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Professor i EU-ret, PhD
Karen Blixens Plads 16, 2300 København S, 6A Bygning 6A (Afsnit 3), 6A-4-33
Karen Blixens Plads 16
2300 København S
Professor Ulla Neergaard (UN) is a leading, internationally recognized, scholar in EU Law. She serves as a Professor of EU Law at the University of Copenhagen. Internationally acclaimed for her contributions to the field, UN's journey began with her appointment as a professor at the University of Copenhagen in 2009. Initially designated as Professor of EU Market Law, she later transitioned to Professor of EU Law. Before this, she was inter alia Professor of Competition Law at the Copenhagen Business School. Also, UN was a Visiting Professor at the Law Faculty at Oxford University in 2015-16 (at St John’s College). Her academic foundation is rooted in the prestigious European University Institute in Florence, where she achieved her PhD.
UN's leadership and expertise are evident in her numerous appointments as an 'expert member' to various boards and committees. These have included the Danish Council of Competition, the Danish Energy Regulatory Authority, and the Danish Appeals Permission Board (‘Procesbevillingsnævnet’). Currently, she serves as an alternate in the board of directors of the Danish Court Administration (‘Domstolsstyrelsen’).
Her accolades include presiding over the International Federation for European Law (FIDE) from 2013-14 and orchestrating the FIDE-Congress in 2014. For over a decade, she has helmed the Danish Association for European Law. Her scholarly contributions span across leading international publishers, with involvement in expansive international research projects. This dedication has seen her work on externally funded research projects for approximately a decade, successfully amassing significant external funds.
UN's influence extends to advisory boards of esteemed journals like the “Common Market Law Review”, “Nordic Journal of European Law”, and “Europarättsligt Tidskrift”. She also contributes to the editorial board of “EU-ret & Menneskeret”. She has in different capacities been involved in over 20 PhD theses across Europe, and she remains an influential figure in senior academic appointments and research councils, notably the Swedish Research Council.
Her administrative prowess was showcased as she co-managed the PhD School at her faculty, overseeing around 15 PhD students per year. At her university, she is also an esteemed member of the Academic Council and serves as the vice-head of the Centre for European and Comparative Legal Studies (CECS).
UN's pioneering research has carved niches in areas like the interplay between EU Law and Danish law, the foundational pillars of EU Law, and EU legal theories, methods and research approaches, as well as the social dimensions of the EU and the many different dimensions of solidarity. She has also delved into contemporary challenges like digitalization, European sovereignty, colonisation, defence and the implications of Covid-19. With a repertoire of about 160 publications, the majority being international, her scholarly footprints are undeniable.
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Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport › Bidrag til bog/antologi › Forskning › peer review