Billede af Youn-Hee Lim
  • Øster Farimagsgade 5 opg. B

    1415 København K

Personlig profil

Kort præsentation

My principal area of interest is to estimate environmental effects on health using big data.

I investigate the effects of air pollution, noise, and climate on cardiovascular diseases and psychiatric disorders in the population by linking the register-based health and historical exposure data.

I am also involved in several cohort studies of children, women, and the elderly. I examine the effects of air pollution and endocrine disrupting chemicals on growth and neurocognitive development in children and cardiovascular, metabolic, and neurodegenerative diseases in women and the elderly. In addition, I am interested in the roles of the gene, DNA methylation, and microbiome on environmental health.

Mulige interessekonflikter

Jeg har ingen interessekonflikter.

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Epidemiology/Biostatistics, PhD, Seoul National University

Dimissionsdato: 29 aug. 2011

Applied Mathematics, MA, University of Colorado Boulder

Dimissionsdato: 15 maj 1998

Eksterne ansættelser

Research Associate Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea.

1 jul. 201431 jul. 2019

Research Assistant Professor, Seoul National University

1 sep. 201130 jun. 2014

Senior Research Data Analyst, Educational Testing Service

4 jun. 199814 feb. 2007


  • Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Luftforuening
  • Klima ændringer
  • Støj
  • Miljøepidemiologi
  • Sundhedsvurdering
  • Biostatistik
  • Exposome analysis
  • Cohort data analysis

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