Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

My research studies relationships between urban landscapes and cultural values, imaginaries, ecologies, politics and social change. I specialize in the cities and landscapes of the 20th and 21st century welfare states, especially in Scandinavia and Denmark. Doing so, I am deeply involved in questions about how historical perspectives can help us understand pressing urban and planetary issues and inform the ways in which we address the almost omnipresent legacy of 20th century urbanization through renovation, adaptation and care.

I lead the Research Group Landscape Architecture and Urban History and co-lead the EAHN (the European Architecture History Network)'s Interest Group for Women and Gender in Architecture, Landscape and Urban Design; member of the University of Copenhagen Faculty of Science's Academic Council and member of the advisory board (Fachlicher Beirat) of the German nation-wide festival WiA on Women and Diversity in Architecture, Landscape and Urban Planning, 2025

Current research projects:

Learning from Collaboration. Building Future Practice. This project investigates the forms of collaboration across design fields, gender, class and geography that enabled Denmark’s 1960–1975 building boom. The aim is to offer a more complete historical understanding of construction during this period, which has left the biggest mark on today’s Danish cities and landscapes. At the same time, the project will also contribute new knowledge to current discussions about cross-disciplinary collaboration and diversity in the building sector. Supported by Realdania, this pilot project will build a larger research collaboration across five Danish research institutions.

Stories from Sofiegården. Alternative Forms of Living in Copenhagen as Cultural Heritage. In this project, we activate the history of Sofiegården - an area in Copenhagen that was squatted during the late 1960s and later rebuilt - and relate it to contemporary discussions about housing justice, gender and class. Doing so, we explore the possibility of learning from the alternative forms of living on this site. The project is a collaboration between the University of Copenhagen and the Museum of Copenhagen, and it builds synergies between research, public engagement and curatorial work. 2025-2027. Supported by the Augustinus Foundation. 


My work is widely published in international journals such as Landscape Research, International Journal of Heritage Studies, Architectural Histories, Kritische Berichte and ARQ Architectural Research Quarterly. I am author, co-author and editor of seven books, including

Women in Scandinavian Landscape Architecture: Building Collaborative and Transnational Feminist Histories discusses women’s contributions to the shaping of modern cities and landscapes, with special focus on the 20th century Scandinavian welfare states. The book explores collaborative and feminist ways of writing this history (co-edited with Henriette Steiner, De Gruyter 2024).

Untold Stories: On Women, Gender and Architecture in Denmark (with Jannie R. Bendsen and Henriette Steiner, Strandberg Publishing 2023) presents women architects’ contributions to the buildings, cities, and landscapes in the Danish welfare state 1930–1980. The book shows how architecture comes into being through collaborations that cut across genders and professional disciplines.

Biography of an Industrial Landscape: Carlsberg’s Urban Spaces Retold (Amsterdam University Press 2017) examines the reinvention of the Carlsberg brewery site in Copenhagen as a city district. It shows that Carlsberg’s industrial open spaces were left largely indescript during the urban redevelopment project and therefore often radically changed without explicit discussion. In response, the book tells counter-narratives that foreground Carlsberg's open spaces and how they emerged over time through the interplay of materials, changing social orders, economies, yeast, aesthetics and the imagination. 

Forankring i Forandring: Christiania og bevaring som ressource i byomdannelse [Rooted in Change: Christiania and Preservation as a Resource in Urban Transformation (with Anne Tietjen and Pernille Skov, Arkitektskolens Forlag) presents the squatted “free town” Christiania in Copenhagen as a laboratory for alternative conservation practices. It examines how this former military area has transformed into a very particular urban landscape, arguing that it offers a ground from which authorized heritage conservation practices can be rethought.


Outreach and Public Scholarship

Together with students, NGOs, municipalities, museums, local communities, designers, planners and others, I explore ways of establishing mutual dialogues between research and partners beyond academia. For me, this is a way to share my research with broader audiences and to make a difference. This sort of dialogue is also a research method that broadens my archive and helps me learn and ask new questions. Examples are the exhibition Women in Architecture at the Danish Architecture Center in 2022 and the European exhibition series PuSH Public Space in European Social Housing (HERA) 2020-23. If you are interested, you may read here how we used public scholarship in the project Women in Danish Architecture. A new history of gender and Practice, which has won several awards for its public outreach.

As part of the research collective Aktion Arkiv, Aktion Arkiv, I explore how residents in social houisng neighbourhoods enact solidarity and collective resistance to the radical measures against 'Parallel Societies' and 'Vulnerable Areas' in Danish and Swedish politics. E.g. in the oral history report Solidarity Report. Two Witness Seminars on Danish and Swedish Welfare Housing in Crisis (2024) .

In spring 2025, I will – together with Liv Løvetand Rahbek – launch an outreach project that tells diverse histories of architecture, cities and landscapes of the post-war Danish welfare state. The project will focus on questions of gender, intersectionality and ecology and involve Wikipedia edit-a-thons and Instagram posts.


Current teaching, supervision, and mentoring

MSc course leader, Theories and Methods of Landscape Architecture

BSc course leader, Landskabsarkitekturens historie, nutid og fremtid 

Workshops at the introductory courses for PhD fellows at the Faculty of Science, Fundamentals.

MSc and BSc dissertation supervisor

Currently PhD co-supervisor for Anne Pind, Eco-Feminist Spatial Practices in Sweden and Denmark at the Beginning of the 20th Century, Danish Academy, School of Architecture/University of Copenhagen








Short bio: Svava Riesto studied art history at the Arctic University of Tromsø, Freie Universität Berlin and University of Copenhagen, where she also gained her PhD in landscape architecture and urbanism. She previously worked for seven years in landscape architecture practice, and she is concerned with how research and education can engage with local communities and other societal actors. 

Key research areas: history, theory and historiography of architecture, cities and landscapes; critical heritage studies; cities and landscapes of the welfare states; social housing; public space; gender, diversity and inclusion in cities and landscapes; intersections of urban planning, landscape architecture, heritage, and climate change.           

Current position

Professor and Group Leader, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management (IGN), Section for Landscape Architecture and Planning Society, University of Copenhagen (UCPH).



2012                 PhD degree in landscape architecture and urbanism with the thesis Digging Carlsberg. Biography of an industrial landscape undergoing redevelopment, Published as the monograph Biography of an Industrial Landscape. Carlsberg’s Urban Spaces Retold in 2018. UCPH, Faculty of Life Sciences.


2001                 Mag. Art. in art history with the thesis Norsk Jugendstil, Tyske Visjoner. Knud Øgreids arkitektoniske realisme [Norwegian Jugendstil, German Visions: the architectural realism of Knud Øgreid], Published as the book chapter ‘Tysk avantgarde på Storhaug. Knud Øgreids Arkitektoniske Realisme’ in 2001. University of Copenhagen, Faulty of the Humanities.


1997                 Cand.mag., art history (cum laude), Arctic University of Tromsø, Humanities.


1997                Training internship, the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.


1995-96            Erasmus scholarship, Freie Universität Berlin, Humanities.



2025 –                Professor, History and Theory of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism , Department of Geosciences and Natural Landscape Management, UCPH.


2015 –                Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture History, Department of Geosciences and Natural Landscape Management, UCPH.


2012 – 2015        Postdoc, Landscape Architecture and Planning, Department of Geosciences and Natural Landscape Management, UCPH.


