Publikationer pr. år
Publikationer pr. år
Dyrlæge (1998), PhD (2003)
Højbakkegaard Allé 5, 2630 Taastrup
Agrovej 8
2630 Taastrup
Professor of large animal surgery, March 2015 – present
Resident, European College Veterinary Surgery, August 2011 – July 2014
Associate professor, KU-SUND, Department of Large Animal Sciences, November 2007 – March 2015
Assistant professor/post doc, KU-SUND, Department of Clinical Studies, August 2003 – October 2007
Ph.D. student, Research School for Animal Production and Health (RAPH), September 1999 – August 2003
Teaching assistant, KU-SUND, Department of Clinical Studies, August 1998 – September 1999.
European College of Veterinary Surgery Annual Scientific Meeting (member local organizing committee), July 2014
International Society of Animal Clinical Pathology (member local organizing committee), June 2014
European Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Society, Congress (member local organizing committee), May-June 2013
Equine wound management course, Veterinary Wound Healing Association (local organizer), February 2013
Aspects of equine clinical pathology , Ph.D. course, PhD. School ‘Animal Health and Production Science, Technology and Biotechnology’, University of Milan, Italy (organizer and lecturer), June 2012
Nordic Equine Veterinary Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark (chairman), November 2011
Annual conference, Danish Equine Veterinary Association, Ebeltoft, Denmark (vice-chairman), November, 2010
Emergency medicine and surgery, wound management Education of Equine Veterinary Specialists, Copenhagen, Denmark (organizer and lecturer), May 2007
The VIth European Colloquium on Acute Phase Proteins, Copenhagen, Denmark (chairman), August, 2006
Aage and Edith Dyssegaard’s Foundation, 2007
C.O Jensen’s Memorial Award, 2006
The Abildgaard Award for outstanding effort in veterinary clinical research, 2003
Post doc Patrik Vernhoff, project title ‘Extrahepatic expression and synthesis of serum amyloid A in bovine mastitis and equine arthritis’, co-supervisor. 2010
PhD Stine Mandrup Andreassen, project title ‘Characterization of equine synovial haemostasis and inflammation’, main supervisor. 2014
PhD Tone Lygreen, project title ‘Tendon biology, aspects of relevance for tendon tissue mechanical properties’, co-supervisor. 2014
PhD Louise Bundgaard, project title ‘Inflammation in impaired equine wound healing - mass spectrometric analyses of inflammatory proteins and identification of a fibrocyte-like cell type’, main supervisor. 2014
PhD Mette Aamand Sørensen, project title ‘Hypoxia as a cause of exuberant granulation tissue formation in equine limb wounds healing by second intention’, main supervisor. 2014
PhD Michelle Christensen, project title ‘Serum amyloid a measured by an automated latex agglutination turbidimetric immunoassay: evaluation of the assay performance across 5 veterinary species a study of the application in canine medicine’, co-supervisor. 2013
PhD Tina Holberg Pihl, project title ‘Acute phase proteins as diagnostic markers in horses with acute abdominal pain’, main supervisor. 2012
PhD Mette Christoffersen, project title ‘Inflammatory response to induced infectious endometritis in the mare’, co-supervisor. 2011
Anne Mette Lindberg Have, KU SUND, Denmark (chairman), August 2015
Sanni Hansen, KU SUND, Denmark (chairman), March 2014
Stine Bislev Lønnerup, Aarhus University, Denmark, April 2012
Maj Halling-Thomsen, KU LIFE, Denmark (chairman), April 2011
Maria Åkersted, SLU, Sweden, May 2008
Associate editor BMC Veterinary Research, 2011-present
The Danish Wound Healing Association
The Veterinary Wound Healing Association
The Danish Society for Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene
Acta Vet. Brno
Acta Vet. Scand.
Am. J. Vet. Res.
Animal: Int. J. Anim. Biosci.
BMC Vet. Res.
Cell Tissue Res.
Eq. Vet. J.
J. Anim. Physiol. Nutr.
J. Dairy Res.
J. Eq. Vet. Sci.
J. Proteomics
J. Zoo Wildlife Med.
Livest. Sci.
