Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

Timo Minssen is Professor of Law at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH), and  the Founding Director of UCPH's Center for Advanced Studies in Bioscience Innovation Law (CeBIL). He is also an LML Research Affiliate at the University of Cambridge (UK), and an Inter-CeBIL Research Affiliate, Petrie-Flom Centre for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard Law School (US). His research, supervision, teaching & part-time advisory practice concentrates on Intellectual Property-, Competition- & Regulatory Law, as well as on the law & ethics of emerging health & life science technologies, such as genome editing, big data,  artificial intelligence, and quantum technology. This involves a plethora of legal issues emerging during the lifecycle of relevant products and processes -  from the sustainable regulation of R&D and incentives for innovation to responsible technology transfer and commercialization. Based on both his academic and practical experience from law firms, courts & life science start-ups, Timo serves as a member of several international committees and as an advisor to the WHO, WIPO, EU Commission, various organizations, companies, law firms and national governments. He presents his research at international symposia, major law firms, the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Hong Kong & Tokyo, Harvard Law School, Harvard Business School, Stanford Law School, Yale,  MIT, the Broad institute, as well as at the WHO, WIPO, European Medicines Agency and National Ehics Councils etc. His publications comprise 7 books, as well as 200+ articles and book chapters. Timo's research has been featured in i.a. The Economist, The Financial Times, El Mundo, Politico, Times of India, WHO Bulletin & Times Higher Education, and published in leading journals, such as Science, JAMA, NEJM Catalyst, Harvard Business Review, Harvard Business Manager, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Genetics, Nature Electronics, Nature PJ Digital Medicine, The Lancet Digital Health, PLoS-Computational Biology, Biotech. J., Drug Discovery, JLB, BLR, Person.Med., IIC, EIPR, ECLR, JIPLP, GRUR Int., Chi.-Kent J. Intell. Prop., IPQ, QMJIP, NIR & EUConst.LR. He is also a regular contributor on Harvard Law School's "Bill of Health" blog. 

Main research areas

  • AI & Big Data in the Health & Life Sciences
  • Sustainable and responsible innovation & tech transfer
  • Pharmaceutical-, Life Science- & Biotech Law
  • Comparative European & US Patent Law
  • Intellectual Property Law & Open Innovation
  • EU Competition- & US Antitrust Law

Fields of interest

  • Law & ethics
  • Synthetic Biology & Nanotechnology
  • Law & (Emerging) Technologies, including AI and quantum tech
  • EU Law
  • Medical & Health Law
  • E-Health


Past appointments


Research management

  1. Novo Nordisk Foundation's International Collaborative Bioscience Innovation & Law  (Inter-CeBIL) Programme (PI & grant recipient, 50 million DKK).
  2. CLASSICA: EU Horizon Project on AI-assisted surgery (coPI)
  3. AI@Care: Law and Ethics and Algorithmic Bias in Healthcare (Principal Investigator)
  4. KU Sustainability in Drug Development Network (grant co-recipient & steering committee member)
  5. SSHRC (Canadian Research Council) partnership grant:Global strategies to manage the global antimicrobial commons in a sustainable, acceptable, fair and effective (SAFE) manner (coPI , leader of CeBIL team)


  1. PI & grant recipient: Novo Nordisk Foundation's Collaborative Research Programme in Biomedical Innovation Law (2018-2023, grant size: ca. 5 mill EUR).
  2. The Quantum Law Project, Wallenberg (WASP-HS) Project at Lund University (coPI)
  3. Principal Investigator: Global genes, local concerns: Legal, ethical and scientific challenges in cross-national biobanking and translational exploitation,  (total grant size: ca. 3,6 mill EUR)
  4. coPI, steering committee member & WP leader: CoNEXT - Fertilizing the ground and harvesting the full potential of the new neutron and X-ray research infrastructures close to UCPH -  & steering committee member (total grant size: ca. 3,7 mill EUR)
  5. coPI, steering committeee member and WP leader: BioSYNergy - towards a Bio-Based Society (total grant: ca. 3,7 mill EUR)
  6. AdManI: Additive Manufacturing and Innovation: Technical, Economic, Legal, and Policy Related Aspects of Rising Technologies (International Research Partner)
  7. User Generated Law: Re-constructing Law in the Knowledge Society (coPI, WP leader)
  8. Co-supervisor for a PhD thesis and collaborator in an interdisciplinary research project on "Counterfeit Medicines" (in co-operation with the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences).
  9. Co-supervisor for a PhD thesis and collaborator in an interdisciplinary research project on "Regulation of Biosimilars" (in co-operation with the Copenhagen Centre for Regulatory Sciences (CORS) and the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences


Editorial tasks




  • IIC- International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law
  • Science
  • The Lancet
  • Journal of Law and the Biosciences 
  • European Pharmaceutical Law Review
  • QMJIP- Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property
  • PLOS Biology

PhD students

  • Mattias Karlsson Dinnetz, Patenting Personalised Medicine in Europe, In collaboration with Faculty of Law at KU Leuven (co-supervisor)
  • Leonard Floryan, Antimicrobial Resistance and Pull Incentives (co-supervisor)