2007 – 2012        PhD Fellow, Landscape Architecture and Planning, Department of Geosciences and Natural Landscape Management, UCPH.


2007-2011          Associate Partner, Ekstrakt Landscape architecture and Codesign agency.


2006 – 2007        Funding Partner, Ekstrakt Landscape architecture and codesign agency.


2005 – 2006        Head of Communications, SLA Landscape Architects.


2004 – 2006        Art Historian, SLA Landscape Architects.


2001-2005          Part-time teacher in architectural history, Department of Culture and Communication, Humanities, UCPH.


2001                   Editor, The Danish Town planning Institute. Employed for the European project Urban Identities and Regional Development, initiated by the Danish EU Presidency, The Ministry of the Environment.



Periods of leave: 2 years and 10 months in total

(Maternity leave 2003: 12 months and

2013: 10 months, part-time family leave 2018–2022, equals 12 months of leave).



Leadership experience: research, teaching, landscape architecture practice


2024-          Leader of the Interest Group for Women and Gender in Architecture, Landscape and Urban Design, European Architecture History Network (EAHN). The group currently has approximately 40 international researchers as members. Shared leadership with Luca Csepely-Knorr.


2024-          Leader of the research dissemination project Frem i Lyset. Diversifying Architectural Histories, UCPH. A project that brings to light forgotten histories about figures and forms of practice that have been absent in canonical architectural histories, focussing particularly on questions of gender and ecology in Danish architecture of the period 1950-1980.


2024-          Co-PI of the research project Learning from Collaboration. Building Future Practice in collaboration with Associate Professor Henriette Steiner. This pilot project studies the collaborations across genders and disciplines that shaped the built environments of the 1960s building boom in Denmark. Collaborative pilot project with a core group of researchers from the Royal Danish Academy School of Architecture, Aarhus School of Architecture, the Technical University of Denmark and Aalborg University. This pre-project is funded by the philanthropic association Realdania and will lead to a larger research application for a larger research network or consortium with PhD-students and senior researchers in 2025 (please see Research Plan for elaboration).


2023-          Leader of the Research Group for Landscape Architecture and Urban History, UCPH, Section for Landscape Architecture and Planning- Society. This research group provides historical perspectives and methods that can help to advance more inclusive and just ways of constructing and living with buildings, cities and landscapes in the future. We offer knowledge and frameworks that can enable societies to learn from the past and to address heritage in ways that promote resilience and equity. We are currently a group of six researchers and fellows. We also have a small group of associated students who work on projects that are relevant to the group. Landscape Architecture and Urban History – University of Copenhagen (


2022-          Active in the collectively led independent research group Aktion Arkiv, based in Berlin, Stockholm and Copenhagen. Action Arkiv undertakes participatory action research to explore the past and present situation for affordable housing in European cities and their possible futures. By using historical methods such as witness seminars and archival interventions Aktion Arkiv seeks to diversify the stories of social housing estates, particularly focussing on perspectives that do not usually make it to the archive and which often take up less bandwidth in public discourse, e.g. lived experiences by residents, neighbours, and other stakeholders. Members are Sara Brolund de Carvalho, Maryam Fanni, Heidi S. Kajita, Jennifer Mack, Helena Mattson, Meike Schalk and Svava Riesto.



2021-          Initiator of and responsible for the new course Landskabsarkitekturens Historie, Nutid og Fremtid [The past, present and future of landscape architecture], UCPH. This course studies the artistic, cultural and environmental historical conditions that lay the basis for the contemporary understanding of landscape architecture. 2-3 teachers and app. 20 students. Shared leadership with Henriette Steiner and Richard Hare.

Landskabsarkitekturens historie, nutid og fremtid – Københavns Universitet (


2020-          Co-PI of research project Women in Danish Architecture 1925-1975 in shared leadership with Henriette Steiner. Research project that studies the role of women in landscape architecture, planning, architecture and interior architecture in Denmark in the context of the Danish welfare state. The project builds new historiographical approaches to re-read the history of buildings, landscapes and cities in the Danish Welfare State through the lens of women and gender, and shows how architecture does not emerge solely from individual creativity, but through mutual and diverse collaborations. (Please see the sections Societal Outreach and Invited Presentations and Keynotes in this CV for details on outreach from this project. Funding is elaborated on in the section ‘Grants’ below.


2019–22      Leader of working group on theory and member of the management committee of the COST-Action Writing Urban Places. New Narratives of Mid-Sized European Cities. Interdisciplinary group of 20+ researchers to investigate theoretical perspectives on the potential of using narrative approaches to research on urban development in European medium-sized cities. Shared leadership with Henriette Steiner.

Writing Urban Places – COST Action CA18126 – CA18126 – Writing Urban Places. New Narratives of the European City.  


2019-2023  Leader of work package on social housing as living heritage and management committee member, in the research project PUSH Public space in European Social Housing (HERA- Humanities in the European Research Area). The project iinvestigated public space in European social cooperative and rental mass housing estates from the 1960s-1980 to better understand how cultural encounters happen and, ultimately, how such encounters can be better sustained. The work package conceptualized these estates as living heritage beyond the dichotomies such as tangible-intangible or cultural-natural heritage to pave the way for more resilient and inclusive way for caring about their future. 10 researchers were part of this work, which was a collaboration between UCPH, The Department of Regional and Urban Planning, Faculty of Landscape and Society, NMBU (Norway); ETH CASE Centre for Research on Architecture, Society & the Built Environment, ETH Zürich (Schweiz); Department of Architecture, University of Naples Federico II (Italy).  .

                  Public Space | PUSHousing | Europe


2017-2022  Leader of sub-project on social practices in Reconfiguring welfare landscapes. The past, present and future of Danish postwar social housing (Danish Independent Research Fund Humanities). This project established a new understanding of landscapes of social housing as ‘welfare landscapes’, contributed to the debate on their future preservation and development and created new knowledge about architecture and welfare politics from a landscape perspective. The sub-project on social practices developed new methods to study the socio-material interplay that shaped and keeps on shaping housing estates from the post-war period. I was sub-project leader and main supervisor to PhD fellow Lærke Sophie Keil, while Tom Avermaete was co-supervisor.

Welland – University of Copenhagen (


2012-          Course responsible and coordinator of the course Theories and Methods in Landscape Architecture. The course aims at enabling the students to revisit their own assumptions and to develop a reflection about knowledge production, ideas, and concepts concerning urban landscapes. The course also promotes a deeper understanding of the potentials and limitations of different methods of study and a critical reflection of the theories that they are connected to. The course team is between 2 and 5 teachers, and we have had between 30 and 50 students over the years. Shared leadership with Ellen Braae.

Theories and Methods in Landscape Architecture (



2003-2007  Co-PI of the research project Christiania – Towards preservation strategies for a different urban space. This interdisciplinary project investigated of Christiania – a squatter district in Copenhagen, Denmark, as it has evolved from the early 1970s until 2007. While this self-declared 'free-town' has primarily been studied as a social experiment, we provided a reading of Christiania as an evolving urban landscape, focusing particularly on the changing role of cultural heritage, and developed a new methodological approach to study the interrelationship between architecture and social practices over time. 15 participating students and researchers. Shared leadership with Anne Tietjen.


