20-year neurocognitive development following a schizophrenia spectrum disorder and associations with symptom severity and functional outcomes

Marie Starzer*, Helene Gjervig Hansen, Carsten Hjorthøj, Nikolai Albert, Kathryn E. Lewandowski, Louise Birkedal Glenthøj, Merete Nordentoft

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

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Background Cognitive deficits are a core feature of schizophrenia and are closely associated with poor functional outcomes. It remains unclear if cognitive deficits progress over time or remain stable. Determining patients at increased risk of progressive worsening might help targeted neurocognitive remediation approaches. Methods This 20-year follow-up study examined neurocognitive outcomes of 156 participants from the OPUS I trial. Neurocognition was assessed using the brief assessment of cognition in schizophrenia at the 10- and 20-year follow-up, allowing us to examine changes in neurocognition over ten years. Results We found that 30.5% of patients had a declining course of neurocognition, 49.2% had a stable course of neurocognition and 20.3% experienced improvements in neurocognition. Good cognitive functioning at the 20-year follow-up was significantly associated with higher levels of social functioning (B 6.86, CI 4.71-9.02, p < 0.001) while increasing experiential negative symptoms were significantly correlated to cognitive worsening (PC-0.231, p = 0.029). Younger age at inclusion (B: 0.23 per 10-years, CI 0.00-0.045, p = 0.047) and low level of education (below ten years) (mean difference: -0.346, CI -0.616 to -0.076, p = 0.012) predicted declining neurocognition. Conclusion Our findings support the notion of different schizophrenia subtypes with varying trajectories. Neurocognitive impairment at the 20-year follow-up was associated with other poor outcomes, highlighting the importance of treatments aimed at improving neurocognition in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders.

TidsskriftPsychological Medicine
Udgave nummer9
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
We declare no competing interests. The project was funded by unrestricted grants from the Tryg Foundation, Lundbeck Foundation and Helsefonden. The sponsors had no role in the acquisition of the data, interpretation of the results or the decision to publish the findings.

Funding Information:
The project was funded by unrestricted grants from the Tryg Foundation, Lundbeck Foundation and Helsefonden. The sponsors had no role in the acquisition of the data, interpretation of the results or the decision to publish the findings.

Publisher Copyright:
Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Cambridge University Press.
