#25 CJEU Judgments in Sanresa (C-295/20) and Klaipėdos (C-927/19) & Privilege in Academia

Marta Andhov (Indholdsproducent), Willem A. Janssen (Andet)

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In this podcast episode, Marta and Willem discuss CJEU Judgments in Sanresa (C-295/20) and Klaipėdos (C-927/19). In doing so, they pay special attention to Article 58 of Directive 2014/24/EU., the Court’s differentiation between technical specification, selection criteria and contract performance conditions, and the differentiation between economic standing and the ability to pursue professional activity within the selection criteria. For the dessert, the hosts talk about levelling the playing field in academia by acknowledging privilege.
Publikationsdato12 jan. 2023
StatusUdgivet - 12 jan. 2023