2006-11     Founding Partner (and since becoming a PhD fellow in 2007, associated partner) in the landscape architecture and urban practice Ekstrakt, with three partners and one employee. Ekstrakt advised municipalities, private developers, public agencies and design and planning firms in Denmark in urban re-development projects at various stages, ranging from site-analysis and early-stage vision plans to user-involvement strategies, co-design workshops, quality programmes, programming and the development of design concepts, usually in interdisciplinary teams. Ekstrakt was a value-driven agency with specific competences in the cultural and social aspects of urban transformation. Shared leadership with landscape architects Karen Margrethe Krogh and Barbara Wandall.


2004-2006  Head of communications and leader of a department with 4 part-time employees, SLA Landscape architects. Project leader of several communication projects, such as the solo exhibition Wunderstadt, Galerie Aedes Berlin, remaking the SLA-homepage, building an archive and expanding SLAs international outreach and network. Working on landscape architectural projects with special focus on historical site-analysis, design critique, public participation and textual articulation of design concepts.


2003-2004  Art Historian. SLA Landscape Architects. Working on landscape architectural projects with special focus on historical site-analysis, design critique, public participation and textual articulation of design concepts.


2001-2005  Responsible for various courses in architectural history at the Dept of Art and Cultural Studies, Art history, UCPH.



Leadership Training


2023-24      UCPH Forward Talent Programme for Excellence in Research, University of Copenhagen. Workload: 20% of an academic year. UCPH Forward – University of Copenhagen (


2021-23      Mentoring sessions on building a form of shared research leadership for the project Women in Danish Architecture together with Henriette Steiner, facilitated by coach and Cand.Psych. Thea Mikkelsen.


2020           Konflikthåndtering - metoder og mindset til succesfuldt samarbejde [Conflict management – methods and mindset for a successful collaboration], with Puk Sharbau, UCPH, 1 day workload.


2019-21      Mentoring sessions on development of research profile and research leadership with Mette Hjort, Dean of Arts and Chair Professor at Hong Kong Baptist University.  10 sessions over 3 years.


2007           Course in leading creative employees, by coach Thea Mikkelsen, 1 day workload.


2006           Project management I and II, by IDEUS and NH Kommunikation, 2 weeks workload.


2005           Basic Course in project management and business administration, by Caslon Uddannelsescenter, 2 weeks workload.



Other Relevant Training


2021         Course on neurodiversity with special emphasis on young people and psychosis, by The Capital Region of Demark. 2 days.


2019         Course on neurodiversity with special emphasis on autism, by the Municipality of Copenhagen. 3 days.


2001         GIS-module for urban planners, Centre for Arctic Technology/The Technical University of Denmark, Sissimiut, Greenland. 2 weeks workload.




I have (co)achieved external funding for a total of EUR 3.242.000.


2024-2026  Learning from Collaboration. Building Future Practice. Pilot project.

DKK 334.000 ≈ EUR 45.000 (PI in shared leadership with Henriette Steiner).


2024-2025  Frem i Lyset. Diversifying Architectural History in Denmark. Research dissemination project supported by the Dreyer Foundation.

DKK 75.000 ≈ EUR 10.000 (main applicant).


2020–2024  Women in Danish Architecture 1925-1975, funded by Realdania, The Independent Research Fund Denmark, The National Building Foundation, The Danish Arts Foundation, The Dreyer Foundation and Karin & Georg Boyes Fond.

Total DKK 4.500.000 ≈ EUR 600.000 (PI in shared leadership with Henriette Steiner)


Additional funding for public scholarship and outreach activities:

Book production in collaboration with Strandberg Publishing supported by Beckett-Fonden, Bergiafonden, Dronning Margrethes og Prins Henriks Fond, Augustinusfonden, Ny Carslbergfonden, Realdania and Politikens Fond. Production costs: DKK 900.000 ≈ EUR 121.000.


Curatorial work on Danish Architecture Centre exhibition Women in Architecture. DKK 200.000 ≈ EUR 27.000.


Preparation of outreach material to school children together with Danish Architecture Center, funded by Dreyers Fond, awarded DKK 100.000 ≈ EUR 13.400).


byWomen – A Guidebook to Everyday Architecture in Greater Copenhagen, awarded DKK 84.000 ≈ EUR 11.300 by the Danish Arts Foundation and DKK 75.000 ≈ EUR 10.000 EUR) by Dreyers Fond.


6-episode Podcast series and film produced by Bureauet Niels Bjørn and Immersive Stories, budget of DKK 345.000 ≈ EUR 46.300 financed by Realdania.


Total additional funding for public scholarship and outreach activities:

DKK 1.704.000 ≈ 229.000 EUR


Total for the entire project DKK 6,204.000 ≈ 829.000 EUR


2019–21     (Im)possible Instructions: Inscribing Use-Value in the Architectural Design Process, The Danish Independent Research Fund International postdoc scholarship funding for Heidi Svenningsen Kajita, Newcastle University/UCPH.

Total DKK 1.200.000 ≈ EUR 161.000 (Academic Host)


2018-22     Public Space in European Social Housing. HERA – Humanities in the European Research Area.

Total EUR 926.000 (application written together with Ellen Braae, Anne Tietjen, Henriette Steiner and the European collaborators)


2020-22      Solidarities in the face of housing crisis. New oral histories of Danish and Swedish housing in the recent past.  Sweco Stiftelsen, Forskningsstiftelsen för samhälls- och byggnadsplanering, projektering (2020), FFNS Stiftelse för forskning, utveckling och utbildning (2020), JPI CoNECT (2023).

Total SEK 200.000 ≈ EUR 17.000 (application written together with Meike Schalk, Heidi Svenningsen Kajita, Jennifer Mack and Maryam Fanni).



2016-22      Reconfiguring Welfare Landscapes. The past, present and future of Danish Postwar Welfare Housing Estates. DFF2 project supported by the Independent Danish Research Foundation, Humanities.

DKK 6.400.000 ≈ EUR 860.000 (application written together with Ellen Braae, Henriette Steiner and Anne Tietjen).


2015-16      Velux professorship for Tom Avermaete. Supported by The Velux Foundation.

DKK 158.000 kr. ≈ EUR 21.200 (application written together with Henriette Steiner and Ellen Braae).


2015           Publication grant for monograph Biography of an industrial landscape, The Tuborg Foundation, EUR 6.700 (main applicant).

2012-16      Bygningskultur 2015. Interdisciplinary research project conducted as a collaboration of The Royal Danish Academy School of Architecture, The Aarhus School of Architecture, UCPH. Funded by Realdania and the Danish Agency for Cultural Heritage.

Total EUR 268.000 (main applicant for postdoc project).

Bygningskultur 2015 (


2014           Guest professorship grant for Andrea Kahn, Centre for Strategic Urban Research Realdania.

DKK 10.000 ≈ EUR 1.350 (application written together with Anne Tietjen).


2014           Publication Grant for special Issue of Nordic Journal of Architecture Research, Centre for Strategic Urban Research, Realdania

2.500 EUR (application written together with Ellen Braae and Henriette Steiner).


2014           Grant World in Denmark Conference #10, Nordic Encounters, Supported by the Dreyers Foundation,                  

DKK 50.000 ≈ EUR 6.700 (application written together with Ellen Braae).


2013           Guest professorship for Andrea Kahn, Centre for Strategic Urban Research, Realdania DKK 10.000 ≈ EUR 1.350 (main applicant).


2004-07      Christiania and preservation strategies for a different urban space. Realdania, The National Bank’s Jubilee Foundation, Politiken Foundation, Dreyer Foundation.