PostDocs related to research projectsUpdate

  • Ana Nordberg (BioSYNergy)
  • Torsten Bjørn Larsen (CoNEXT)
  • Helen Yu (CoNEXT)
  • Jakob Wested (CeBIL)
  • Louise Druedahl (CeBIL & CLASSICA)
  • Christy Kollmar (CeBIL)
  • Behrang Kianzad (CeBIL)
  • Marcelo Corrales Compagnucci (CeBIL)
  • Audrey Lebret (Data+)


Timo Minssen is Professor of Law specializing in legal aspects of biomedical innovation at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH). He is the Managing Director and Founder of UCPH's new Center for Advanced Studies and the Collaborative Research Programme in Biomedical Innovation Law (CeBIL). He is also an LML Research Affiliate at the University of Cambridge, and Inter-CeBIL Research Affiliate at the Petrie-Flom Centre for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard Law School. As part-time Senior Advisor at the law firm X-officio Advokat AB, he specialises in supporting research infrastructures and their business partners in legal & governance matters.

Previously, Timo had been Professor of Biotechnology Law at UCPH's Centre for Information & Innovation Law (CIIR), Visiting Research Fellow and Guest Professor at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford (UK), Harvard Law School and at the Chicago-Kent College of Law (US), as well as Max Planck stipendiate at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition in Munich (Germany). Moreover, he was trained in the German Court system (Referendariat) and worked for shorter periods at the European Patent Office (EPO), leading law firms, tech start-ups and for an interdisciplinary epigenetics project as a fellow of the Swedish Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies.

Timo holds a German law degree (Staatsexamen) from Georg-August-University in Göttingen, as well as Swedish biotech & IPR related LL.M., LL.Lic., and LL.D. degrees from Lund University and Uppsala University. His PhD thesis delivered a comprehensive study on the patentability of biopharmaceutical technology in the US & Europe, which received the Swedish King Oscar award. He has also received the Awapatent and Jorcks Foundation research prizes and was a finalist of the Swedish Wallenberg Academy Fellows program. 

Education & Visiting Scholarships

2024TUM Global Visiting Professor, Technical University of Munich (Germany)
2016Visiting Research Fellow, University of Cambridge (UK)
2014Visiting Research Fellow, University of Oxford (UK).
2013-14Visiting Scholar, Harvard Law School (US). 
2012LL.D. - Doctor of Laws (Swedish "juris doktor"), EU/US patent law, Lund University, Sweden.
2007Visiting Scholar with course responsibility, Chicago-Kent College of Law, US.
2005-07Max Planck Stipendiate, Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property-, Competition-, and Tax Law, Munich, Germany.
2005   LL.Lic. - Licentiate of Laws, Studies in Molecular Biology & Russian, Lund University, Sweden
2003M.I.C.L. - Master of International and Comparative Law, Uppsala University, Sweden 
2002-03Ref. iur. - "Referendariat", Department of Public Prosecution & District Court, Lübeck, Germany.
2002LL.M. - Master of European Affairs & Suffolk University (US) Summer School, Lund University, Sweden.
2001Juristisches "Staatsexamen" & Dipl. Jur., University of Göttingen, Germany.


2018-Professor of Law, Director of CeBIL, UCPH, Denmark.
2016-17Professor of Biotechnology Law, UCPH, Denmark.
2013-16Assoc. Professor of IP & Innovation Law, UCPH, Denmark.
2009-13Ass. Professor in Intellectual Property Law, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark.
2009Research fellow, Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies (Epigenetics group), Lund   University, Sweden.


Adjunct lecturer in EU-, Competition-, Market- & Intellectual Property Law, Lund University & Växjö University (now Linné University), Sweden.

2007Guest-Professor and course director, Chicago-Kent College of Law, USA.


PhD stipendiate in Civil Law, Faculty of Law, Lund University, Sweden.

2002-03Rechtsreferendar, State of Schleswig Holstein, Germany.

Part-time employment, internships etc.


Senior Advisor, X-officio, Law firm


Legal counsel in the life science sector, Magle AB, Sweden.

2007 European Patent Office, Munich, Germany.
2002Counsel, camPoint AG, Wiesbaden, Germany.
2001Mannheimer Swartling, Berlin, Germany.
2000Satorius AG, Göttingen, Germany.
1999Lagerlöf & Leman (now Linklaters), Stockholm, Sweden.
1998Landahl & Wistrand (now Wistrand), Gothenburg, Sweden.
1997Müller, Loebell & Ludewig, Jever, Germany.
1996District Court (Jever) & Department for Agriculture (Göttingen), Germany.

Undervisnings- og vejledningsområder

Teaching in courses for Professionals and PhD students


  • German (native)
  • English  (full professional skills)
  • Swedish (full professional skills)
  • Danish (limited professional skills)
  • Norwegian (limited skills)
  • Russian (basic)
  • French   (most basic EU certificate)
  • Advanced Latin Proficiency Certificate ("Grosses Latinum")


  • Det Juridiske Fakultet

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