A and ors and Norwegian Organization for Asylum Seekers (intervening) v Immigration Appeals Board, Appeal judgment, Case No HR-2012-02399-P (2012/1042), Norwegian Official Gazette (Rt) 2012, p 2039, ILDC 2537 (NO 2012), 21st December 2012, Norway; Supreme Court

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKommentarForskningpeer review


Whether the right to be heard in Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (‘CRC’) entailed a right to speak before the relevant immigration body before a decision regarding residency was taken.

Whether there was a right to a separate declaratory judgment with respect to an allegation that a right to an effective remedy in the CRC had been breached.
TitelOxford Reports on International Law [ORIL] : International Law in Domestic Courts [ILDC]
RedaktørerAndré Noellkaemper, August Reinisch
Antal sider5
ForlagOxford University Press
Publikationsdato10 apr. 2017
ArtikelnummerCase No HR-2012-02399-P (2012/1042) (Official Case No)
StatusUdgivet - 10 apr. 2017