Total DKK 270.000 ≈ EUR 36.200 (application written together with Anne Tietjen).


2011           World in Denmark Conference #7 As Found, Dreyers Foundation,

6.700 EUR (application written together with Ellen Braae and Malene Hauxner).


2005           Wunderstadt SLA Landscape and Urban Space. Funding for exhibition at Galerie Aedes, Berlin. Danish Art Foundation, Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfond af 1968,

EUR 40.000 (application written together with Stig Andersson).


2001           Study trip grant, Danish-Greenlandic Culture Grant, EUR 1.200.


2000           Study trip grant, Letterstadska Foreningen, DKK 5.000 ≈ EUR 670.


2000           Study trip grant, Politiken Foundation, DKK 9.000 ≈ EUR 1.200.




2024           Award for research dissemination, UCPH Faculty of Science. For the project Women in Danish Architecture 1925-75.


2023           Award for research dissemination, UCPH, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management. For the project Women in Danish Architecture 1925-75.


2023           Nominated for the Diversity Award by the Foundation for Entrepreneurship. For the research project Women in Danish Architecture 1925-75.


2015           City of Copenhagen Building Award for the New Garden for Statens Museum for Kunst (as part of a design team with landscape architectural firms Karres et Brands and Polyform).


2014           Eslargart Foundation Honorary Scholarship for ‘excellent research in the history of Danish Garden art, its transformation and preservation’.


2010           Haastrup Honorary Scholarship for ‘outstanding contribution to the international scientific conference on landscape-based urbanism As Found’.

2003-16      Awards in landscape architecture design competitions on transforming, renovating and renewing urban landscapes: 12 awards, out of which 3 were winning. 



Participation in Research Projects


2024-          Core group member. The Everyday Life of Urban Monuments, International research network supported by the Danish Independent Research Fund and led by the Museum of Copenhagen in collaboration with UCPH, Stockholm University, Amsterdam City Museum and The University of Bristol.  (PI Museum curator Jakob Ingemann, Museum of Copenhagen)

                  Aktiviteter i forskningsnetværket | Københavns Museum (


2021-          PhD supervisor, Eco-feminism in Scandinavia at the beginning of the 20th century, The Danish Royal Academy and UCPH. (PI Niels Grønbæk, PhD fellow Anne Pind).


2020-23      PhD supervisor, The Bisse in Canton Valais as Commons, ETH Zürich and UCPH. (PI Tom Avermaete, PhD fellow Nicole De Lalouviere).


2222-24      Scientific Partner, Women of the Welfare Landscape. AHRC- Academic Council for Humanities in Research, UK. (PI Luca Csepely-Knorr, Liverpool University).


2019-24      Researcher. Cities and Adaptation to Sea Level Rise – New Space for Solutions. UCPH, Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and Aarhus School of Architecture. Funded by Realdania. (PIs Gertrud Jørgensen, Tom Nielsen).



Assessment Committees for Academic Positions


2023           Committee for Interim evaluation of tenure-track assistant professor in urban design, University of Copenhagen.


2022           Assessment committee member, appointment of associate professor for urban mobilities and transformation, Aalborg University.


2022           Reviewer, for the position of a PhD project Heritage and Participatory Spatial Development, Wageningen University.


2021           Assessment committee member, appointment of PhD candidate for 

Research on Building Cultures in the Arctic, Oslo School of Architecture.


2020           Assessment committee member, appointment of senior lecturer in landscape architecture, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.


2020           Assessment committee member, appointment of associate professor of urban design, Aalborg University.


2020           Employment committee member, appointment of associate professor of landscape architecture, University of Copenhagen, IGN.


2019           Employment committee member, tenure track assistant professor of urban design and landscape architecture, University of Copenhagen, IGN.



Committees, Groups, Organisational Contribution UCPH


2025           Elected member of the Academic Council, Faculty of Science.


2024-          Initiator and leader of Marie Sklodowska Curie -landscape-grant-lab, initiative to support candidates who apply for a Marie Sklodowska Curie scholarship within landscape architecture and urban history at the university of Copenhagen. Mutual learning workshops, mentoring peer feedback as a supplement to the Faculty of Sciences’ Marie Curie masterclass specific to our research field.


2023-          Member of the Research group leader forum at the Section for Landscape Architecture and Planning Society.


2023           Member of the working group for strategic communications at the new Section for Landscape Architecture and Planning Society (then called LAP Y)


2023-24      Working group working assigned by UCPH Rector Henrik Wegener to propose an Organisational Framework for Excellence in Research at the University of Copenhagen. Producing report and presentations to rector and to the university leadership (rectorate, deanery, heads of departments) in May 2024, as part of interdisciplinary group of seven researchers, one from each of UCPH’s six faculties, as part of the programme UCPH Forward. Recommendations for the Organisational Framework for Excellence at UCPH - Alle ansatte (


2023           Appointed to committee to rethink format for course evaluations at the University of Copenhagen, Landscape Architecture educations.


2023           Part of initiative to advance the integration of teaching and research at the Landscape Architecture Education at UCPH, supported by a grant by the university. I conceptualized writing workshops and mutual learning events among teachers across the landscape architecture educations at UCPH.


2022           Elected representative of associate professors during major reorganisation process, University of Copenhagen, Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, as some of the department’s large section were to be split up into smaller units.


2015–21     Co-leader of the Copenhagen Landscape Lectures – an international lecture series on landscape-based urbanism and design. The series is targeted at students, practitioners, and the general public and combines public lectures with networking activities and dialogue. During the years in which I was one of the driving forces, we organized 2-4 annual public lectures with speakers such as Matthew Gandy, Cambridge University, Andrea Kahn, Columbia University, Rasmus G. Winther, University of California, Andres Lund Hansen, Lund University, Ignacio Acosta, Aalto University, Gareth Doherty, Harvard Graduate School for Design, Peter Conolly, Victoria University, Maria Hellström Reimer, Malmö University, Ai Madanipour, Newcastle University, Christophe Girot, ETH Zürich, Rana Haddad, American University Beirut. The lectures were funded by the Scandia foundation, Erasmus+ and various research projects. Copenhagen Landscape Lectures – Københavns Universitet (


2014–19     Founding co-chair of the Öresund Design Research Seminars – an interdisciplinary forum for researchers in landscape architecture and urban design across the UCPH and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, in shared leadership with Lisa Diedrich. The seminars created a forum for researchers at all stages of their career together to present their ongoing research in landscape-based design as well as international guest-researchers. We organised 2-3 seminars each year and the collaboration across the Öresund continues today in the Research Group for Landscape Architecture and Urban History as well as through other initiatives.

Öresund Design Research Seminars – University of Copenhagen (


2015           Member of committee to develop ways of integrating historical issues in the Landscape Architecture Education curriculum.


2014           Scientific committee member for Nordic Encounters, World in Denmark international academic conference series, University of Copenhagen.


2013           Member of committee to formulate the requirements and profile for a new professorship in Landscape Architecture and Urbanism, University of Copenhagen.


2012           Scientific committee member for City Plantastic, World in Denmark international academic conference series on landscape-based urban transformation.


2011           Scientific committee member for Fear of Nature, World in Denmark international academic conference series, University of Copenhagen. Conference about changing perceptions of nature in contemporary landscape-based urbanism and design.


2010           Scientific committee member for As Found, World in Denmark international academic conference series, University of Copenhagen. Conference about contemporary urbanism and design that seeks to be site-specific and the relationship with existing historic landscapes, values and ethics.