Osteoarthr. Cartilage
Small Ruminant Res.
Vet. Clin. Pathol.
Vet. J.
Vet. Res. Commun.
Vet. Surg.
Equine Laparoscopy Symposium, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA, May-June 2014
AOVET Advanced techniques in equine fracture management, Davos, Switzerland, December 2013
Basic and Advanced Equine Arthroscopy, Colorado State University, USA, August 2013
European Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2013
Equine Wound Management, Taastrup, Denmark, February 2013
Basic arthroscopy, Newmarket, UK, October 2012
Basic principles of fracture management in horses, Ao-vet/SIVE, Italy, June 2012
Arthroscopic guided fracture fixation and arthroscopy of uncommon joints, NEOANIMALIA/University of Milan, Italy, June 2012
Focus on colic, American Association of Equine Practitioners, USA, July 2011
Equine arthroscopy (femoropatellar, femorotibial, distal interphalangeal joints), NEOANIMALIA/University of Milan, Italy, June 2011
Equine Wound Management and skin grafting, Veterinary Wound Healing Association, Sweden, September 2010
Presentation techniques, University of Copenhagen, September 2008
Supervision of Ph.D. students, University of Copenhagen, September 2008
Laboratory Animal Science (category C), KU-SUND, Denmark, September 2004
Surgical Diseases of the GI tract – Diagnosis and Management, KU-SUND, Denmark, March 2004
Wound healing and treatment, Greve Veterinary Clinic, Denmark, January 2004
Scientific Writing, RAPH, Denmark, August 2000
Basic Statistics for Veterinary and Related Sciences, KU-SUND, Denmark, February – May 2000
Veterinary Immunology, KU-SUND, Denmark, September – December 1999
Veterinary Immuno-Diagnostic Methods, KU-SUND, Denmark, November 1999
Ethics in Science – with Emphasis on Research in Animal Production and Health, RAPH, Denmark, October 1999
Good Laboratory Practice, H. Lundbeck A/S, Valby, Denmark, April 1996
Stine Jacobsen moved from Jutland in the early 1990s to Copenhagen, where she studied at The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University and obtained her degree in veterinary medicine in 1998. She defended her thesis The bovine acute phase response to endotoxin and Gram-negative bacteria from the same institution and obtained her PhD degree in 2003.
Her main research interests are bovine and equine inflammatory disease and acute phase proteins, the surgical stress response, joint disease and wound healing. The research is characterized by a ‘bench-to-box’ approach with much focus on understanding underlying pathophysiology in commonly occurring diseases in the large animal clinic, combining clinical and laboratory disciplines. Focus has been untoward responses to inflammation and trauma such as hyperresponsiveness during inflammation or aberrant wound healing. Her clinical interests lie broadly within equine and ruminant soft tissue and orthopaedic surgical diseases.
Stine divides her time between research, teaching of veterinary students and clinical work in the Large Animal Teaching Hospital, where she also participated in the surgical night duty.
Since 2009, Stine is a member of the Veterinary Study Board
Privately, she lives in Sengeløse, only few kilometers from The Large Animal Teaching Hospital, with her husband and two small boys.
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Review › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Stine Jacobsen (Arrangør)
Aktivitet: Deltagelse i arrangement eller begivenhed - typer › Organisation af og deltagelse i konference
Stine Jacobsen (Arrangør)
Aktivitet: Deltagelse i arrangement eller begivenhed - typer › Organisation af og deltagelse i konference
Stine Jacobsen (Foredragsholder)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typer › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
Stine Jacobsen (Foredragsholder)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typer › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
Stine Jacobsen (Deltager)
Aktivitet: Andre aktivitetstyper › Andet (priser, ekstern undervisning samt andet). - Gæsteophold ved andre institutioner
Stine Jacobsen (Taler)
Aktivitet: Deltagelse i arrangement eller begivenhed - typer › Organisation af og deltagelse i konference
Stine Jacobsen (Arrangør)
Aktivitet: Deltagelse i arrangement eller begivenhed - typer › Organisation af og deltagelse i konference
Stine Jacobsen (Foredragsholder)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typer › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
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