhagen
2002 – 2005Member of the Study Board for Chemistry, Department of ChemistryUniversity of Copenhagen
2002 – 2005Pedagogical Mentor for new Associate and Assistant Professors, Department of ChemistryUniversity of Copenhagen
2012 – 2013Member of the Bachelor Study Board, Faculty of SciencesUniversity of Copenhagen
2013 – 2016Chairman of the Study Board for Physics, Chemistry and Nanoscience, Faculty of SciencesUniversity of Copenhagen
2013 – 2016Member of the Council of the Department of ChemistryUniversity of Copenhagen
2015 – 2016Vice head of the Physical Chemistry Section at the Department of ChemistryUniversity of Copenhagen
2016 – 2020Member of the Study Board for Physics, Chemistry and Nanoscience, Faculty of SciencesUniversity of Copenhagen
2019 – 2022Member of the Working Group Physics/Chemistry of the Ministry of Children and Education
2020 – 2022Chairman of the Study Board for Physics, Chemistry and Nanoscience, Faculty of SciencesUniversity of Copenhagen



5/1989 - 10/1989Department of ChemistryOdense University (Prof. Dr. Jens Oddershede)
2/1991 - 5/1991Quantum Theory ProjectUniversity of FloridaGainesville, Florida, USA (Prof. John R. Sabin)
6/1995 - 7/1995Lehrstuhl für Theoretische ChemieInstitute of Physical Chemistry and ElectrochemistryUniversity of Karlsruhe, Germany (Prof. Dr. Reinhart Ahlrichs)
2/1997Department of Chemical PhysicsJ. Heyrovský Institute of Physical ChemistryAcademy of Sciences of the Czech RepublicPrague, Czech Republic (Dr. Ivana Paidarová)
2/1998Department of Chemical PhysicsJ. Heyrovský Institute of Physical ChemistryAcademy of Sciences of the Czech RepublicPrague, Czech Republic (Dr. Ivana Paidarová)
2/1999Departamento de Fisica,  Universidad National del Nordeste, Corrientes, Argentina (Prof. Gustavo A. Aucar)
2/2000Departamento de FisicaUniversidad National del Nordeste, Corrientes, Argentina (Prof. Gustavo A. Aucar)
6/2001 - 7/2001Institut de Química ComputacionalUniversitat de Girona, Spain(Prof. Miquel Duran Portas, Dr. Josep Maria Luis Luis)
7/2001Departamento de FisicaUniversidad National del Nordeste, Corrientes, Argentina (Prof. Gustavo A. Aucar)
7/2002Departamento de FisicaUniversidad National del Nordeste, Corrientes, Argentina (Prof. Gustavo A. Aucar)
5/2003Department of ChemistryUniversity of Ottawa, Canada (Prof. David M. Bishop)
8/2005 - 7/2006Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany (Prof. Dr. Walter Thiel)
7/2007Departamento de FisicaUniversity of Buenos Aires, Argentina (Prof. Marta Ferraro)
7/2007Departamento de FisicaUniversidad National del Nordeste, Corrientes, Argentina (Assoc. Prof. Patricio F. Provasi)
11/2008Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany (Prof. Dr. Walter Thiel)
11/2009Departamento de FisicaUniversity of Buenos Aires, Argentina (Prof. Marta Ferraro)
11/2010Departamento de FisicaUniversity of Buenos Aires, Argentina (Prof. Marta Ferraro)
11/2011Departamento de FisicaUniversity of Buenos Aires, Argentina (Prof. Marta Ferraro)
11/2011Departamento de FisicaUniversidad National del Nordeste, Corrientes, Argentina (Assoc. Prof. Patricio F. Provasi)
11/2012Department of ChemistryOkayama University, Japan (Prof. Takayoshi Suzuki)
11/2013Departamento de FisicaUniversity of Buenos Aires, Argentina (Prof. Marta Ferraro)
11/2013Departamento de FisicaUniversidad National del Nordeste, Corrientes, Argentina (Assoc. Prof. Patricio F. Provasi)
2/2014Institute of PhysicsUniversidade de São Paulo, Brazil (Prof. Sylvio Canuto and Prof. Dr. Kaline Coutinho)
5/2015Institute of PhysicsUniversidade de São Paulo, Brazil (Prof. Sylvio Canuto and Prof. Dr. Kaline Coutinho)
11/2016Departamento de FisicaUniversidad National del Nordeste, Corrientes, Argentina (Assoc. Prof. Patricio F. Provasi)
12/2016Departamento de FisicaUniversity of Buenos Aires, Argentina (Prof. Marta Ferraro)
11/2017Institute of PhysicsUniversidade de São Paulo, Brazil (Prof. Sylvio Canuto and Prof. Dr. Kaline Coutinho)
10/2018Departamento de FisicaUniversidad National del Nordeste, Corrientes, Argentina (Assoc. Prof. Patricio F. Provasi) supported by the TWAS Visiting Expert Programme
11/2019Departamento de FisicaUniversidad National del Nordeste, Corrientes, Argentina (Assoc. Prof. Patricio F. Provasi) supported by the TWAS Visiting Expert Programme


Memberships :

2015 - 2019Senior Editor of Cogent Chemistry
1999 - 2016Editorial Board of International Journal of Molecular Sciences
 Editorial Board of Open Journal of Physical Chemistry
 Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
 Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie
 AG Theoretische Chemie
 Danish Chemical Society
 Danish Physical Society
 Karl May Gesellschaft e.V.
 PV Arminia

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German, English, Danish and Spanish


  • Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Kvantekemi
  • Beregningskemi
  • Videnskabelige beregningsmetoder
  • Schrödingerligning

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