PhD, Postdoctoral Supervision, Mentoring


I have supervised 3 PhD projects to completion (2 as main supervisor), and I currently supervise one PhD project.


Ongoing      Anne Pind, PhD project Eco-Feminist Spatial Practices: Sweden and Denmark at the Beginning of the 20th Century, The Royal Danish Academy, School of Architecture/The University of Copenhagen. Co-supervisor since 2022.


2023           Nicole De Lalouviere, PhD project Irrigation Systems of Canton Valais: Transformations in Material Culture and the Resilience of Landscape Commons, ETH Zürich, Chair of the History and Theory of Urban Design. (co-supervisor).  Successfully completed.

2022           Lærke Sophie Keil, PhD project Microhistories of Landscape Elements in Albertslund Syd: Plant Beds, a Canal and Garden Fences of Welfare, University of Copenhagen, Landscape Architecture and Planning (main supervisor). Successfully completed.


2019           Ann-Charlott Erichsen, PhD project Into the Green Facades: On the Values Ascribed to a Popular Cultural Phenomenon in Contemporary Urban Development, University of Copenhagen, Landscape Architecture and Planning. (main supervisor). Successfully completed.



Postdoctoral Supervision

Supervisor for postdoctoral researcher Jannie Rosenberg Bendsen, Women in Danish Architecture, The University of Copenhagen, Landscape Architecture and Planning, 2020–2023.


Academic host and mentor for Heidi Svenningsen Kajita, Postdoctoral fellow, (Im)possible Instructions: Inscribing Use-Value in the Architectural Design Process, 2019-2024.


Mentoring young researchers

2022-          I help early-career-researchers at IGN and beyond when possible, and I have formalised mentoring agreements with Sean Li Yuxiang, INTERSECT Research Hub Fellow, University of Copenhagen, Research Group for Landscape Architecture and Urban History, 2024; Alexandra Burgos Thorsen, INTERSECT Research Hub Fellow, University of Copenhagen, Research Group for Landscape Architecture and Urban History, 2024; Natalie Gulsrud, associate professor, University of Copenhagen, Landscape Architecture and Planning.



PhD Assessment


7 Committees for Final PhD Theses at various universities across Europe.


2024           Chair of the assessment committee, Johanne Heesche’s PhD thesis Transformation of young industrial landscapes – emphasising reuse, porosity, re-naturing and open-endedness through landscape-based transformation, University of Copenhagen.


2024           Assessment committee member, Marilena Mela’s PhD thesis, Learning with Islands. Heritage, Sustainability, Planning, and Action in four Archipelagos around Europe, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.


2024           Assessment committee member, Berit Rønsen’s PhD thesis Norsk hagekunst mot et moderne samfunn – 1930-50. Intensjoner og idealer i en brytningstid. Norwegian University of Life Sciences.

2023           External examinator, Claire Downey’s PhD thesis Dark Potential. Navigating Spatial Possibility in the Paris Night, University of Limerick.


2021           Chair of the assessment committee, Tonguyn Du’s PhD thesis Societal Impacts of Urban Renewal, University of Copenhagen.


2016           Assessment committee member, Alice Labadini’s PhD thesis Immaterial Landscapes, Oslo School of Architecture.


2015           Assessment committee member Nina Marie Andersen’s PhD thesis Criticism and the Work: A Reflection of the Conception of Landscape Architecture as Aesthetic Activity in the Journal Havekunst, Norwegian University of Agricultural Sciences.



Committees for PhD mid-term evaluation: 6


2024           Respondent, Yuying Sun, Understanding the Characteristics of Cultural Landscapes as a Basis for Future Spatial Developments in the Pearl River Delta Region in China, University of Copenhagen.


2023           External respondent, Chero Elassi, Parks around the Towers: Landscape as Resource in the Urban Periphery from the Record Years to the Future, KTH Stockholm.


2022           Respondent, Xiaohui Zang, Street Theatre, Spontaneity and Participatory Design: Revitalising Public Spaces Through a Cultural Intermediary, University of Copenhagen.


2022           External respondent, Elena Perez Guembe, Architectures of Care: From Zapotecs to the Cosmos, TU Delft.


2018           Main opponent, Elin Tanding Sørensen, Den urbane fjæresonens opplevelseslandskap, Norwegian University of Agricultural Sciences.


2017           Main opponent, Vibeke Sjøvoll, Product Design: Playful Experiments, University of South-Eastern Norway.



Committees and Commissions of Trust Outside of UCPH


2024-          Fachlicher Beirat [Advisory Board] the Germany-wide festival WiA Women in Architecture 2025, Bundesarchitektenkammer and Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten. Festival to celebrate women in architecture and to promote diversity in the building industries at large. The festival will take place all over Germany in 2025 with contributions by professional associations, cultural institutions, organisations, universities, and other actors who are interested in contributing to transforming the building industries with focus on diversity and inclusivity. Home - Women in Architecture 2025 (


2022-          Appointed external examinator, the ART Education Aarhus University, Archaeology, Antiquity- and Heritage Studies, Sustainable Heritage Management programme.


2024           Academic selection committee for international fellowships 2024, dieDAS Design Academy Saaleck, Germany, for the topic Material Evidence – the Absence of Land and Labour.


2024           Expert advisor to ICOMOS committee for Twentieth Century Heritage on heritage practice concerning local and national management of 20th century heritage in the built environment in Denmark.


2022-23      Elected board member, Havehistorisk Selskab [Danish association for garden history].


2023           Reviewer, CIVIS3i Postdoctoral Fellowships Programme, Aix-Marseille Université. 


2023           Reviewer for Research project proposal, The National Science Centre, Poland, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.


2020           Invited expert to discuss listing of postwar housing with the National Council for Listed and Protected Buildings (Det Særlige Bygningssyn) and the Danish Heritage Agency as part of the new national strategy for listing built heritage from the period after 1945.


2019 – 21    Invited expert to meetings on Byerne og det Stigende Havvand [Cities and Rising Sea Levels] on the role of heritage in addressing climate change in coastal landscapes, Realdania and Danish Board of Technology in partnership with Danish Coastal Authority and Danish Ministry of the Environment.


2016–20      Member of Expert Committee on Post-1945 Architecture and Heritage, for Landsforeningen for Bygnings- og Landskabskultur [Danish Association for Building- and Landscape culture] – an NGO with the mandate given by the Ministry of Culture to submit buildings, built environments and gardens for national heritage protection. This expert committee works at the intersection of local communities and municipal and national legal frameworks and provides reports, heritage assessments of specific buildings, gardens and sites and contributes more broadly with events and publications to promote more interest in new and more inclusive and resilient approaches to heritage in the built environment. I contributed to selecting landscapes, gardens and built environments for listing, to strengthening the knowledgebase for listing and preservation of 20th century heritage in Denmark and to an international exchange to share perspectives and approaches to the preservation cultural heritage.


2012           Advisory board member for Hedehusene: Industrikulturens grænseløse kulturarv i byfornyelsen [Hedehuene: addressing industrial heritage in the urban renewal beyond scales], Høje Tåstrup municipality/Danish Ministery of Cities, Housing and Rural Areas. Advisor to urban project in a municipality characterised by postwar industrial activities, in a project that aimed at striking a balance between preservation of values in the industrial landscape and new developments.


2008           Expert panel member, Copenhagen X panel on urban development in Copenhagen in a time of rapid growth, Danish Centre for Architecture.


