A vegetation map for eastern Africa: [Google Earth species distribution maps based on the VECEA map. Version 2.0.]

Jens-Peter Barnekow Lillesø, Paulo van Breugel, Lars Graudal, Roeland Kindt, Ramni Jamnadass

Publikation: AndetUdgivelser på nettet - Net-publikationFormidling


The potential natural vegetation (PNV) map of eastern and southern Africa covers the countries Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zambia. The first version of the map was developed by various partners in East Africa and Europe in 2010 and has now reached version 2.

The map is available in different formats and is accompanied by an extensive documentation of the floristic, physiognomic and other characteristics of the different vegetation types and useful woody species in the 8 countries.
It is complemented by a species selection tool, which can be used to 'find the right tree for the right place' and potential distribution maps of the useful woody species that occur in eastern Africa.

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StatusUdgivet - 2015