2008           Expert panel member, Heritage and Future Development of Christiania considering the new heritage preservation plan by the Cultural Heritage Agency.

2013-15      Observer in the national committee for formulating a strategy for listing landscape architecture under the Danish Law of Protected and Listed Buildings, the Ministry of Culture.


2001           Secretary to the expert commission Urban Identities and Regional Development, an academic board during the Danish EU-presidency’s policy initiative on urban and regional development.



Participation in Scientific Societies and Networks


2024-          Associated Member, Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Women in the History of Philosophy, Humanities UCPH.


2024-          Member of the UCPHForward Society of Fellows, UCPH.


2020-          Member in EAHN The European Network for Architecture History.


2023-          Member of SAH, Society of Architectural Historians.


2022-          Affiliated Researcher, INTERSECT research hub, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Science, and the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, UCPH.


2012-          Member of Dansk Kunsthistorikerforening. The Danish Association of Art Historians.


2012-          Member of ACHS The Association of Critical Heritage Studies.


2015-          Member of a succession of Scandinavian and Nordic research networks for welfare and architecture. (NHS-funded Welfare Landscapes, the DFF-funded Welfare and Architecture and Architecture of the welfare states).


2005-          Member of the Centre for Strategic Urban Research, a network between the Department of Geography and Geology, University of Copenhagen, the Platform Urban Landscapes, Aarhus School of Architecture, and the Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology, Aalborg University.



Academic Journals/Publishers: reviewing, editing, boards


Since 2013, I have undertaken article reviews for the following international publications:

Journal of Landscape Architecture, Landscape Research, Journal of Architecture, International Journal of Heritage Studies Dimensions of Architectural Knowledge, Writingplace, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, Spool, Nordic Journal of Architecture, Nordic Journal of Architecture Research, Journal of Housing and Settlement History, Periskop: Forum for Kunsthistorisk Debat, CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios,. I have also reviewed book proposals and full manuscripts for Ashgate/Routledge (2019 and 2020) and The Danish Architectural Press (2023).


Editorial commissions:


2024-          Editorial board, Dansk Arkitekturhistorie [book series on a new Danish Architectural History]Strandberg Publishing.


2016-          Editorial advisory board, Nordic Journal of Settlement History. 


2022-          Guest editor Architectural Histories special collection on 'Exhibitions by women architects in the 20th Century' (forthcoming 2024).


2021           Guest editor Landscape Research special issue ‘European Mass Housing Landscapes’.


2016           Guest editor Periskop: Forum for kunsthistorisk Debat special issue ‘Arkitektur og Kvantitet’.


2015           Guest editor Nordic Journal of Architectural Research special issue ‘Nordic Encounters’.


2015           Scientific consultant for international triennial and book Landscape Architecture Europe, Birkhäuser.


2010           Co-editor Nordic Journal of Architecture special issue ‘As Found’.



Keynotes and Invited Lectures


2024/03/21 ‘Landscape Biography and Inclusivity’, keynote lecture at the symposium Landscape Biography – a way forward, Leiden University, Centre for Global Heritage and Development.


2024/02/17 ‘Utvidede Arkitekturhistorier’ [Expanded Architectural Histories], invited panel presentation at the Annual Congress of Dansk Kunsthistorikerforening [Danish Association for Architectural Historians].


2023/11/8   ‘Untold Stories on Women, Gender and Architecture in Denmark’, Lecture, The University at Buffalo, FOR/FROM international lecture series, with Henriette Steiner.


2023/11/10 ‘Untold Stories on Women, Gender and Architecture in Denmark’, Lecture, The University of Massachusetts Amherst/The American Institute of Architecture, with Henriette Steiner.


2023/11/14 ‘Untold Stories on Women, Gender and Architecture in Denmark, Lecture’, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), with Henriette Steiner.


2023/11/15 ‘Untold Stories on Women, Gender and Architecture in Denmark’, Columbia University, Lecture in the Collins/Kaufmann forum. With Henriette Steiner.


2023/11/05 ‘Ufortalte historier om Kvinder, køn og arkitektur i Danmark’, talk at the Danish national bookfair Bogforum with journalist Carsten Ifversen.


2023/03/10 ‘Remembering Farum Midtpunkt Social Housing between collecting, reenacting and nostalgia’, presentation at the international research seminar Activating Social Housing Archives and other Memory Work, University of Copenhagen.


2023/01/26 ‘Where are the women in Danish Architecture?’, presentation at the Society of Architectural historians (SAH), symposium SAH Connects ‘Conserving Histories: Women and Transnational Collaborations’. With Henriette Steiner.


2023/06/06 ‘Researching Women in Architecture - historiographical reflections’, Centre for Interior Studies/Centra for Privacy Studies, The Royal Danish Academy, School of Architecture.


2033/02/09 ‘What is significant here? Situating art in urban transformation’, lecture at the seminar Situating Art in Architecture, Copenhagen Business School CBS, KØS Museum for Art in Public Spaces, with Bettina Lamm.


2023/05/30 ‘Gendered archival research in architecture and musicology- a conversation’, invited presentation at the INTERSECT HUB, University of Copenhagen.


2023/05/15 ‘Visions of Welfare’, invited panel presentation, the London Garden Museum/The University of Manchester.


2022/12/21 ‘Studying Women in Architectural History – reflections on methods, archives and historiographical approaches’, Invited Lecture, ETH Zürich, Chair of the History and Theory of Urban Design.


2022/06/15 ‘Gendered Norms and Alternatives: The Exhibition Alternative Architecture’, Copenhagen 1977, European Architectural History Network (EAHN) meeting in the Interest Group for Women and Gender, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.


2022/09/23 ‘Where Are the Women in Architectural History? Stories About Gender and Practice in Denmark 1930s–1970s’, TU Delft, Chair of Methods of Analysis and Imagination.


2021/12/01 ‚Alternative Architecture: Susanne Ussing’s Practice Revisited‘ at the symposium Frauen in der Architektur. Dänische und Schweizerische Forscher im Dialog, Zürich Horchschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften: Architektur, Gestaltung und Bauingenieurwesen, Institute Urban Landscapes.


2021/10/10 ‘Kvinder i dansk arkitektur’, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art/Copenhagen Architecture Festival.


2021/04/23 ‘Researching Gender and Architecture: Historical Perspectives’, Invited lecture at the conference Action! Feminisms and the spatialization of resistance, University of Lisbon, Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies.


2021/08/05 ‘Practicing Welfare Landscapes: Re-reading Albertslund Syd Housing’ ETH Zürich, Chair of the history and theory of urban design.


2018/11/28 ‘Landscape Biographies of welfare landscapes’, lecture at RE:Scape Colloquium, Vrje Universiteit Amsterdam.


2019/05/24 ‘Carlsberg – an evolving Urban Development Project meets the Financial Crisis’, Royal Danish Academy School of Architecture.


2015/03/05 ‘Bevaring i byens rum’ [Preservation in the urban space], Invited lecture at conference for researchers, landscape architects, urban planners, policy makers Bygningskultur 2015, The Ministry of the Environment/The Cultural Agency of Denmark, The Royal Academy Denmark, School of Architecture.


2015/05/11 ‘Can Mass Housing be Heritage?’ Presentation at the seminar Caring for the Past. Architectural restoration and preservation in Scandinavia and Russia, The Norwegian Institute in Athens. With Rikke Stenbro.

2015/02/15 ‘Doing Heritage Together’ Seminar at the launch of the book Heritage, Democracy and the Public, NIKU [Norwegian Institute of Cultural Heritage, Oslo.


2015/05/03 ’Perspektiver på Værdispørgsmål, Conference Bygningskultur 2015’, Danish Academy of Arts, School of Architecture.


2014/28/11 ‘Landscape Biography as a Strategy to Research Urban Sites’, Research finissage colloquium for the EU-funded research project Cradles of European Culture: Francia Media. Ename Centre for Cultural Heritage Research, Belgium/Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.


2012/01/02 ‘Searching for the unseen - a walk through the former Carlsberg breweries’, Guided tour at the Seminar Negotiating Invisibilites, Carlsberg Academy, 1. February 2012.


2009/26/11 Carlsberg – et industriområde i forvandling [Carlsberg- an industrial area undergoing change], Heritage seminar at NIKU Norwegian Institute of Cultural Heritage Research.


2008/10/05 Christiania – bevaringsstrategier for et anderledes byrum [Christiania- Preservation Strategies], Lecture at the Danish Society for Architecture History. With Anne Tietjen.



Organisation of Scientific Meetings


Sessions at scientific conferences

2025           Session Chair, Masculinities, Gardens, Landscapes: Negotiating Gender and Nature, Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) Atlanta, with Luca Csepely-Knorr. (Session proposal and five presentations accepted. Session in planning for May 2025).


2024           Chair, Roundtable Women and Gender – research strategies, theories and positionalities and workshop Show and Share at the European Architecture History Network (EAHN). Interest Group for Women and Gender in Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design. With Luca Csepely-Knorr.


2023           Session Chair, The Ethics of Institutional Bureaucracy, session at the Architectural Humanities Research Association (AHRA) conference, Portsmouth .(with Isabelle Duchet and Janina Gosseye).


2022           Session chair, (De)constructing Gender Identities, at the conference Masculinities in Design: Objects, Identities and Practices symposium,  University of Applied Arts Vienna.


2020           Session chair, Social Housing as an Emerging Form of Heritage, Association for Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS) conference, London. With Marie Glaser.


2018           Session chair, Public Landscapes of the Post-War City, Association for Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS) conference, Hangzhou. With Catharina Nolin.


Other scientific meetings (selection)


2021-2024  Co-chair, International research network, Where are the women in Scandinavian Landscape Architecture: two-three annual seminars, scientific workshops and public events. The University of Copenhagen together with a core group of researchers from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Stockholm University, The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences.


2023           Conference organizer Visions of Welfare, Liverpool University/The London Garden Museum. Together with Elizabeth Darling, Luca Csepely-Knorr and Henriette Steiner.


2023/05/10 Organiser. Stretching time. Talks and discussions on the nexus of heritage and planning in European cities and landscapes, University of Copenhagen with speakers from the UCPH Saxo institute (Tim Flohr Sørensen), the Norwegian Institute of Cultural Heritage (Torgrimm Guttormsen) and IGN (Svava Riesto and Anne Tietjen).


2021/03/10 Chair, Celebrating Women in Architecture. Stories of Diversity, Collaboration and Care, interdisciplinary seminar to launch the project Women in Danish Architecture. 500+ participants and speakers from universities in Beirut, Manchester, Pennsylvania and Copenhagen. With Henriette Steiner.


2020/10/20 Chair, Gender and Design Education, interdisciplinary roundtable panel Gender and Design Education, online and at the University of Copenhagen. With Henriette Steiner.


2019           Organiser, Social Housing as Living Heritage, scientific seminar for researchers, part of EU HERA project PuSH: Public Space in Social Housing, in collaboration with Danish Association for Social Housing and Danish Immigrant Museum.


2012/06      Co-organiser, City Plantastic, World in Denmark international academic conference series on landscape-based urban transformation, University of Copenhagen.


2011/06      Co-organiser, Fear of Nature, World in Denmark international academic conference series on landscape-based urban transformation, University of Copenhagen.


2010/06      Co-organiser, As Found, World in Denmark international academic conference series on landscape-based urban transformation, University of Copenhagen.




Examples of Societal Outreach through talks, workshops, seminars


2024           Masterclass ‘Women, Diversity and Entrepreneurship -what can we learn from history?’ Webinar organized by the Foundation for Entrepreneurship in collaboration with the project Women in Danish Architecture. Together with Henriette Steiner.


2023           Invited panel presentation Er der en ny æstetik på vej? [Is a new aesthetics emerging?], at FORUM for Arkitektur [Forum for Architecture], Akademisk Arkitektforening [The Danish Association of Architects]. Panel on the significance and role of aesthetics of the green transition in architecture and landscape architecture.


2023           Researching Women in Architecture. Invited panel presentation at the event Common Space: Diversity and Inclusivity in Architecture and Design, The Embassy of Ireland Denmark/the World Congress of Architecture in Copenhagen.


2022           At arbejde med kulturarv i en tid med klimaforandringer [Addressing heritage in times of climate change], Kommunernes Landsforbund [The Association of Danish Municipalities].


2022           Tænketræf om stormflod i byerne [Seminar on sea level rise in coastal cities], Invited panel presentation, CONCITO green think tank.


2022           At møde vækst langs Lollands Kyst -Anne Marie Rubins planlægning og dens relevans i dag  [Addressing growth at Lolland’s coastline -Anne Marie Rubin’s landscape planning and its contemporary relevance], Invited presentation at meeting for leadership at Lolland Municipality who are responsible for local planning in the context of the new Femern bridge between Denmark and Germany.


2022           Co-organiser seminar in Huseby, Stockholm, on the Swedish policy on ‘volunerable housing areas’ and their effects on planning and architecture, with invited speakers from affected housing areas. Action Archive and Folkets Huseby.


2022           Dissemination of research through podcast series (6 episodes), De glemte arkitekter [The forgotten architects], Realdania/Immersive Stories/Niels Bjørn with Women in Danish Architecture research team.


2022           Guided tour through the exhibition Women in Architecture for The Danish Association of Architectural Historians.


2022           Guided tour through the exhibition Women in Architecture for the Danish Association of Landscape Architects.


2021           Gender and architecture- a new research project, presentation at the alumni network meeting of the Department for Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen.


2021           Co-organiser seminar in Lundtoftegade, Copenhagen on the Ghetto Plan’s effects on everyday life in the neighbourhood, with invited speakers from affected housing areas, and various exhibitions including one by students on the Theories and Methods in Landscape Architecture master’s course. Copenhagen Architecture Festival and Action Archive.

2021           De glemte arkitekter. Educational material for schools, made in a collaboration between the research team of the Women in Danish Architecture project and the Danish Architecture Centre.


2020           Co-organiser, polyvocal public tour and workshop on community spaces in Farum Midtpunkt’s social housing, in collaboration with Copenhagen Architecture Festival, Danish Association of Social Housing and EU HERA-funded research project PuSH: Public Space in Social Housing


2019           Invited expert panellist, urban initiative by local community organisers, Folkemøde Sydhavn, on valuation of cultural and natural qualities at the margins of established evaluation systems in the context of plans to build new housing on the protected natural landscape and former fishing settlement of Stejlepladsen, Copenhagen.


2018           Invited expert panellist and participation in film at the community-organised local urban initiative Industrikulturen i Nordvest, on potential of using industrial heritage as a tool to create more inclusive, diverse and locally grounded modes of urban renewal, Nordvest Lokalråd, Copenhagen municipality.


2017           Readdressing C. Th. Sørensen and the Canon, Talk at the General Assembly of Danish Association for Landscape Architects.


2015           Kulturarv, planlægning og demokrati, Talk at Hvidovre Town hall, Network meeting for municipal planners, on the large-scale built areas of the postwar decades and their preservation Bygningskultur 2015.


2015           ’Bevaring i den store skala. Nye udfordringer knyttet til kulturarv i planlægningen’ [Preservation in the large scale. New challenges concerning cultural heritage in planning]. Talk at Bygningskulturens hus, Denmark.


2015           ‘Elements of Architecture – om dissektion’, Restaureringsseminar [Yearly National seminar for restoration architects in Denmark], Aarhus School of Architecture/Royal Academy of Denmark School of Architecture/The Cultural Agency of Denmark, with Anne Tietjen.


2014           ‘Bevaring som drivkraft i byomdannelse’ [Preservation as a driving force in urban transformation], Seminar om Historiebrug/Seminar on Uses of History, Talk at Den gamle by Århus and Århus University.


2014           Sammen skaber vi kulturarv. [Doing Heritage Together]. Networkseminar for municipalities and public institutions to discuss cultural environments and built structures, Talk at Raadvad Dansk Center for Bygningsbevaring.


2012           Carlsberg og de oversete byrums biografi, [Carlsberg and the biography of overlooked urban spaces], Seminar on site-reading SLA Landscape Architects.


2011           Merværdi i byudvikling [Surplus Value in Urban Development], Husbanken Vest, Bergen, Norway. With Thomas Kock and Johan Galster.


2011           Værdibasert transformasjon av tidligere industriområder, [Value-based transformation of former industrial areas] Smelteværket, Odda Municipality, Norway.


2011           Rammerne for det fælles – byrum før nu og i fremtiden, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Urban Space Seminar.


2009           ’Carlsberg i går, i dag og i morgen’ [Carlsberg yesterday, today, tomorrow], invited presentation at the conference Incredible Industry: Preserving the Evidence of Industrial Society. Nordisk konservatorforbund [Nordic organisation of museum conservators.                  


2009           ‘Fra Konservering til kulturgjenbruk: Fristaden Christiania’ [From conservation to cultural reuse: the Freetown Christiania], KRYSS conference on cultural planning, Statsbygg, Oslo.


2009           New urban spaces in Copenhagen – urban life with and without people. Talk for Politicians in the City of Oslo’s city council, Bydelsutvalget TAB, Oslo Townhall.


2008           Forankring i forandring. Christiania og bevaring som ressource i byomdannelse [Christiania Rooted in Change]. Lectur at the Royal Danish Academy School of Architecture. With Anne Tietjen.


2008           Christiania – bevaringsstrategier for et anderledes byrum, [Christiania- Preservation Strategies].  Lecture at ERIK MØLLER ARCHITECTS, with Anne Tietjen.


2005           Byrum bevæger [Moving Urban Spaces], Lecture at the network seminar Omgivelsernes betydning for at fremme fysisk aktivitet [The role of physical environments in stimulating physical activity], organised by The Ministry for Internal Affairs and Health, The Danish Health Agency, Forest & Landscape KVL, The Royal Academy School of Architecture and The Danish Cancer Society,



Landscape Architectural Design, Planning and Heritage Practice


2018           Expert evaluator, official proposal to list Boesdal Chalk Mine as an industrial landscape submitted to Ministry of Culture by Udvalget for Nyere tids arkitektur, Landsforeningen for bygnings- og landskabskultur.


2016           Invited expert for Vardø Restored, workshop with invited international researchers, Arctic University of Tromsø students, and representatives from the local community to co-create a strategic spatial development plan for a shrinking town in arctic Norway.


2014           Chair of yearly Høstdebat, Can you list things that are growing? On national heritage protection and landscape architecture, Danish Association for Landscape Architects, as the Danish Law of Listed and Protected Buildings was changing to encompass landscape architecture.


2013–14     Prequalified and selected for second phase of Frederiksværk Stålsatte Byrum Design competition by invitation for heritage-based strategy to revitalise an industrial town through urban space renewal, cultural planning and citizen-driven strategic initiative. Team: LIW Planning, Entasis Architects and 2-1 Ideas Agency. My role: site analysis, design critique, strategy for heritage definition, participatory strategic development and communication plan.


2013           Prequalified for project competition for Horbelev fra Skole til Kulturgård, project to transform derelict rural schools into cultural centres for Lokale- og Anlægsfonden (project realised 2015). Team: Polyform. My role: site analysis, design critique, programme analysis, dialogue workshops with users.


2012–13     First prize in architecture competition by invitation, Statens Museum for Kunst’s new entrance and garden (realised 2014). Team: Karres et Brands/Polyform. My role (as consultant): historical site analysis, design critique, communication.


2012           Prequalified for architecture competition by invitation. Kommunikations-linjen. Urban Space in Svendborg. Team: Effect/Masu Planning. My role (as consultant): site analysis, design critique, communication.


2012           First prize, architecture competition by invitation, New Rock Museum, Roskilde, Musicon. Team: Cobe/MVRDV/LIW Planning. My role: communication consultant for LIW Planning.


2010           Prequalified and selected for second phase, architecture competition by invitation for the strategic development of Køge Southern Harbour and town centre Team: Gromtij, Polyform, 2+1, Ekstrakt. My role: user participation strategy and workshops.


2007           Public meetings and vision plan for strategic development of Køge Southern Harbour and town centre, commissioned by Køge municipality
My role: consultation on formulation of shared vision among stakeholders, municipal departments etc., which I then helped them to write (with Karen Margrethe Krogh from Ekstrakt).


2006           Proposal for densification of the suburban municipality of Greve’s single-family housing areas, user involvement strategy and vision plan in collaboration with planners, politicians and local residents, commissioned by Greve municipality. My role: workshops and dialogue platforms, producing scenarios in collaboration with Barbara Wandall and Karen Margrethe Krogh from Ekstrakt.


2006           Prequalified for architecture competition by invitation, Superkilen, urban space design. Team: Spektrum. My role: historical and site analysis, user involvement strategy, programming, participation in concept development, communication (with Karen Margrethe Krogh and Barbara Wandall from Ekstrakt).


2006           User involvement strategy for urban square revitalisation of Toftegårds Plads, commissioned by Copenhagen municipality. My role: conceptualising and conducting targeted user involvement workshops with various user groups (with Barbara Wandall from Ekstrakt).


2005           Prequalified and selected for second phase, open architecture competition, Park am Gleisdreieck, Berlin. Team: SLA. My role: historical and site analysis, design critique, programming, workshops with users.


2005           First prize, architecture competition by invitation, Valby Idrætspark
Team: SLA. My role: historical and site analysis, programming, design critique participation in concept development, communication.


2004           Recommended by professional jurors, architecture competition, Mølleparken Århus. Team: SLA. My role: site analysis, preservation strategy, co-developing concept, communication


2003           Open architecture competition, Alexanderplatz open space renewal
Team: SLA. My role: historical and site analysis, design critique, text.


2002           Selected for second round, open architecture competition, Die Sünderstaffel, Stuttgart – Friedhof der Zukunft. Design team: with Stine Poulsen and Anne Tietjen. My role: historical and site analysis, programming, participation in concept development, text.